My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 106


Tomorrow will be September 1st, which is the opening day of many students, and also the day when the book "My Marvel Superman Girlfriend" will be released.

Thank you for your support since the beginning of the new book period. When the 100,000 words were written, the results were average.

It is expected that after 3/12/2022 tonight, two chapters will be published immediately for everyone to try, and will continue to be updated during the day (the reward will be offered in early September, and it will be updated twice a day Under the premise of the guarantee, one update is added for every thousand songs, one update is added for each starting Branch Lord, and one update is added for every one hundred monthly tickets).

It can be said that the real starting point of a book is after it is put on the shelves. Subscription or not is directly related to the author's income. Only with financial security can the author ensure the volume and quality of the book.

Of course I implore qualified book lovers to continue to subscribe to support this book. It is very important to subscribe for the first time. If you are too late to subscribe tomorrow, you can turn on the automatic subscription function of this book in advance.

Genuine support for this book can bubble up to speak and watch pictures of characters. In the future, a full-order VIP book group will be opened for discussion, unmodified sections, etc., and you are welcome to chat with the author at that time. This book and Marvel DC.

It is useless to talk too much.

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