My Love Life with My Soft Girlfriend

Chapter 402: Marriage room?


Ning Xiangtian rarely showed hesitation.

Lan Xi frowned, his right hand flicked, "Hurry up, how about you go to the company to sleep today?"

Ning Xiangtian blushed, and pleaded with a low eyebrow, "Wife, can't you save me some face in front of the junior?"

"Tell me face now?"

Lan Xi stared, "How many times do you want me to say, what is going on with a hundred million?"

Ning Xiangtian feels bitter!

At this moment, Ye Fan had already reacted, knowing that his unintentional words had caused a catastrophe.

After finally getting the goodwill of the future old man, he didn't want to destroy the newly established relationship because of this kind of thing.

"Sister Lan, Xiaoxi; you should have misunderstood."

Just before Ning Xiangtian was about to tell the facts, Ye Fan smiled and played round the field, and explained without blushing, "In fact, this is just a joke between my uncle and me."


The mother and daughter looked at each other, and doubts arose in their eyes.


Ye Fan was sitting in jeopardy, with a serious look: "All the equipment related to superconductivity was purchased by my uncle. The total cost was 200 million. At that time, my uncle joked to me that the money was a waste of money."

"I was a little unconvinced in my heart, so I said that if I can't overcome superconductivity, I will pay half of the cost of this equipment. Although my uncle didn't take it to heart, I always remember this incident. Young people love face and I am no exception. That’s why I said that just now."

Regarding Ye Fan's explanation, the mother and daughter were skeptical.

If it were someone else, they might still believe this explanation, but Ye Fan was too calm, and it didn't seem like he could do it.

Ye Fan vaguely gave Ning Xiangtian an apologetic look, "Uncle, I'm really sorry, I just wanted to show it to you, but I didn't expect such a misunderstanding."

As soon as he said this, he directly blamed all the faults on himself, leaving Ning Xiangtian clean.

Ning Xiangtian naturally understood Ye Fan's intentions and borrowed the donkey to go down the ramp: "It's okay. It's normal for you to be young and vigorous at your age."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at his wife and daughter aggrievedly, "Oh, even you don't believe me, it's really sad."

Hearing that, Ye Fanqiang held back his smile, and couldn't help giving Ning Xiangtian a thumbs up in his heart.

Acting is okay!

Lan Xi sneered and blinked at her daughter, "Xiaoxi, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

Ning Xi shook her head very simply, and said clearly: "I know my brother, he has always been measured in everything he does. What kind of face, youthful and vigorous words, it is impossible to appear on him."

Speaking of this, her starry eyes kept flashing, with a bit of wisdom, and said with certainty: "The two of them must be lying!"

Ye Fan: "..."

Ning Xiangtian: "..."


Ning Xiaomos... is online!


Lan Xi leaned forward and backward with a smile, and her daughter's analysis made her clapped and exclaimed, but she didn't worry about it anymore.

After all, you have to step down the steps for your husband.

"Xiao Fan, if you are short of money, just ask Sister Lan for it. What are you doing?"

"Sister Lan's kindness, I appreciate it."

Ye Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Compared to getting something for nothing, I prefer self-reliance."

Seeing that his wife no longer asked about the money she owed, Ning Xiangtian raised her hand and wiped her sweat, feeling deeply moved.

The wife is not easy to deal with, and the daughter is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

too difficult!

Lan Xi nodded in relief and curiously said, "Xiao Fan, can you tell me what you want to do? I feel that the money you need is not a small amount."

"I know this."

Ning Xi raised her hand weakly and blinked, "Brother, can you tell me?"

"Of course." Ye Fan smiled low.

Getting permission, Ning Xi's face rose with a sweet smile, "Brother really needs a lot of money, because he wants to buy a house in the imperial capital."

"buy house?"

Whether it is Lanxi or Ning Xiangtian; his expression is full of surprises.

They thought about many possibilities, but they didn't have the option of buying a house.

Why would an eighteen-year-old boy want to buy a house?

Could it be...

The two thought of being together, and glanced at each other with intent.


Lan Xi had weird eyes and said softly: "Xiao Fan, in fact, you don't need to worry so much. After and Xiaoxi have just started dating and there is still a long way to go before getting married. Buy room, isn't it too early? A little bit?"

"Marriage room?!"

Now, it was Ye Fan and Ning Xi's turn to be surprised!


Why did you think of the wedding room?

As soon as Ye Fan was about to explain, Ning Xi took the lead, and explained in a hurry with his red face, "Where did you think of going? What... the wedding room, it's not like this at all."

"Brother is going to buy the house he rented before!"

"Oh, I see."

Lan Xi suddenly realized, and then, more doubts surged in his heart.

She went to the house that Ye Fan rented before, how do you say...

Very small!

Of course, living alone is completely OK, but if it is used as a wedding room, it would be too small!

Unknowingly, Lan Xi brought Ye Fan's house purchase to the wedding house again.

"Xiao Fan, is the house a bit smaller? And the layout design is not too reasonable. In fact, there are many good houses in the Imperial City. If you want to buy a house, ask your uncle to help you inquire about it. It is absolutely cheap!"

Ye Fan instantly heard the overtones in Lanxi's dialect, and smiled and asked, "Sister Lan, do you know why I bought the rented house?"

Lan Xi shook his head.

Even Ning Xiangtian cast a curious look.

Ye Fan pursed her lips, "Xiaoxi painted two cherry blossom trees on the wall of that house. These two cherry blossom trees were specially painted by Xiaoxi for me, so... well, that's it."

Needless to say, for this reason, he didn't hide it.

Ning Xi bends her eyes, Li Wu climbs up her face, layers of honey in her heart spread.


Lan Xi and Ning stared at the sky, their expressions are extremely wonderful.

what is that?

Just because there are two cherry blossom trees painted on the wall, the house is about to be bought. This operation is really impossible for two people.

It's too ridiculous!

"For this reason?"

"Is this reason not enough?"


Lanxi was speechless.

Although the house that Ye Fan rented was not big, it was an imperial capital, so I had to go up a million no matter what, it turned out to be just for the two cherry blossom trees on the wall?

In this regard, she can only say that it is too... wasteful!

However, it is also really romantic!

Thinking of this, Lan Xi couldn't help but look at her husband faintly, complaining: "Learning with Xiaofan, I want this kind of romance too!"

Ning Xiangtian's mouth twitched slightly and asked in a low voice, "My wife, first you have to learn to paint."

Lanxi: "..."

[The author has something to say]

There are still two chapters late, at least one chapter can be released before two o'clock

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