My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 177

An alley enclosed by densely woven cobwebs.

If the scene inside is known to the outside world, they will be shocked to the point of being speechless.

The only superhero in the world, Spider-Man, is in turn bound by the spider web.

"who are you..."

The black lens reflects the masked boy and girl, Spider-Man sitting on the ground is only now recalling that the spider-mask boy even I didn't even take any jewelry, obviously playing from the very beginning just to lure myself out.

He is too underestimated.

Who would have guessed.

Suddenly, two mysterious beings with super spider abilities will appear, one of which also has an Iron Body that is immune to attacks!

Iron Body is really too lazy, close melee combat, the one who suffers must be yourself!

"If you want to know who we are, then please answer our questions first."

Xi Nian stretched out his hand and tugged on his body, and simply tore the tattered shirt hanging like a strip of cloth Dropped, revealing a perfect upper body made of steel, looking down at Spider-Man.

"OK OK. Ask, if I can answer."

Spider-Man simply nodded, vaguely aware that the two were not malicious.

Otherwise. Like some of the other Supervillains, he's already eager to kill himself.

Xi Nian stepped forward and pulled off the spider hood on Spider-Man's head, revealing the face of a 30-year-old, handsome and determined white man with a little beard Allow.

At this time.

The white man's face was full of helplessness and paleness, and he blinked slightly innocently after losing his spider hood.

"The first question, what did you do today? Especially in the morning, you must answer truthfully!" Xi Nian asked thoughtfully.

"Uh, can I leave this question unanswered?"


"Well, I've been at home this morning." Spider-Man sighed, helplessly said: "Specifically, I am doing what I like to do with my wife, so I have never left the house."

"During the day... perverted!" Masked girl He spat, and turned his face away.

"Cough, I think this is a normal thing." Xi Nian coughed and continued to ask. "Just the normal way? In the middle... nothing special happened?"

"No, at most I added a pose that I didn't have before..." Spider-Man became more and more helpless.

Gwen could no longer listen to the conversation between the two, and silently retreated to the back.

“What about noon?” Xi Nian asked.

Spider-Man shrugged and said casually: "I wandered around the city at noon and caught a thief who stole a car, and nothing strange happened."

Xi Nian brows slightly wrinkle and glances at Gwen behind him.

Perhaps because they share spider senses, or 'similar', they can perceive the sincerity and helplessness in the other's answer.

The current Spider-Man, no lie...

He really didn't do anything today except some family entertainment.

Xi Nian was lost in thought.

That is to say.

The existence that forced them to shuttle to this parallel world this morning, not Spider-Man?

Not true.

Xi Nian thoughts move, the previous dimension wall seems to be one-sided against Gwen, and Spider-Man from the parallel universe is the only superhero here.

Everything is showing that this matter has nothing to do with Spider-Man.

"Ancient One once said that the dimension itself is chaotic." Xi Nian flashed of intuition, muttering to himself: "The time may not be right - the transcendence that causes our dimension to travel. The event, maybe it hasn't happened yet in this world, we have come to the time point before the extraordinary event happened!"


Xi Nian thought about it, nodded towards Gwen, The two took off the spider mask they were wearing at the same time.

Looking at the young girl with a youthful face, Spider-Man was a little frightened: "You are..."

This is showing your face?

I'm afraid it's not about killing a witness to silence them!

"Mr. Spider-Man. Let's introduce myself first, my name is Xi Nian Prince, and the one next to me is Gwen Stacy."

Xi Nian showed a very sunny friendliness Smile: "Just now, it was just a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Spider-Man's mouth twitched, but he was all tied up.


Xi Nian's next sentence made him completely stunned.

"The two of us, from another parallel universe that is similar to yours, but completely different!"


All the cobwebs in the alley Clean up.

Xi Nian and Gwen released the spider web, released the restrained Spider-Man, and the three of them switched the conversation venue to the rooftop terrace on the side.

Confirmed that the secret mastermind of the dimension event is not Spider-Man, Xi Nian simply revealed his identity and origin with Gwen.

"so that's how it is."

Spider-Man was stunned at first, then looked at Xi Nian and Gwen, and said in amazement: "Another parallel universe? It's unbelievable!"

"I find it a little unbelievable too, but it's what's happening right now." Xi Nian shrugged.

"I believe what you said is true."

Spider-Man nods, and has spider senses, making their communication easier and more direct.

Of course, they still communicate in ordinary verbal communication.

It's just that with the cooperation of spider senses, you can intuitively feel the emotions contained in the other party's words.

This is like exchanging information and data between the same species with the exclusive innate talent of another creature.

Spider-Man moved towards the two and spread their hands: "Okay. I can understand what you did before. Suddenly came to a strange parallel world, and I was the biggest suspect. Next, if it were me, I would also grab the take action of dominance."

"Thank you for your understanding, you deserve to be the only superhero in this world!" Xi Nian praised.

"It always feels like you're mocking me..." Spider-Man smiled bitterly, after all, he was knocked to the ground not long ago.

"Nothing like that, we are out of blows friendship grows!" Xi Nian patted each other on the shoulder familiarly.

He stared at Spider-Man and said seriously: "We do need your help so that we can return to the original world."

"Of course. The instability of the dimensional barriers also It will bring many potential crises to this." Spider-Man nodded like a world, and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple, just as usual." Xi responded.

"Just as usual?"

Spider-Man was stunned for a moment, and then quickly cleared Xi Nian's meaning.

Now that the extraordinary event may not have happened yet, even if the entire New York City is opened to search, it is difficult to find a way to decipher the extraordinary event.

Since the extraordinary event that caused the dimensional shuttle happened in the future and is related to him, just wait until that future arrives as usual!

“Also a question.”

Gwen suddenly raised his hand to speak.

"What's the problem?"

Xi Nian and Spider-Man both looked towards Maiden.

"I'm hungry." Gwen brows slightly wrinkle, clutching her flat stomach.

Xi Nian: "..."

Spider-Man: "..."


New York, Queens.

A single-family cottage with a three-story building.

The window of the room suddenly opened from the outside to the inside, and three shadows of different Dao Body types entered the second floor one after another.

In the room, the lights are on.

Spider-Man rummaged through the closet, and finally found an ordinary school uniform: "This is the clothes I used to wear in school, and I haven't used it after graduation. Let's deal with this."


Xi Nian took it bluntly, and put the school uniform shirt directly on the naked and strong body.

Spider-Man picked up another set of men's home clothes. He wanted to open the door to change it outside, but just as the door opened, a beautiful young woman with long brown hair was standing outside.

The beautiful young woman looks to be in her early thirties, her long brown sexy hair is neatly coiled, and her face is beautiful. Although she is wearing a slightly thick trench coat, she still vaguely shows mature lithe and graceful posture.

"Parker, are you back?"

The beautiful young lady's greetings came to an abrupt end.

Her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked curiously at the teenagers and girls in the room, her eyes couldn't stop showing surprise.

This is the first time Parker has brought a friend home since breaking with his best friend.

"Hello, Madam."

"Hello, elder sister."

Gwen and Xi Nian greeted each other respectively, and they were clearly judged by their titles.

The beautiful young woman was stunned for a moment, her eyes fell on Xi Nian, she couldn't help saying with a smile: "What's your name elder sister, I'm in my thirties..."

"Really, I really can't tell." Xi Nian is like a sincere good child.

Gwen took a step without leaving a trace and stood in front of Xi Nian, waiting for him to put his shirt on.

Spider-Man smiled and said proudly: "This is my wife, MJ, Mary Jane!"

"Hello." Mary Jane smiled slightly, greeting: "Also Didn't have dinner? It's ready, let's eat together."

"Okay." Gwen responded politely.

Wait until Mary Jane comes downstairs with her sexy ass twisted.

Xi Nian and Gwen stared at Spider-Man with odd expressions.

"Why. Don't you think, I'm not married yet?" Spider-Man scratched his head, did he look so bad?

"No. She called you 'Parker' just now?" Gwen asked.

"Yes." Spider-Man said, "You don't know my name yet. My real name is Parker, Peter Parker."

Peter Parker?

Xi Nian and Gwen looked at the tall and sturdy Spider-Man in their thirties, and in their minds at this moment, a silhouette of a thin boy about twelve years old appeared invariably.

Well, the two figures don't overlap at all.

Dinner time.

Xi Nian and Gwen sat in two extra chairs for dinner with the Peter Parker family of this world.

Looking at the wrinkled, obviously aged Aunt May here, but more capable.

Xi Nian and Gwen are even more unable to reunite with their side of the world, Aunt May, a sexy and charming buttocks young woman.

On the other hand, Aunt May from the world is just as kind and warmly entertained Xi Nian.

Peter Parker looked at the black-haired teenager who was sitting next to Gwen and quickly became acquainted with MJ and Aunt May, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

It seems like it has been hanging on my head, and the halo named protagonist suddenly changed hands...

Damn, this is the protagonist module!

Peter Parker's heart is full of unpleasantness!

After dinner.

Gwen went out to buy clothes and necessities, and Peter Parker paid for it.

Looking at Xi Nian, who continued to be cared for by MJ in his living room, Peter Parker finally couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled the boy's arm, moved towards the door and walked out: "I'll take you somewhere! "

Outside the house.

Peter Parker took Xi Nian to the corner of the yard, where there was a small room similar to a storage room, he took out the key to unlock the door of the storage room, and the small room suddenly opened a metal door , the internal overflow of white light with a sense of technology!

It's like a hidden underground elevator!

Parker and Xi Nian took the elevator down and down, passing all kinds of cars and high-tech equipment all the way, they were on the display rack, like a large technology exhibition hall!

Go straight to the bottom.

Xi Nian was more and more surprised. The bottom floor was an open and flat metal main hall, and the glass wardrobe on one side displayed spider battlesuits, all of which were completely different styles. There were twelve styles at a glance.

Seeing Xi Nian with a surprised look, Peter Parker felt a burst of satisfaction, and he raised his hand with great interest to explain: "These are the research and development that I have developed over the past ten years in order to deal with different Supervillains. The combat battlesuit that came out."

"There are warrior uniforms from negative space, negative space ghost battlesuit; there are anti-electricity battlesuits with strong insulation to fight against Electro; there are excellent in all aspects, excellent The advanced spider battlesuit; there are high-tech products made of metal materials, the steel Spider-Man Combat Armor is extremely strong in combat; there is a light stealth battlesuit that can weaken the sonic strike..."

Speaking of the rise , Peter Parker waved nonchalantly: "Which one do you like, I can give it to you!"

"Thank you then!"

Xi Nian responded rudely Next: "In addition. Can you modify it? Gwen should also have a set."

When the extraordinary event happens in the future, ordinary clothes will not be able to support his battle at all.


Peter Parker choked, suddenly feeling like he was trapping himself.

"Right, come over here."

Peter Parker, as if remembering something, took Xi Nian to the side of the main hall on the ground floor, and soon came to a storage room. Intelligence basement.

A wall in the basement here is full of pictures hung in cobwebs, all of which are pictures of people with ferocious or weird appearances.

Among them.

The picture hanging in the center is a tall and burly man with a bald head in a black suit, like a human-shaped tank.

"His name is Kingpin. He is the New York of this world, and even the biggest underworld leader in the United States."

Peter Parker's face was solemn: "I have dealt with him several times. , is a thorny villain enemy. Recently, he seems to be recruiting some illegal subordinates, and I suspect that he has some terrifying plan."

"The appearance of you two also verified my conjecture. ."

Peter Parker paused, said solemnly: "If in the future of this world, there is a real chaos in the dimensional space, there is a high probability that he caused it!"

"If you have a suspicious target, then it's easy to handle."

Xi Nian narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Since you have made a plan, when are you going to act?"

"One day later." Peter Parker raised a finger: "I need to lock their hiding position, it will take some time."

"That's good." Xi Nian nodded and said simply: "One day later , let's gather here again and set off together!"

No matter what underworld boss or Supervillain he is.

There are already many Supervillains who died under Xi Nian's hands, and they are not bad for one or two in the parallel universe.

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