My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1200 The Horrible Enemy

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

To be honest, after all, Chen Fan didn't compete for the ultimate position of the flame for himself. Although he promised to help Yang Yan with all his strength, he didn't need to fight the King of Fire Demon at all. In one thought...

As a matter of fact, Chen Fan was not sure how terrifying the Flame Demon King's cards were. Although Chen Fan did not use all his strength at this time, he did not dare to say that he would definitely be able to deal with the Fire Demon King with unknown cards. .

In fact, if the Flame Demon King is let go, he can return to Yang Yan as soon as possible and continue to help Yang Yan!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, and temporarily put away the Absolute Sword in his hand:

"what can you give me?"

The Fire Demon King was very anxious: "As long as I have, I will give you what I can give you. You let me go there first!"

Chen Fan pondered for a moment, and said: "Then you swear by the way of heaven, promise to do one thing for me in the future, and I will let you go!"

There is no lack of fairy artifacts and foreign objects in Chen Fan's hands. After thinking about it, the most precious thing in the Flame Demon King is this existence!

The Fire Demon King nodded immediately: "Okay, okay, I promise you!"

The Fire Demon King is really in a hurry.

Chen Fan laughed, but immediately made an oath with the Fire Demon King, and then he drew his sword and stood up, turned his head and rushed into the flames, and the Fire Demon King also left very anxiously!

The strength of the Flame Demon King is what Chen Fan has seen in his life. The most powerful Demon God King is more precious than any treasure when the other party agrees to do one thing.

While rushing forward, Chen Fan suddenly felt a roar in the distance.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and rushed forward.

But he suddenly felt a surge of force not far away!

This evil force is certainly terrifying, but it is only at the level of ordinary demon kings and immortals, and it should not be erupted by the sun god king.

"Is the master who competed for the ultimate source dead?!" Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

"Could it be Yang Yan and the Blue Demon God?"

Chen Fan's expression was subtle. Although he didn't feel that an accident happened after the two of them left him for such a short time, he was unavoidably worried.

The golden wings spread out behind him, but turned into a stream of light and rushed forward, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the place where the evil force broke out.


Among the ruins of the empty temple.

The man in red with long blue hair was burning with red flames all over his body, and he held tightly the Spiral Sword emitting a blazing light in his hand.

But in front of him, Chi Yan raised his head and half knelt on the ground, but his chest was pierced by the spiral sword of the man in red.

Blood spurted from Chi Yan's mouth, his face was full of despair.

But not far from Chiyan, there was a headless man's corpse lying on the ground, and the terrifying force of the explosion came from that man.

Judging from the situation in front of him, that man should be an immortal expert invited by Chi Yan, but the two teamed up, but they were no match for the man in red at all!

Following Chen Fan's arrival, the man in red pulled out the spiral sword in his hand, Chi Yan threw himself on the ground, and a restless force erupted from his body!

The man in red stared straight at Chen Fan: "Here comes another..."

The Star God Seal trembled crazily, but he felt extreme danger from this man. It was the Flame Demon King, and he had never brought it to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

The man's body was filled with fiery light, obviously he was also a master of the Dao of Fire, and judging from his physical characteristics, he should be a human race!

However, there are very few immortals on the Flame Dao. Before Chen Fan, he had never heard of such a powerful Flame Dao Immortal.

In the information of Yang Yan and others, there is no such person!

And although this person is a human race, he is merciless in his attacks, but he is a little bit ruthless.

Chen Fan also suddenly thought of Lie Ao who died early, maybe it was this person who did it...

The man snorted, grabbed the spiral sword in his hand, stared straight at Chen Fan, then suddenly raised the tall spiral sword in his hand and slashed at Chen Fan.

As the man's spiral sword fell, thousands of flames rushed to him along with the edge of the sword in his hand.

An indescribably terrifying flame came towards Chen Fan.

Chen Fan also suddenly felt his hairs stand on end, and a feeling of extreme danger rose in his heart.

The star god seal in his sea of ​​consciousness also trembled more violently.

Even though he was wearing a defensive fairy, he still had a feeling of extreme danger.

This is the feeling that even the Flame Demon King who activated the ultimate power failed to give Chen Fan...

Chen Fan was decisive, urging the Haotian Mirror's four-mirror-in-one Thick Earth Mirror power, and then he tightly grasped the Absolute Sword in his hand, blood burst out from his whole body, and he slashed out with the sword!

Triple star!

The Twelfth Form of Reverse Sword Art!

The magnificent sword light collided with the flaming sword energy slashed by the green-haired man.

In the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, restless shocks surged in all directions.

After Chen Fan's sword light passed, the area where the two fought, the torrential flames were swept away, and the blazing Sun God Court was also directly swept away to create a void!

"it turns out……"

The impact slowly dissipated.

Chen Fan raised his bloody palm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

If it weren't for the protection of the thick soil mirror, his injury would not have been so light.

But in front of him, a terrifying deep pit appeared on the ground.

The surrounding buildings have been completely destroyed.

In the deep pit, the green-haired man who had lost his legs and hands was floating in it, looking at Chen Fan in astonishment and surprise: "Your strength..."

At this moment, the spiral sword in the man's hand fell to the ground, and the flesh and blood on his body kept wriggling and recovering, but the breath disappeared a lot.

The green-haired man was amazed, and Chen Fan was even more amazed!

At this moment, he has almost used all his strength, and he is still under the state of "ultimate power".

Although the ultimate power that is mobilized is the ultimate power of the Dao of Earth given to him by the Blue Demon God, and it is not as improved as the ultimate power given to him by Lorraine, but he can at least exert the ultimate power of the sword. 80% of the power under it!

And although the green-haired man's move was terrifying, it obviously didn't activate the "ultimate power".

If you don't use the ultimate power, Chen Fan's move may not be as good as others...

"How can there be such a terrifying guy..."

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and his expression was extremely strange.

Although in the Sun God Court, as an immortal who understands the Flame Dao, his strength will be blessed, but even if he is blessed, this strength is too terrifying...

There are only a few immortals and demon kings on the Flame Avenue, how could such a powerful existence suddenly appear?

"The power of the abyss... and the blood of Nishen, are you a descendant of Zishang?!" The green-haired man's face was full of subtlety.

Chen Fan also frowned slightly.

It seems that the man is not surprised by his own strength, but because he knows how to manipulate the power of Tianyuan.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but shook his head, without answering, and raised his sword forward again!

It's just that his movements froze suddenly at the next moment, because a bean-like white spar floated out in front of the man, exuding a suffocating aura.

The man stared straight at Chen Fan, his eyes also full of fear: "Since you know what this thing is, then you should understand that if I use this thing, you may not be my opponent..."

"You haven't comprehended the Dao of Flame, and you have no chance to compete for the ultimate source... I don't want to waste this thing on you, and I don't think you really want to fight me to the death?"

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