My Love Life with My Soft Girlfriend

Chapter 401: Share contract



After taking advantage of her, and even letting her take responsibility in turn, how could there be such a brazen person?

Ning Xi stared at Ye Fan faintly, gritted her teeth and said: "You, believe it or not I bit you?!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a big hand appeared on her lips in the next second, and she was stunned for an instant.

There was a smile on Ye Fan's face, "Come on, bite!"

For a moment, Ning Xiqiao's face was filled with sorrow, facing Ye Fan, she didn't have any temper at all.

"I, I... don't want to talk to you!"

Abandoning these words, Ning Xi didn't give Ye Fan a chance to react, and quickly got up and ran outside, unaware of what her parents would think if her red face were seen by her parents at this time.

But Ye Fan realized it, and quickly stopped Ning Xi at the door.

"What are you doing? I want to go out!"

"You can go out, but you have to wait a while."

Ye Fan pointed to his face, half-jokingly said: "Xiaoxi, if your uncle sees you now, he is likely to go to the kitchen to pick up a knife, so for the sake of my life, wait and go out."

"Deserve it!"

Hearing this, Ning Xi snorted softly and complained softly: "Why didn't you think about this before you bullied me, now I know I'm afraid?"

Although she said so, she turned and went back to the bed to sit down.

Ye Fan was about to follow, but was stopped by the girl's words.

"Stand at the door, don't move!"

Ye Fan's raised footsteps fell helplessly, and he leaned back against the bedroom door honestly, with a sense of being punished to stand in school.

Ning Xiyu had arms around her chest, staring at Ye Fan happily.

A few minutes later, as a knock on the door sounded, then the sound of Lan Xi came from outside the door.

"Xiao Fan, Xiao Xi; come to the living room downstairs."

Lan Xi didn't push the door to enter. After all, if she saw some embarrassing scenes, the two young people were embarrassed, she would be embarrassed too.

As someone who came by, she knew how greasy the young man who fell in love was, but she believed that Ye Fan and her daughter would definitely not do things that shouldn't be done. After a cry, she turned and walked downstairs.

The quiet atmosphere in the bedroom disappeared. Ning Xi hurriedly got up and walked to the vanity mirror. After looking in the mirror, she was relieved.

"Can you go out now?"


Ye Fan didn't care if Ning Xi wanted it or not, and took her hand to open the door and walked out of the bedroom.

Ning Xiyu's lips moved lightly, but he did not resist, letting Ye Fan pull himself downstairs.

When he came to the living room, Lanxi on the sofa waved to the two of them, "Come and sit down."

Sitting next to Lan Xi, Ning Xiangtian was holding a cup of tea and slowly tasting it. Seeing the hands of the two holding together, his brows were lightly raised, his face was not as dissatisfied as before.

There was a faint joy in Ye Fan's eyes.

One detail can explain many things.

Naturally, Ning Xi also noticed this. The corners of her eyes were slightly bent, and her small hand slid on Ye Fan's palm.

The girl's small gesture made Ye Fan's mouth raised, and she pulled the girl to sit opposite the two of them.

"Uncle, Sister Lan; what can I do with Xiaoxi?"

Lan Xi didn't say a word, and turned to look at her husband beside him.

Ning Xiangtian put down the tea cup in his hand, pushed the folder on the coffee table in front of Ye Fan, and said with a serious face: "This is the share contract that I have just drafted. You can see if you have any questions, you can discuss it."

"Share contract?"

Ye Fan was a little surprised, and asked tentatively: "Superconductivity?"


Ning Xiangtian nodded and explained: "To be honest, I never thought that you could conquer this inter-age technology before. Many procedures are more casual."

Ye Fan picked up the share contract in front of him, but did not open it for a long time.

Upon seeing this, Ning Xi was puzzled, "Brother, why don't you open it and take a look?"

Hearing this, Ye Fan smiled slightly and shook his head slightly, "There is no need for this."

As he said, he put down the share contract in his hand, raised his head to Ning Xiangtian and nodded, "Uncle, you can handle the superconducting technology, and even I don't need shares."

As soon as these words came out, Ning Xiangtian's eyes shone brightly, with a meaningful smile, "Do you know what this superconducting technology represents?"

"What does Uncle want to say?"

"The superconducting technology must be handed over to the state, and this share contract represents how much compensation you can get."

"Uncle just follow these compensations."

Ye Fan smiled calmly, his voice unchanged, "I only want the bounty offered by the Academy of Science and Technology on the academic exchange network."

Ning Xiangtian narrowed his eyes, "The mere 80 million bounty is nothing compared to these compensations. You don't know if you are clever?"

Even the pair of listeners, Lan Xi and Ning Xi, couldn't understand.

Perceiving the gazes of the three of them, Ye Fan gave an explanation calmly, "Uncle, Sister Lan; I like Xiaoxi, and Xiaoxi also likes me. That is to say, we are all a family sooner or later, so why bother to share this? clear?"

Ning Xiangtian's mouth twitched, his face froze.


Was it waiting for him here?

However, he couldn't get any anger in his heart. The superconductivity technology was handed in, and the compensation given by the above style of work would be unimaginable!

It is no exaggeration to say that his Baiyi Group can take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity.

Because of this, even if Ning Xiangtian knew this was a trap, he still had to jump down obediently.

Yangmou, the upright Yangmou!

At this moment, Ning Xiangtian branded Ye Fan a "little fox" in his heart.

"well said."

Lan Xi pursed his lips and glanced at his flushed daughter, jokingly: "Xiao Xi, Xiao Fan's sincerity is very important!"


Ning Xizhen's head was drooping, the temperature on her face remained high, and her heart was filled with sweetness.

Ning Xiangtian slowly said, "Are you short of money?"

Ye Fan can give him the full power of the superconducting technology, but he only needs the bounty on the academic exchange network. Obviously, Ye Fan is short of money.


Ye Fan nodded confession without evasiveness, and then suddenly changed his voice, "Uncle, don't you have to pay the 100 million owed to you?"


Ning Xiangtian took his teacup and took a sip. After hearing these words, he almost didn't spray it out directly.


Sure enough, in the next second, two questioning eyes fell on Ning Xiangtian.

Regarding this matter, neither Lan Xi nor Ning Xi knew anything about it.

Hearing that Ye Fan owed his father 100 million, Ning Xi stayed for a while, and soon she understood the reason, and said angrily: "Dad, what is going on? Why does my brother owe you 100 million?"

"Yes, speak clearly today."

Lan Xi followed, with a cold expression on his face, "I don't say it clearly, huh!"

Threatening meaning, desperate to explode!

Ning Xiangtian's face was bitter, and he glared in the direction where Ye Fan was in anger, cursing secretly in his heart.

Damn it...

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