My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 155 - Is It Over? - Part 3

"You're a werewolf, aren't you?"

Hearing the word "werewolf" come out of his mouth made me stop in my tracks, surprised that he was aware of our existence. Not many humans do. Given how calm he was when he said it, I suppose there was no need to hide.

"There's no such thing as a special case," he said, shrugging his shoulders as he glanced at me. "I knew of your ability. She must be your mate."

I thought he was the same as the other humans I've met—foolish. Perhaps I shouldn't have underestimated the doctor. This one doesn't seem to be as dumb as the others.

"I'm surprised you're aware of us," I folded my arms together, leaning my back against the wall behind me. I watched him as he pulled the drawer beside the bed, looking for something amid the mess that was there.

"I've been to way too many places to—" he halted, struggling to pull the jammed drawer, "—be fooled by you," he finally yanked it out just I was about to lend him a hand, unintentionally pulling the drawer off its slides and toppling it to the floor.

A series of crashing and shattering sounds thundered across the silent night, and it was enough to wake the few houses nearby. The doctor acted as if nothing happened and turned over the fallen drawer, letting the items inside fall to the ground.

There were a few syringes, band-aids, medicines, napkins, books, dolls, apples, candies, just about anything that you wouldn't expect to find together. He appeared to have just thrown anything in this drawer.

He went over them, throwing aside the things that he didn't need without the intention of tidying them up. He picked up the candy and offered it to me, which I refused, as I was a bit concerned about the cleanliness of the candy. I wouldn't want to be poisoned by both this candy and the witch's snakes.

After setting them aside, he finally found what he was looking for. It was a small transparent bottle containing a red pill, which seemed to be in much better condition than the rest of the items here. The bottle looked relatively new, compared to the band-aids and books that have revealed their true age—not to mention, the wrinkled brown apple. They looked like they had been here for years, desperate to be thrown away.

"What's that?"

"A pill I got when I went to Gordom," he let out a sigh of relief as he held the pill in his hand, probably thinking that he'd lost it. "A vampire gave me this after I helped him treat his dog, a sign of gratitude, as he said. I don't even know why he thought I would need this. Perhaps for today."

He knew about vampires too? What kind of things did he do for him to know about us? Though there are some humans who know about our existence, there are only a few of them. Most of them were the elderly, as they knew more about our history. Is he older than he looks? His hair is undeniably similar to that of an old man.

"What can that pill do?" I asked, being the first time seeing such a pill.

"Generate more blood in your system," he answered, walking towards a room that seemed to be his kitchen. Though he didn't light any lanterns, I could still see how messy his kitchen was. The sink was full of dirty dishes, and food was sprawled all over the dining table. Is this really the house of a doctor?

It was a good thing Andrew wasn't here, or he would have gone insane over how messy this house was. It's still not as bad as Maggie's, though. Hers was absolutely horrendous.

"It's called a blood pill, pretty similar to a candy for vampires. They would eat this when they needed or craved for some blood," he took out a glass, wiped it clean with a cloth, then filled it with water. "We should have done a blood transfusion for your mate, but there's no one around to offer her their blood."

"But I'm here," I offered myself, making him look at me with slanted eyes.

"Why do you think a dog's blood and a human's blood can be mixed toge—"

"A dog?" I frowned, clearly unimpressed at how he addressed me. Do I need to show him my claws? He wouldn't dare address me as such then. How offensive.

"A wolf," he corrected, smiling as he cleared his throat. "A mighty wolf's blood won't go together with that of a human. And besides, blood transfusion isn't an easy thing to do. The best option is for us to let her drink this pill."

He proceeded to crush the pill into tiny pieces, then mixed them into the water. He stirred the water with a spoon, making the clear water slowly turn red. He walked over to Violet, then used the spoon to dampen her mouth.

"Do you mind lending me a hand?" he asked, handing me a basin. It didn't look like he cared about whether or not I agreed to his request. "Go to the lake and fill this basin with water. We need to clean the blood off her."

Doesn't this sound more like he was ordering me around than asking for a request?

"What lake?" I asked, not knowing the existence of a lake on this side of Wonsvile. Wonsvile wasn't really blessed with many water resources, as there were only a couple of rivers and lakes surrounding the vast land.

This caused a few parts of Wonsvile to suffer from severe drought when summer came, and it mostly affected small villages like this one. But hearing that there was a lake around here, I suppose summer won't be too bad of a season for this village. Is it man-made?

"Go around this house, head straight for a couple of minutes, and you'll see a lake in no time," he said, then looked at me up and down, shaking his head in disapproval. "Maybe you can go and wash yourself while you're at it."

I looked down at my body, noticing how much dirt and blood were stuck to it. From a stranger's point of view, with my chest still bare and my pants torn, I do look a bit like a beggar. Except that no beggar would look as good as I do.

Though I knew I was a bit dirty, receiving that disgusted look from someone whose house looked like a dump irked me.

"Why don't you go there, and I'll stay here to take care of her?" I proposed, and he didn't even care to glance at me. He was nearly as vexing as Andrew.

"Can you help her if something were to happen while I was away?" he replied without wasting a second to think about my suggestion, continuing to damp Violet's mouth with water bit by bit.

Though I didn't want to admit it, he was right. I may be her mate, but I'm not a doctor. I wouldn't know what to do if something were to happen while he was away, given that I had close to no medical knowledge aside from using my saliva to heal. 

[Andrew, keep an eye on the house for me] I mind-linked the Beta, not wanting him to do something funny while I was away. I wouldn't even think of being ordered around by a mere human if he hadn't been a doctor and was helping Violet. 

I walked out of the house and went in the direction he told me to, holding the basin in my hand. With Violet in such a state, I couldn't possibly ask her to go to Larion to retrieve the cure for me. Should I look for some other white witches?

It's been three days since I was bitten, and things are only going to get worse from here. I glanced at my wounds from the snakes and saw that they were still there, fresh. They should have healed by now, but they haven't. This clearly indicates that something is wrong with me. The previous episodes I got from the poison were hellish.

After a few minutes of walking straight, I heard the sound of water moving. The lake was hidden behind trees and bushes, away from prying eyes. The lake reflected the bright moon above, and they met with such grace that it would bring a smile to anyone's face once they laid their eyes upon them.

The cold weather failed to cause the water to freeze, with the water dancing so freely along with the cold wintry wind and the swaying trees. The water was clear, almost transparent, and it was nearly possible to see the bottom of the lake. How can I not know about such a beautiful lake? I'm sure Violet would love to see this. 

Not wanting to spend too much time away, I quickly filled the basin in my hand with the water, immediately feeling the cold piercing through my bones upon the touch. I heed the doctor's suggestion and briskly wash my body, removing the grime and blood from it.

Whoever made this lake deserves my praise. Such a beautiful lake. It's a shame that not many are aware of its existence. Is it the moonlight? This lake had the most enchanting scenery compared to the other lakes I've seen. The water here seemed to glisten with light and sparkles. 

After a few brief moments of being enchanted by the lake, I finally tore my gaze away from it. Perhaps because all of the things I'd seen today had been too gory, ending it with a beautiful lake like this might just be what I needed.

I decided I'd given enough time to appreciate its beauty, so I walked away, carrying the basin in my hand.. Though I did notice the beauty of the lake, I failed to notice that the wounds in my body were starting to darken in color.

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