My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 180

Second permanent ability, spider senses.

Xi Nian thoughts move, highly sensitive extraordinary spider perception sweeps out, the surrounding space seems to be intertwined and distributed by one after another invisible spider web, can detect the existence or occurrence within ten meters in a very subtle way of all things.

As for the awareness of the existence of danger, even if it is thousands of meters away, it can be subtle alert.

For example.

If someone shoots Xi Nian with a high-precision sniper rifle, the moment the gun is aimed at him, the spider senses will give Xi Nian a psychological warning.

Although modern sniper rifles don't threaten Xi Nian at all now...

Iron Body, spider senses.

One adds physical defense to the top level, and one provides perception and early warning.

Xi Nian feels that his survivability has risen to a new level.

Of course.

The close-up perception of spider senses is too subtle, which is not a good thing, and a lot of unnecessary information will be stuffed into the brain.

Xi Nian can clearly perceive it.

At this time, from the white net nest behind her, the girl's beautiful face frowned slightly, she turned her petite body slightly, and golden short hair scattered from her delicate face.

The round shape that is disproportionate to the physique is so large that it is pressed sideways on the spider web to present a web-like outline.

Get up at noon.

Anyway, Spider-Man hasn't contacted him yet, so Xi Nian ate another lunch.

After eating, there is still a piece of sandwiched double bread, with white cheese pulp overflowing from it, and it is sweet.


"Xi Nian, I feel weird..."

The beautiful girl with short hair seemed to have anticipated what happened last night, So I bought two sets of identical clothes, and after coming down from the net nest, I began to change into a white shirt and a black short skirt.

In addition to the intellectuality, maturity, pride and youth of the past, she has an indescribable beauty and temperament.

At this time.

Gwen, who put on new clothes, was clutching his stomach, and said with a strange expression: "The body, it seems that something is not right..."

Gwen's spider senses, more Most of them are used to enhance the mastery and regulation of their own body.

This is also one of the main reasons why her body responds extremely quickly, and she can shuttle back and forth as gracefully as a dancer, and is more dexterous and quicker than similar spider ability users!

So, Gwen, who was completely sober, quickly noticed the strangeness of his own body.

"What's wrong with your body?"

Xi Nian subconsciously glanced at her lower abdomen, her eyes couldn't help sliding down the arc of her legs...

" Not that one!"

Gwen really didn't want to be a wonderful girl, she glared at Xi Nian angrily, then raised her white wrist and said, "It seems to be my silk, with strange Change."

"You try."

Xi Nian gestured and stretched out his left arm.

Gwen breathes deeply for a while, and with the slight flip of the wrist, a white spider web immediately wrapped around the boy's left arm.

"Isn't this the same as before..."

Xi Nian curiously looked at the spider web wrapped around his hand, and the other hand grabbed the white spider On the web, he soon showed a look of surprise.

My eyes finally turned serious.

Xi Nian, who still has the ability of spider genes, slammed his hands and pulled the white spider web that he was holding in the palm of his hand. Under the physical strength of the level, it is difficult to tear it off!

Be aware.

The usual spider webs launched by Gwen and Xi Nian, even if they are so flexible that an ordinary person can't tear them apart, but under the extraordinary strength of the tonnage level, one or two spider webs can still be torn apart.

Now Gwen's spider web is like a wire!

It's just different from the steel wire of the Magneto Spider King mode. This spider web is not made of metal, but it has tenacious properties that are hard to destroy like steel.

"How did you do it?" Xi Nian said curiously.

If Gwen's silk can reach this tenacious level before, Abomination may not be able to break free from the dense spider web.

spider web seems to have been upgraded, more perfect.

"I don't know either." Gwen looked at the head blankly, and instinctively touched his stomach with his little hand, muttered: "You can do it when you wake up."

"Not only In this way, I can also make the manipulation spider web smaller and sharper, so that it is enough to cut off the item..." Gwen pulled the white spider web held by his small hand, and the spider web really became thin and sharp. Nian's Iron Body rattled softly on his arm.

Naturally, it cannot cause damage to the Iron Body of Kryptonians, but if it is replaced by the body strength of other creatures, it may be!

"Could it be that..." A clear comprehension flashed in Xi Nian's eyes.

At the same time that he obtains permanent extraordinary abilities, Gwen's own abilities will also be optimized and tend to be perfect!

Last time.

Xi Nian has an illusion.

He felt that there were some changes in Supergirl's body, which should be true in retrospect, but Kara didn't notice it at the time!

"Family Lord, the way this ability is applied is a bit like a double..."

Xi Nian held back for a while, but didn't say it in the end.

However, one thing is certain.

It's not just that Xi Nian has become stronger forever, and the opponent with him can also get the perfect optimization of his own abilities!

Five-star hotel, luxurious suite.

Xi Nian and Gwen stand side by side on the open-air balcony, next to the railing of the fence, with the bustling and lively modern city in sight.

Gwen tilted his head suddenly, with a splendid short hair of Blink golden light, and leaned lightly on Xi Nian's shoulder.

"Actually, when I first came to this parallel universe yesterday, a very terrifying thought suddenly popped up in my heart - it would be nice if I stayed in this world with you forever." Gwen closed He closed his eyes and said softly.

"It turns out to be so." Xi Nian laughed, looking down at Gwen's little face: "No wonder, you haven't been in a hurry, but rather leisurely. I thought the shuttle I'm terrified of you here in the world."

"But if you don't go back. Your family will be worried too, and Officer George is afraid that the whole Washington will be turned over."

"Who's to blame?" Gwen pursed her pink lips.

Xi Nian couldn't help lowering his head and tasted the jelly dessert.

He looked at the white and delicate collarbone of the girl's neck, where there was a shining silver pendant, designed like a swan dancing in ballet, said with a slight smile: "Congratulations again, Greg. Wen, happy birthday."

"en. ”

Gwen opened his mouth slightly to let out a warm breath, snorted softly, and then opened his eyes as bright as gems: "Now, I already know what to do."

Xi Nian was about to say something, but at this moment, the communicator in the living room rang behind him.

The communicator was given by Spider-Man Peter Parker, and in this world he is the only one who can contact them.

Xi Nian and Gwen looked at each other and clasped their hands against each other's body at the same time.

"Xi Nian. Come on, we must go back!" Gwen said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back to the original world together!"

Xi Nian nodded in response.

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