My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 181

parallel universe.

Spider-Man's secret basement.

"You are here."

Peter Parker, who had put on a set of Advanced Spider battlesuit, raised his eyes and looked at the boys and girls who descended from the floating elevator to the main hall at the bottom.

"Are you all ready?" Xi Nian went straight to the point.

"Follow me!"

Spider-Man brought the two to the intelligence room, where a large detailed map has been pasted on one side of the wall. It is Brooklyn, New York map.

"After half a day of investigation, I found that Kingpin built a secret base here - a subway station that has been abandoned for many years." Spider-Man fired a small spider web and used a coin as a marker , glued to the map.

"And, I've confirmed it."

Spider-Man's resolute face, which has not yet put on the spider hood, is solemn: "The plan that Kingpin has been preparing is : Build a super-large energy hedging instrument, borrow the energy of the entire Brooklyn to form two huge hedging energy flows, and open up other parallel universes in a short time, so as to revive his long-dead wife in disguise!"

"His plan should be implemented within a day or two."

"So. We will shuttle to this parallel universe, which was created by them in the future?" Gwen was surprised. .

Xi Nian looked thoughtful.

Energy is strong enough to open up space and even affect dimensions. He knows this.

It's not just the Ancient One that explained it.

Xi Nian also has the feeling of punched through the space dimension in the Trinity mode (Apocalypse Wisdom, Kryptonian Body, Half Power of God, Spider Gene Fusion) that he once held!

"It's definitely right!"

Spider-Man nods: "As long as we take out an item that looks like a U disk, there is a self-destructing virus programmed in it, and we can enter it. Kingpin's secret base, plug this U disk into the central host, and they can completely destroy their data and equipment."

"Then what are you waiting for, just break in together? Whoever stops whoever Die!" Xi Nian's eyes blinked coldly.

"I agree." Gwen smiled slightly, as if not knowing how terrifying he agreed.

Looking at the teenagers and girls who were far more violent and terrifying than himself, Spider-Man mourned for the old enemy Kingpin in his heart, then took out a few photos from the drawer and reminded: " The enemy is not just Kingpin. He recruited a lot of Supervillain, these are the villains' information, you can learn a little about them."

"Hey, this is..."

Xi Nian picked up a photo of the unusually familiar mechanical octopus claws, which surprised Gwen.

Spider-Man glanced at it and explained: "That's Ms. Octopus, her real name is Caroline Trainer, with four intelligent mechanical claws, a very ruthless character... ..."

It turns out that in this world, is Doctor Octopus a woman?

Xi Nian and Gwen were surprised and continued listening to Spider-Man explain several Supervillains.

As the only superhero in this world, he is also very familiar with Supervillain. Of course, the reverse is also true, and Supervillain must know him very well!

After introducing the villains he might encounter, Spider-Man took out two modified spider battlesuits and handed them to Xi Nian and Gwen respectively, only to hear the black-haired boy pondered and then said: " I suddenly thought of a good battle plan."

Spider-Man looked towards him curiously: "What battle plan?"

"The key point of this battle plan is you! "Xi Nian pondered.


Spider-Man suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart.

After dark.

New York, Brooklyn, somewhere underground.

A subway train stopped at the station.

A black boy with a schoolbag and canvas shoes walked down. His face was pale and haggard, but fortunately his dark face helped him hide this.

His name is Miles Morath.

Originally just an ordinary high school student, didn't expect last night, after being accidentally bitten by a colorful spider, my body began to behave abnormally...

Yes He was able to perceive subtle sounds and movements that he had not heard before, and he was able to walk directly on the 90-degree inclined wall. After his hands were stuck to his clothes, it was like a layer of glue was applied and it was difficult to break free.

"You have to find that spider..." Miles gritted his teeth and burrowed into a tunnel in the underground subway station while no one was looking.

This tunnel has long since been abandoned.

Follow the tunnel until there is light, and Miles quickly finds the dead, colorful spider lying on the ground.

He was about to reach out to grab it, but found that the spider's weird twist disappeared, like falling into another dimension!


There was a loud noise next to the abandoned station, which was also mixed with a low roar like a rare beast!

Miles stepped forward in surprise, and suddenly his eyes suddenly opened up. .

The original abandoned station has changed beyond recognition, and was turned into a super-large hollow area. Inside, there are energy boards full of electrode tubes. On the side, the instrument holes with a radius of more than ten meters face each other, like a hundred times magnification of the particle collision instrument!

Inside the hollow area.

At this time, two figures of one big and one small are fighting together!

The former is covered in green like a small moving meat mountain, with double horns like a hell demon on top of its head, a hideous and ugly face like Beast, and a body that is stronger than Beast. Green wings and tail, Blink's scarlet pupil light is violent and cold!

It's Supervillain, the green devil!

As for the battle with it, there is a red and blue tight-fitting battlesuit in a spider web-like style, who is it not Spider-Man? !

"Kingpin, stop it! You will ruin the whole of New York if you do that!"

Spider-Man shouted urgently, fighting against the Green Devil, and then again. It was quickly blasted upside down and flew out!

After all, the Green Devil has a huge physique advantage, and it is difficult to catch Spider-Man in the Advanced battlesuit with one punch!

"You'd better worry about yourself, Spider-Man! If a man dares to break in like this, today is your death!"

In the empty area on the side there is a The glass window, inside is the central control room, and the BOSS in suits, Kingpin, is inside.

Dodging the green devil's fierce attack, Spider-Man quickly crawled along the energy board to the central host, when another black silhouette flew by, the other party wearing a steel mask and a black cloak , a burst of energy burst out with both arms in the near moment, and it fell directly towards Spider-Man!

Another Supervillain, Prowler!

Prowler's eyes Blink purple light, the engine erupts, swooping down to chase Spider-Man!

Spider-Man was attacked by the Green Devil and Prowler at the same time, and he couldn't escape for a while and fell into a certain disadvantage!

"Spider-Man, you have no chance."

Kingpin's eyes were cold, and he issued an instruction to the staff in the control room: "Turn on the energy collision instrument and open up the parallel universe!"

"Not good!"

Watching the extraordinary battle taking place in front of her eyes, Miles, who had just awakened his abilities, didn't know what was going on, but in addition to being horrified, he had a sense of have. Destruction of one's hair stand on end!

"Opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared..."

Spider-Man, who was fighting the Green Devil and Prowler with difficulty, smashed his body fiercely against the wall, said inexplicably.

"It's over!"

In the main control room, Kingpin smiled coldly, he raised his big hand and took the final start button!


The empty area is silent for a moment!

Well, nothing happened.

The two super-large energy colliders did not move.

Kingpin was stunned.

The energy collision instrument should capture the energy of New York City, and smash the high-intensity energy columns together to open up the parallel universe...

"Good job Pretty, Xi Nian, you're my superman!"

Spider-Man, who fought the Green Devil and Prowler, was no longer embarrassed and desperate, and suddenly laughed.

Kingpin raised his head in shock, and it could be seen that in the middle of the ceiling of the hollow area, at the central host, there was a black silhouette of a teenager at some point.

On the central host, a U disk is plugged into it!

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