
  Chapter 477 At that time she was seventy-six years old    In the coffee shop in Bunkyo district, Natsume Kaede One hand is slowly stirring the coffee, while the other hand is watching quietly with a book.

Sitting near the window, he slightly raised his Erlang's legs, his expression sometimes curled his eyebrows and sometimes soothing, his calm eyes looked like a deep pool, and the hair that he didn't often care about was a little messy.

This time it is really like a medieval poet coming out of a picture scroll.

Before it was just alike in shape, this time it is alike in shape and spirit.

Even if the mobile phone placed next to the coffee cup vibrates slightly, Natsume Kaede’s usual keen perception is not noticed this time, and his eyes are fixed between the lines of the book in his hand. It seems that there is something mysterious in it. The magic is attracting him.

Irimoto Tomoko is the waiter of this coffee shop.

Since it is almost lunch time, there are not many customers in the store.

She tied the dinner plate to her abdomen, stood on the side of the aisle and waited quietly against the wooden fence, remembering the recent hesitation of worrying in the heart, but she was in a trance in front of her. Began to drift away.

The twenty-six-year-old did not go to college, but she did not want to follow the arrangement of the family and became a full-time wife after marrying at will, so she did not care about everything. Ran away from home and came to Tokyo, a city full of opportunities and darkness.

When she first set foot on this land, she was full of enthusiasm. She was not lightly fed by the poisonous chicken soup on the Internet. She always thought that even if she could not be a great character on TV, she would definitely have her own. Career-even if you are a woman.

But in just one year, she hit her head and broke her blood.

The pride of the heart is frozen and cracked by the cold wind under the overpass, and even the cheapest capsule hotel can’t afford to stay for a night.

It was the first time that she realized the importance of academic qualifications, and at the same time she began to regret why she didn't study well.

If I came to this city as a college student from a good university, even if I wouldn’t become a great character in the future, at least I wouldn’t be unable to survive because I couldn’t find a job.

Those five to nine social animals have become her extravagant hopes.

Not everyone is qualified to be a social animal and is exploited intentionally and ruthlessly by capitalists.

After all, Tomoko Irmoto is still no match for a deflated wallet and a stomach bag burned by gastric juice.

Reality taught her that she should not be low-expert, but must be able to live first.

She has worked as a cashier at a convenience store, a salesperson for a Shibuya flyer, a telemarketer, and even a recycler at a garbage station.

I came to this coffee shop after a few years and signed a contract to become a formal waiter. Although it’s not nice to say it’s also a waiter, the benefits are much better than convenience stores. , After all, this coffee shop has a lot of water.

In addition, Boss is a very interesting person, and he doesn't care too much about making money. Their salaries are higher than similar jobs.

Salary treatment can barely be regarded as a white-collar worker.

Irimoto Tomoko has nothing to complain about, and even feels a little lucky.

Because of the real face of the city of Tokyo, after years of experience, she is very confident that she can overturn her previous expectations-perhaps it is long gone.

She also rented a house in Adachi District, where the government has promoted good security for a long time. There will be screams around Sancha Wu midnight. She herself has even been robbed, but she has never encountered it. What's dangerous.

It may be that she is not beautiful enough.

So I just took away the salary I just paid.

Anyway, when I ran away, no matter how I called in the street, no one came to help me. Even if someone saw him being chased, he quickly avoided it. Not in time.

The indifference of this favor is not only reflected in this aspect.

Irimoto Tomoko does not have a high degree of education, and has been working in the service industry ever since he came to Tokyo. There are so many people who have seen all kinds of.

She can barely say she has seen all the different things in life, but in this city, she feels that all customers have a common characteristic-indifference.

People who don’t know me are always indifferent, and at most they are treated only in terms of mutual benefit and consumption relationship. I rarely see empathy with digressions or equal treatment.

Only a few old people and children still have this kind of empathy.

Although Irimoto Tomoko felt disappointed, but he didn't think it was wrong.

After all, the other party and you do not seem to be obliged to help for no reason, and usually only have a relationship between consumer interests for you, and it seems normal that you do not intend to say a word with you.

It's just that it lacks the human touch of the country's hometown.

During this period of time, Tomoko has been hesitating about one thing, and that is whether to return to his hometown to live.

The pressure and indifference of the city of Tokyo really make her uncomfortable, but it took so many years to stand firm here, and she would be reluctant to say it back.

She recently settled an account.

Tokyo is divided into twenty-three districts, twenty-six cities, five towns, and eight villages.

The housing prices in the 23rd district are the most expensive, and the five towns and eight villages are the most remote and cheapest.

If the five towns and eight villages that are too far away are not counted, she probably bought a house in Tama City or Tachikawa City.

Calculated on the basis of a minimum of 40 square meters, if you buy a house with your salary unless you have a mortgage, you can pay it off in about 49 years.

That is fifty years.

She was seventy-six years old at that time.

Irimoto Tomoko felt that it was not certain whether he could live to be 76 years old. After all, he didn't know the day when he died unexpectedly, and instantly felt that the probability of this matter was not great.

But if you don’t buy a house, you still don’t have the taste of home. If you rent a house, you must relocate once every two or three years at most. This kind of city still cannot bring her a sense of belonging.

As for finding a husband to rely on a man and so on--

Her appearance is not enough to be able to sugar daddy, and whether it is education or family conditions, Tokyo is average Men look down on it, it's such a reality.

Sometimes in this city, looking at the face is worse than looking at the hard conditions-unless the face is too beautiful.

This kind of life is really unsatisfactory.

Irimoto thinks that if he goes back to his hometown, he must be better than what he has done now.

It's just that I still don't want to be here anyway, there is always a hint of impossible hope in my heart.

Maybe you can make a call with father? But   he will definitely laugh at his own overestimate one's capabilities, right    "Enter this Young Lady?"

While Tomoko Irimoto was still in self-doubt, a familiar sound rang in his ears Male voice.

It's just that she didn't hear too clearly, or she was distracted so much, and didn't care to hear clearly, the male voice called out again.

"Enter this Young Lady?"

This time Irimoto Tomoko standing in the middle of the corridor was stunned, and finally recovered, and at the same time his mind trembled and moved towards calling Looking at the source of music, he saw a young man looking at him with a smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Irimoto Tomoko quickly trot over after seeing the person who was speaking, bowing and apologizing: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Natsume, just now. I'm distracted, may I ask what you need?"

Natsume Kaede didn't mind what happened just now, just smiled and pointed to his cup, and said softly, "It's okay, you can fill me up with coffee. Is it?"

Irimoto Tomoko was busy nodded, seeing that he was not angry, he couldn't help but relax, and at the same time he quickly replied: "Okay, please wait a moment."

感谢新乐王府大佬的百赏            (本章完)

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