My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 176

It is dusk, the critical point between afternoon and night.

parallel world.

New York, Queens, Center Street.

Above the large church building with a height of several hundred meters, the top spires of the church clocks on all sides, there is no space for people to stand on, and pigeons fly by with their wings from time to time.

The tall being in the red and blue tight-fitting spider battlesuit is standing here, his feet and back seem to be firmly stuck to the wall behind him, leaning against the church tower building. On the outer wall at the highest point, the spider pattern on the chest shines brightly when bathed in the afterglow of the sunset, and the two black lenses at the eyes of the spider's hood reflect the big city below.

His name is "Peter Parker", Spider-Man.

Also the only superhero in this world!

Since his adoptive father was shot and killed by a robber who he let escape, Spider-Man has been adhering to the life philosophy of "with great power comes great responsibility", and has been fighting criminals and evil in the city as a superhero until today. Ten years have passed!

His special and extraordinary existence as Spider-Man has been questioned and abused by the society at first, and now he is loved and affirmed by the general public. Now fashion magazines and streets are full of his cover posters.

He is the No.1 in popularity in this world, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is the king of the world!

"Today, it looks like a peaceful day!"

Spider-Man smacked his mouth, he whistled softly, looked at the bustling city below, touched Touching his chin, he pondered: "It's better to go back to dinner early, otherwise MJ should scold him again..."

Spider-Man shrugged, raising his hand and preparing to launch spider web to return home.

But at this time.

From the highway not far from the city street below, there was a rapid and loud siren!

The police are out!

"Oh yeah, it looks like it's coming to life!"

Watching several police cars on the road below Blink driving at high speed with dazzling police lights, Spider-Man's eye lenses are slightly blurred Liang, the muscles under his spider-tight battlesuit couldn't help but bulge, and the sturdy body that seemed to be lazy seemed to be rejuvenated!

If you go home early, you will naturally go to bed early to pay for public food...

In that case, your body will be overwhelmed!

Rather than going back so early, Spider-Man would rather go to a hearty battle with Supervillain and come home later.

As the saying goes, heroes have nowhere to go!

The sun hasn’t set yet.

The New York City district has been lit up with neon lights, and the streets are as bright as day, like a city that never sleeps!

Queens, a bustling and lively pedestrian street.

A large jewelry store in a prime street location.

Even at night, there are still very few passengers here, but most of them are wealthy people who drive luxury cars and wear expensive brand names. The salesgirls are also fair-skinned and beautiful. Look at the front and back. The guests who came in immediately greeted them with a smile, often forming a scene where there were several times more clerks than customers.

At this time.


Several salesgirls saw the front entrance and walked into a silhouette, they instinctively raised their eyes and smiled and shouted, but they all stopped quickly.

See you.

The other party was wearing a formal white shirt and trousers, with a plastic mask around Spider-Man on his face. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, judging from his body shape, he was obviously a young man. teenage students.

The masked boy also held a common fruit knife in his hand. He glanced at the store through the eyes of the hole in the mask, coughed lightly and then said in a deep voice: "Robbery!"

When the words fell, the shop was quiet!

The clerks and customers in the jewelry store were stunned for a moment, looking at the spider-masked boy standing at the door, the luxurious store continued to be silent for a few seconds, and then a burst of laughter broke out.

"Hey! Boy, let's go home and drink milk!"

"Hahaha, at least get a gun!"

"Appeared, this year's best Funny robbery!"

The clerk was also laughing and leaning forward and backward, and her mouth couldn't close: "Elder sister has milk, do you want to eat it?"

" Don't make fun of people, don't you see that others are embarrassing?"

"Although I am young, my figure is really good, I like the type..."

"You are Burn the goods!"


Faced with a big laughter and critics, the spider-masked boy took a deep breath, he simply threw the fruit knife directly on the ground, He lifted his right foot slightly and then stomped heavily on the ground!


The floor laid in the lobby of the jewelry store cracked open with the sound, bursting with vertical and horizontal cracks like spider webs, and countless tile fragments within one meter were splashed and thrown upward, and the explosion of several tons of force made the entire store slightly shock!

On the field.

Everyone's expressions froze, and they couldn't laugh.

"Excuse me, can I rob now?" The masked boy asked seriously.

wu wu! !

A police car stopped at the door of the jewelry store. The three policemen in the car pulled out the take action gun and got out of the car. The current situation at the scene - uh, not bad?"

Inside the jewelry store.

Let the customers in the store leave first, leaving only a group of salesgirls. The masked boy sat on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed, and did not forget to ask the clerk to make him a cup of hot coffee, add sugar and some milk.

"That. Jewelry is ready, Mr. Robber...Aren't you going?" The female shopkeeper stepped forward with a bag containing jewelry, and asked Na Na.

"Leave it for now, don't be in a hurry."

The masked boy was about to take a sip of coffee when he realized that he was wearing a mask, and immediately frowned waved and shouted, "Troublesome. Another straw!"


The salesgirls were scrambling to find a straw.

Outside the store.

Leaning behind the police car, the foreheads of the police officers who were in full line were bold black lines.

I have seen robbery, but I have never seen such a robbery!

"Captain, let's just rush in!" a policeman suggested.

Captain was hesitating when he heard another policeman shout: "Captain, the robbers are out!"


In three Under the suspicious gaze of the policeman, the masked boy seemed to finally be aware of their existence, raised his eyes and glanced outside the store door.

Xi Nian put down the coffee cup and walked out of the store with empty hands.


"If we don't stop, we're going to shoot!"

The police raised their pistols in surprise, Using the police car as a cover, moved towards the masked boy who stepped forward.

The masked boy didn't hear it at all, each minding their own business and walking forward, the police Captain couldn't help but pull the trigger to shoot, but saw the masked boy turn sharply sideways at the same time, as if in anticipation. The trajectory of the bullet was judged, and it seemed that the bullet cooperated with him to shuttle and miss.

Not a single bullet fell on Xi Nian.

Under the spider senses, Xi Nian can make dodge moves in advance through the standard angle of the muzzle and the timing of pulling the trigger.

"How is this possible!"

The police were shocked when they saw this. Before they could think too much, Xi Nian had come to the police car.

The masked boy bent down and lowered his body, his palms fell on the bottom of the police car, with the muscles of his arms bulging, the police car was directly lifted above his head by him!

Covered by a large shadow cast by the police car, the three policemen's brains were suddenly empty, and for a while they thought they were dead——


The raised hands of the masked boy loosened, and the police car fell back to its original place. The windows of the car made a groaning sound, and the ground trembled.

"I understand now. You can't deal with me, stay outside for me, don't disturb me." The masked boy threw a word, and turned back to the jewelry store. The straw over there Ready...

Three police officers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Crazy, this robber is too rampant!"

Captain gnashing teeth said: "Request for reinforcements and inform the sniper to be in place!"

He paused, shouting: "No! Quick, quick to invite Spider-Man!"

After a while.

A large spider-patterned cursor, in the form of light and shadow projection, was branded in the sky just after night fell on the New York City dome.

In another three minutes.

At the same time that several police cars came to support.

In the sky above the pedestrian street, a silhouette of a strong-looking male, like a spider, flew quickly from the corner at the end of the street, and the lights fell on him!

Seeing the presence of the red and blue spider in a tight-fitting battlesuit, the crowd on the street, including the police, burst into cheers: "Spider-Man is here!!"

< p>"You are so enthusiastic, I will be sorry. I'm not a big star, just your friendly neighbor next door, hey!"

Spider-Man responded casually, swinging the spider web Approaching a jewelry store surrounded by police cars.


"It's coming."

Xi Nian, dressed as a masked boy, muttered to himself, and he handed the finished coffee cup, along with the straw, to the female shopkeeper: " Thank you for your milk—cough cough, thank you for your coffee!"

"Is the robber going to escape?" also some reluctance.

"Yeah, goodbye!"

Xi Nian didn't pick up the jewelry bag on the ground next to him. He stood up from the chair and moved towards the back door of the jewelry store and fled away. !



Spider-Man broke into the door, he glanced at the salesgirls in the jewelry store, blinked and said, "The robber—where is the man?"

"Run through the back door ."

A clerk pointed towards the open back door of the store.

"It's all here, but you still want to run?!"

Spider-Man did not hesitate, and immediately chased out swiftly and decisively!


The speed of the spider mask boy and Spider-Man is extremely fast. They sprint and fly, one after the other, away from the previous bustling city, coming soon Go to a quieter urban area.

The masked boy suddenly turned into a deserted alley.

Spider-Man lightly landed at the entrance of the alley from the air, he moved towards the dark inside and said with a smile: "The kid who robbed, you are going wrong, this alley is a dead end."< /p>

The masked boy who rushed into the alley suddenly stopped, there was a wall in front of him, it was really a dead end with no way to escape!

"You are the one who went the wrong way."

Xi Nian turned around and said inexplicably to Spider-Man who was walking into the alley.


Spider-Man continued to take a step forward in doubt, approaching the ten-meter distance to the masked boy, and instantly felt like a static rise in the mind !

The body's spider senses are triggered autonomously like never before!

"You are!"

Spider-Man was startled and stared at the masked boy in front of him.

This person is—the same kind!

Not just an extraordinary kind, but a kind of spider physique!

"Gwen, do it!" Xi Nian exclaimed suddenly.

Spider-Man was startled, the sound of xiu xiu's spider web came from behind him, and when he turned back, he found that the alley was blocked by densely intertwined spider webs!

Another wonderful static feeling in my heart!

Not just one, but two, the same spider physique!

"Not good!"

With years of experience in fighting the extraordinary, Spider-Man jumped up suddenly, his hands and feet fell ten meters up the alley On the wall, the limbs cooperated with fast and fast crawling at a high speed, and they were about to escape to the dome where the alley was not sealed!

Seeing that he was about to climb out of the alley from the top of the tall building on the side, Spider-Man suddenly felt that his right foot was much heavier. He looked down and saw that the spider-masked boy firmly grasped his ankle .

Spider-Man's left foot reacted very quickly and kicked the opponent's head, but he only felt that his foot was kicked on an iron plate made of steel essence and without sensuality!

This is Xi Nian's Iron Body.

Iron Body with biological force field coordination. In the face of non-offensive touch or contact, the body will be as flexible and warm as an ordinary person, and once judged as an offensive blow, the body will be as cold and hard as steel!

Spider-Man is fine if he doesn't kick, but this time it's like he's kicking on an iron plate, making his left foot sore!

At this time.

The cobwebs intertwined and fell, sealing the top of the only alley that is the same as the outside world!

The short-haired girl who also wore a spider mask and a foreign skirt jumped into the alley. She launched a spider web to stick to Spider-Man's back, and grabbed Spider-Man's right foot. The boy with the mask on his wrist, together he pulled each other down to the floor below the alley!

Spider-Man suddenly regretted that he was wearing an ordinary spider battlesuit...

The alley was blocked by cobwebs, and there was no way out.

The falling spider web gritted its teeth, turned its head and fought fiercely with the masked boy and girl, and fell from the air to the ground!

bang bang bang!

A terrifying sound of beating continued to be heard from the sealed alley, and a human-shaped dent was dented from time to time by the walls and cobwebs!

Until five minutes later, everything will be quiet!

In the alley.

Xi Nian's shirt was tattered, revealing a sturdy and undamaged upper body, sweat dripping from his neck along the curve of his muscles. On the side, Gwen, who is the assistant, is relatively better, but he is also gasping for breath, which consumes a lot of physical strength and spider web.

In front of them.

This world's only superhero, Spider-Man, sits even more tragically on the ground full of shatters, his arms and body are bound by the spider web together, as if they were entangled and bound into a large white cocoon.

"It should be said, worthy of being the only superhero in this world..."

Xi Nian, who is very much like a villain, sighed with emotion.

This Spider-Man's strength is a bit beyond his expectations. After all, each other's super spider abilities are the same. He and Gwen can't take down each other in a short time when they join forces.

The opponent's fighting skills and ability to control are far from what the two of them can match.

At this point, Spider-Man's heart is even more difficult to calm down.

These two mysterious existences in front of me are very strong!

Not only has the super spider ability, but has begun to master it proficiently, just like himself ten years ago.

The girl's use of spider web is even more sophisticated than his...

The most important thing is the masked boy.

The other party's physique is so weird!

The physical strength that is beyond imagination and better than steel is definitely not something that super spider genes can have! Otherwise, he also impossible to develop a metal spider battlesuit before!

"You two...Who are you?"

His fists were still aching, and Spider-Man, who was defeated and bound, looked at the two and asked aloud again.

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