My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 30

New York, the prime location of the land, is where Stark Industries' recently completed headquarters building is located.

The top-spinning cool architectural shape with a sense of futuristic technology is large enough to serve as a top-level exterior platform for fighter planes to land and stop, as well as the unique and unmatched "STARK (Stark)" LOGO logo , even if it is placed in the New York City Center where tall buildings stand in great numbers, this building is still a crane in a flock of chickens.

At this time, on the top floor of the Stark headquarters building, in the luxurious hall built into the exterior platform.

"How's it going here?"

The gentleman in a decent black suit shook the red wine glass, both of his hands proudly and unabashedly lifted out, the faint blue light glowing in the center of his chest The light overflowed through the shirt, and there was a sense of sight that embraced half the city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Behind him.

A man wearing a long gray lining, overalls, Martin boots, etc., with shaggy hair and sloppy hair, stepped forward.

"What should I say." The sloppy man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, pondered for a moment, and commented: "It is indeed your style and characteristics."

Stark laughed and said: "In the future, this will also be the headquarters of our alliance."

"That's the best. This can directly improve our alliance that has not yet been launched by several grades. ." The sloppy man shrugged and said, "I don't have any money, so I can only contribute at most."

"It's not just power." Stark shook his head slightly, looking at him and said sincerely : "Banner, I also need your wisdom and knowledge. With your help, I believe that many of my technological ideas and ideas can be realized in the future."

The sloppy man called "Banner" indifferent expression, It can be regarded as an exaggerated praise for Stark in the industry, and his face is still surprisingly calm.

Because, in the field of technology, he does have this capital.


Full name, "Robert Bruce Banner". As a world-renowned physicist with seven doctor degrees, if it weren't for his incognito in recent years, he would also be a scientist who often publishes in newspapers!

In addition, he also has an unknown identity, which is also the biggest reason why he has been hiding behind the world in recent years - Hulk, Hulk!

Not long ago, the Abomination that appeared in Washington was the product of his indirect cause.


Stark was about to say something, but at this moment, a dī dī warning sound came from somewhere on the top floor.

"Jarvis, what happened?" Stark asked with a slight frown.

Suddenly, hundreds of rays of light intertwined in the air from above a tabletop in the luxurious hall on the top floor, quickly forming a three-dimensional virtual projection image.

The artificial intelligence responded in a gentle and concise male voice: "Sir. Just now, there was an extraordinary accident involving the extraordinary field on Queens' side. This is the scene."

Banner Hearing this, I also looked curiously towards the virtual projection.


The virtual projection starts with a scream, a specially modified muscle car on the main road next to the bustling modern street Roaring with maximum horsepower!

Red light, crossroads!

bang bang bang!

sparks flying in all directions!

muscle car directly rammed away several vehicles in front of it, as if in a panic, it continued to accelerate and entered the opposite main road!

Seeing that the muscle car was about to crash into a group of parked cars, the next scene made Stark and Banner's pupils shrink violently——

I saw the fast-moving car The muscle car stopped abruptly, like the shadow of the black fog flashed by, the next moment the front of the car dented inwardly and strangely, and then the whole body divided into two burst open! It was like being torn apart by some terrifying force, forcibly!

Then, a more terrifying scene appeared.

From the inside of the muscle car, which ushered in the explosive disintegration, several corpses of human men fell out and threw them in different directions on the streets around the intersection!

Two of them just didn't enter the crowd standing in a daze on the pedestrian street!

Terror and blood are coming!

"ahhhh! Something jumped out!?"

"Come on!!"

The screams sounded again, and the black flashing shadow flickered at the intersection. Gone, chased into one of the streets.


The pictures played by the virtual projection are over here.

"Just now, what happened?"

Stark looked towards Banner with a startled expression, and Banner also looked at the head, saying that he didn't see it clearly either.

"Jarvis, rewind the screen." Stark gave the command thoughtfully.

"Yes, sir."

Under the dominance of artificial intelligence.

In the virtual projection, the previously played picture keeps going backwards until the muscle car is destroyed.

"It's here, zoom in on the front of the car and play it slow." Stark said solemnly.

The screen starts playing.

Under the slow zoom lens, it can be clearly seen that a small black animal shadow passes through the middle of the parked cars, and the cannonball-like fiercely hits the front of the muscle car!

"Play frame by frame." Stark said.

This time, all the pictures seem to freeze. At normal playback speed, mysterious things that cannot be seen are rendered.

Banner's eyes widened in shock.

That shadow turned out to be a cat!

Yes, no hair, like a kitten wrapped in a smooth tenacious black clothed.

At the moment when the kitten slammed into the muscle car violently, the muscle car, which was running at full speed, stopped moving forward. Then, the black kitten's body suddenly swelled several times, its limbs bulged out huge and tenacious muscles, and a pair of ferocious front claws violently pulled the muscle car body to both sides!

This is where the muscle car burst.

At the moment when the muscle car was torn apart, the weird and terrifying black monster changed back to its previous kitten form, chasing one of the remnants at a very fast speed.

"What kind of creature is that?" Stark's face became more dignified, and what shocked him even more was—Dr. Banner, who was standing next to him, suddenly turned blue and had difficulty breathing. Slight twitching!

"Jarvis!" Stark subconsciously stepped back, stepping into a spot in the grand hall.

The artificial intelligence Jarvis quickly understood the meaning of the master, and a metal lifting platform was raised from the floor under Stark's feet. buckled on him.

In five seconds.

Stark's entire body is covered with a steel coat and armed, the energy circular grooves on his chest and the metal eye sockets glow white light like an iron Spiritual God.

"Calm down, Banner!" Stark, the Iron Man incarnation, raised his hand and comforted the blue-faced Banner.

"I-I'm fine!" Banner clenched his hands into fists, breathing hard to ease his excitement.

The complexion changes back and forth between blue and white.

In the end, Banner deflated and supported the table, all the bulging blue veins on his neck disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Stark breathed a sigh of relief and arranged: "You stay here and don't move, I'll take care of things outside!"

"Wait, Tony! Banner leaned on the chair with some prostration and stopped Stark. He pointed to the black shadow on the virtual screen and said uneasy: "The monster is very dangerous! Seeing it, it's like I slammed the pistol into my mouth." Trigger, instinctive emergency, want to become Hulk!"

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