My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1201: The Remains of the God King!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched to restrain the blood on his body.

The biggest purpose of his trip is to help Yang Yan become the Demon God King as much as possible. Naturally, there is no need to risk his own life for other people's affairs.

Although Chen Fan has not really used all his strength at this time, he is also unwilling to provoke such a terrifying enemy.

On the other side, seeing Chen Fan stop, the green-haired man heaved a sigh of relief, his body was filled with aura, and his missing hands and feet quickly recovered.

As soon as he raised his hand, the spiral sword lying on the ground also floated up automatically and flew into his hand.

Then he took a deep look at Chen Fan, turned his head and walked away, rushing into the twisted space full of flames in the blink of an eye!

Chen Fan shook his head subtly, then turned his head to look at the corpses of Immortal Chiyan and the headless immortal.

Although Chen Fan didn't have a good impression of the Chiyan Immortal, but he was also an Immortal of the Human Race, and it was a pity to see him fall like this.

There are countless immortals and demon kings in the world, and every one who dies will be one less...

"The green-haired man is obviously also a human race. Chi Yan's strength may not be able to compete with him at all. Why does he have to kill people? It shouldn't be difficult to defeat the two, and let them leave with the oath of heaven, right? "

Of course, Chen Fan didn't know the specific situation after all, it might be that Chi Yan and the two of them wanted to kill the man first, so they both deserved their death.

It's just that when the green-haired man saw him, he did it without a few words, so I'm afraid he wasn't a kind person.

But in terms of its strength, it is still a human race, but it has an advantage over any other master who understands the Dao of Flames...

Chen Fan shook his head, without thinking too much, put away the bodies of the two, but turned his head and chose a random direction to go.

He tried to contact the two Blue Demon Gods, but unfortunately, in this chaotic space, any contact method was useless, and Chen Fan could only wander around aimlessly.


at the same time.

The man in red with long blue hair suddenly stopped and looked in front of him.

Between the turbulence of the surging flames.

A huge monster with terrifying heat all over its body collided with him head-on.

"The Flame Demon King..." The man held the spiral sword in his hand, his face was full of ferocity and surprise.

When the Flame Demon King saw this human immortal, his whole body burst into flames.

The two hot-tempered Flaming Dao masters fought together without saying a word!


Inside the space-distorted flame temple.

Chen Fan didn't meet any other immortal demon kings for a long time.

Suddenly, Chen Fan's galloping steps froze, and he looked up at the sky.

In the distance, there was a sudden terrifying roar that resounded through the world, and then accompanied by the magnificent terrifying impact, a palpitating violent fire surged!

Chen Fan turned his head to look at the place where the terrifying force erupted.

Such a terrifying eruption of power can only be erupted by the truly ultimate existence.

Nine out of ten of this evil force comes from the Sun God King himself.

"That place doesn't seem far from my place..."

Although I don't know why the evil power of the Sun God King has just erupted until now, but the place where the Sun God King is located is where his "ultimate source" is, which is absolutely good!

Chen Fan also stopped hesitating immediately, and galloped towards the location where the force broke out!


The vast temple.

On the huge black iron throne, sitting upright is a giant with wings back and wearing golden armor.

At this moment, the giant's body was filled with flames and black energy.

Outside the temple, a crimson, half-bird, half-human monster stood in front of the half-opened gate, staring excitedly at the giant inside the temple!

"Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, I, Huo Rong, was the first to find the body of the Sun God King. The flame is mine in the end!"

But behind this half-bird, half-human monster, there are two strangely shaped demon kings, each bigger than the other.

If Chen Fan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize one of the Demon God Kings as the giant Demon God from the Demon Prison!

At this moment, the two demon god kings also showed surprise on their faces.

Huo Rong turned his head to look at the Demon God of Giant Power and the Demon God of Waves next to him:

"The temple has been opened, and the power of the Sun God King can no longer be concealed. Others should come over soon. Two big brothers, I will trouble you two to guard the gate for me. I will try to absorb the source of the Sun God King. Becoming the ultimate depends on whether the Heavenly Dao approves it..."

The two demon god kings nodded with serious expressions.

To achieve the ultimate of "Fire", it also needs to be recognized by the Dao of Heaven, otherwise, even if you can obtain the "personality" of the Sun God King, you may not be able to achieve the ultimate.

It's just that there are only a few flame ultimates in the world. In order to make up for the ultimate position of the "fire" avenue as soon as possible, Tiandao gives priority to those who obtain the "origin" of the Sun God King, and naturally they can give priority to achieving the ultimate!

Of course, whether it will be successful or not, no one dares to guarantee it!

If the way of heaven does not allow you to succeed, you do not have that fate, even if you get the ultimate source of "fire", you may not be able to succeed.

Huo Rong immediately stepped into the temple.

Just as he stepped forward, he also further endured the terrifying force and pressure from the Sun God King.

His expression was also extremely dignified, and he walked slowly towards the God King step by step.

The evil power of ordinary demon kings and immortals can be completely ignored with divine power, but the evil power of the sun god king is much more exaggerated!

Therefore, Huomelt's forward speed is also extremely slow...

And at this moment, accompanied by a whistling aura.

But finally someone arrived, and these two were the Blue Demon God and Yang Yan!

"It's the Demon God Kings of the Demon Prison!" Yang Yan's face changed suddenly, and he turned to look at the Demon God of Blue: "Master Lan, please..."

Yang Yan's own strength is not enough, but the only way is to let the blue demon god take action.

The blue demon god rushed forward immediately, and it was a big battle with the two demon kings of the devil prison.

The Blue Demon God is powerful, but at most he can only defeat one of the two major Demon God Kings, how can he stop the second one.

Needless to say, Yang Yan, even if he had the advantage of the location, he would not be able to participate in a battle of this level...

The Blue Demon God quickly mobilized the "Ultimate Power" and his hole cards.

It's just that the two demon god kings were naturally prepared for their arrival, but they also activated their "ultimate power".

In fact, although the ultimate master can't do it himself, there will inevitably be supporters, who will naturally send the "ultimate power".

The ultimate power used by the Blue Demon God is the ultimate power of the Dao of Earth. If it has enough defense but not enough attack, how can it be the opponent of the two.

But it was overwhelmingly at a disadvantage.

"No!" The Blue Demon God's blood was splashed all over his body, and his momentum was mottled. "Yang Yan, I am not the opponent of these two. Let's retreat quickly and wait to gather with Chen Fan to compete..."

As the Blue Demon God said, he didn't give Yang Yan a chance to think about it at all, but his body suddenly turned into a large piece of blue light and then enveloped Yang Yan. Yang Yan was also assimilated into blue light, and then fled away in the distance!


Both the Juli Demon God and the Wave Demon God are frenzied with energy and blood, and their strength is more terrifying than the other, but they are constantly impacting the blue light that fills the sky.

The blue light blinked mottled.

It's just that the two demon god kings never wanted to kill the enemy, but to help Huo Rong guard the gate. Therefore, the two did not go after the blue demon god, otherwise it would be really possible to solve the two!

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