My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 107

February 1, 2012, 3/12/2022 10:00 Exactly.

Just over a month after the death of Da Chao, spring is coming, and everything is beginning to recover.

Some trees and grasses outside the campus have sprung new green shoots one after another, like the rebirth of shedding body and exchanging bones.

Xi Nian is in the classroom, listening to Instructor Rotter explaining the summary of the previous week, while Deputy Instructor Felicia Hardy has integrated into the class, sitting quietly on the last chair in the classroom Take notes.

Just now.

Xi Nian was shocked, and quickly hid his left hand from the table to under the table.

He opened his eyes wide in surprise, but a little bit of dazzling golden rays of light overflowed from the left wrist covered by the long sleeves!

divine tool The guardian silver bracelet is making an emergency call on its own!

This is-

Auntie is in danger!

Xi Nian's heart throbbed violently, and his spirit was so tense that he immediately stood up from the table!

"Ah?!""What's wrong?"

Faced with this sudden scene, all the students in the classroom were stunned, and cast their surprises at Xi Nian. look.

"Xi Nian, do you have any questions?" Instructor Rotter on the stage asked curiously.

In the back seat of the last row of the classroom.

Felicia's beautiful eyes also showed doubts, she naturally knew the black-haired boy of Chinese, whose name was "Xi Nian·Prince".

Remember that Instructor Roth spoke highly of him, but in the last week or two, she just thought that he was an ordinary student who studied hard, had no obvious specialties, and was a squatter.

Xi Nian didn't speak, but took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

"Xi Nian, are you alright?" Gwen, who was the monitor, also forgot the rules at this time, and got up from his seat worriedly and walked over.

"Follow me!"

Xi Nian didn't hesitate, grabbed Gwen's wrist and quickly pulled her to the outside of the classroom!

In the classroom, the two instructors and the rest of the classmates stared blankly at their backs and disappeared at the door of the classroom.

At the corner of the stairs in an unmonitored classroom.

Xi Nian pulled Gwen here quickly, his hand was directly on the wall, moved towards Gwen, who was unknown in front of him, and said, "Gwen, do you believe me?"

Xi Nian pulled Gwen here quickly. p>

"Does it even need to be said?" Qingmei Gwen's eyes were like sapphire sapphires, the eyes were clear and firm, and the pupils reflected the face of the black-haired teenager.

"Then lend me your power. Afterwards, you can make up whatever you need!" Xi Nian said quickly.

The words just fell.

Xi Nian opened his eyes suddenly, but it was Gwen who embraced his body, and something cool and soft fell directly on his lips.


Xi Nian instinctively seeks the medium in depth, accompanied by a numbness like an electric shock from the tip of the tongue, and the genes with strong adaptability, in this brief moment, it is also like seeking evolution eagerly!

Xi Nian's long-sleeved shirt was propped up by tenacious abdominal muscles, showing a streamlined perfect muscle arc, a super-sensitive sense radiating out to five meters away.

Spider mode, do it!

Xi Nian let go of Gwen, blushing and steam rising from her head.

Obviously, this time outside the stairway of the school during the day, it was more exciting than the last time under the laboratory table!

Gwen opened his mouth slightly.

As if she knew what she was going to say next, Xi Nian quickly said, "Help me deal with the school here. Then, wait for me here!"

Grid Wen hesitated, seeing Xi Nian's unprecedented resolute attitude, and in the end he could only be nodded.

She looked at Xi Nian, clenching one's teeth and said: "You better come back safe and sound, you still owe me a lot of compensation!"

"Then Of course." Xi Nian nodded, then jumped directly over the handrail of the stairs, moved towards the first floor with a ten-meter height difference.

Xi Nian knows very well that it is definitely not something Gwen can handle to make Aunt Diana face a great threat.

Of course, one more extraordinary helper will naturally increase the odds of winning in an unknown battle.

But Xi Nian's selfishness made him not want Gwen to get involved.

At this moment.

Xi Nian suddenly clear comprehension, if it is Aunt Diana, she may be unwilling to draw his final trump card even if the battle is bloody to the end.

Because in Diana's view, he is not a so-called killing move, but a family member who wants to desperately protect.

Leaving school.

Xi Nian got into a dark and deserted alley and covered half of his face with a wrapping scarf.

His wrist waved and shot a white spider web, his body immediately jumped high, and flew over the city area where he was located.

Not immediately rushing in the direction of the strong echo of the dive tool.

Xi Nian knew that the spider physique alone was not enough.

At least Symbiote Venom and Flerken's abilities are added, so he is now heading back home at full speed.

It's just that Xi Nian is also clear in his heart.

Symbiote Venom and Flerken Xiaohuang's abilities are superimposed, and in the case of three-in-one, he has half footed into the out of control field.

Now, with the predator ability that already holds the spider mutation, and then superimpose the evil and extreme three-in-one, let's not talk about whether the cluttered ability can be controlled, I am afraid it will be just in terms of temperament. Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes!

But Xi Nian had no choice.

After all, how can I find someone who is stronger than Auntie's ability and will not affect the basic temperament.

Polaris Boss Lorna is one.

However, not to mention that Xi Nian has no contact information for the other party. Even if there were, it would be too late for the other party to rush over from New York!

The strong wind blew in the face, and the streets on both sides quickly retreated.

Xi Nian was anxiously thinking about countermeasures in his heart. Just as he was flying over a tall building, he raised his left wrist forward again, but this time he missed the spider web by mistake, causing his body to fall naturally. fell down!

"At this critical moment, don't drop the chain." Xi Nian seemed to be telling himself, he closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them again, becoming much calmer and calmer.

"Come again."

Just as Xi Nian was about to raise his wrist again and shoot the spider web towards the tall buildings in front of him, a silhouette was faster than a meteor, straight from the sky Falling catch up with Xi Nian!

Too fast——

Xi Nian's pupils contracted violently, the spider senses barely sensed it, but the body still didn't have time to respond.

Pop Tower!

The existence of extremely fast flight hugged Xi Nian's body, then raised the red cloak again and flew up, slowing down and landing on the rooftop of the next high-rise building to put him down.

Xi Nian looked down the floating red cloak and recognized the identity of the person in front of him at a glance.

But because of this, he felt a little unbelievable.

"Xi Nian Senior, are you alright?" Cara Danvers blinked, turned her body a little, and said with a slight smile at him: "I said so, I'll let you see What I really look like."

"Now, it's the true attitude of my family!"

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