My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 31

On a pedestrian street shrouded in neon.

A rotten human body fell on the floor tile, causing passers-by to scream and flee!


Black flashed by, Xi Nian lightly landed next to the stump body, his vertical pupils were like flames burning with blue and white, and the body wrapped in dark black skin showed the muscle feeling of an assembly line.

Venom said hoarsely in his mind: "It has parasitized another nearby human. Obviously, it is much stronger than the first Symbiote, and can choose almost any human as its symbiotic host. !"

"Which human?"

The black kitten is like the highest terrifying hunter, and the cat's eyes coldly scan the passers-by who are fleeing. Among these passers-by, there is no obvious parasitism by Symbiote. He quickly clears the comprehension, and the second Symbiote wants to escape from the chaos.

"Where's Symbiote?" Xi Nian grinned and urged irritably.

Symbiote and Flerken's instincts and beasts are intertwined and raging, leading people's rationality to the brink of collapse. Violence, wildness, indifference and other inhuman evils invade the body and mind, which also leads to Xi Nian's behavior. More and more impudent crazy!

Just like before.

Xi Nian rips and strangles along with Symbiote's parasitic human host. Although he already knew that the human being could not be saved, and if he dragged the other side further, he would kill more innocents on the road. It was indeed the best solution at the time for him to do so, but this kind of implementation without the slightest hesitation The bloodthirsty and brutal behavior is already far from the normal thinking when you are a human!

Venom said: "I can only perceive within 30 meters, but there are too many humans nearby, more than a hundred people, and it is impossible to determine which human being has been parasitized!"

It's voice is more hoarse and sharp, like a demon whispering advice: "I think the best solution at the moment is to kill all the humans on the scene. Otherwise, once the opponent escapes, they will die even more. There are too many people!"

"Don't hesitate! Make a choice quickly, the other party will run away in the crowd..."

"Shut up!" Xi Nian hoarse With a low roar, looking at the humans fleeing everywhere, he suddenly inserted one of his paws into the ground below!


With the violent tremor of the whole pedestrian street, dozens of terrifying cracks spread on the flat surface centered on Xi Nian in the shape of a black kitten Come on. Then, with a range of 30 meters as the dividing point, one after another black slime made of hard tentacles broke out of the ground, and stabbed straight up to the night sky of the city ten meters above!

Dozens of hard tentacles form a dense barbed railing, trapping all people within a 30-meter radius!


The scene was dead silent!

I don't know how many people raised their eyes in horror, dominated by huge fear. At the same time, I also recalled the shame of being imprisoned in a bird cage—cough cough, went to the wrong set!

"Find it for me!" Xi Nian kept one paw on the ground, his body was motionless, and the other paw turned into a tentacle to reach out to the surrounding people.

"Monster, don't come here!" Many people screamed and fell to the ground.

But they soon discovered that the tentacles that stretched out were soft, as if they had ordinary cat paw pads. The tentacles just touched the shoulders or the chest, and then quickly bypassed, contacting and checking the people surrounded by the tentacle railing one by one.

Xi Nian finds a second Symbiote parasitic human host by touch.

After all, Symbiote can quietly parasitize. When there is no conscious control, even the host himself often does not know that he has been parasitized.

When Xi Nian checked more than half of the people. Among the crowd, a middle-aged man slightly frowned standing behind him touched his chest inexplicably.

For some reason, his body was constantly spitting out a pea-sized cold sweat, which made the inner lining cool.

Obviously, after knowing that the tentacles won't hurt people, most of the fear has disappeared.


Fear, be afraid, be afraid of death!

The second Symbiote lurking in the middle-aged man is parasitic, knowing that Venom's host is about to investigate himself through the man's shared perspective, and is involuntarily terrified!

Before this, it was imperceptible to the first Symbiote, and it was clear that the Symbiote had been killed.

After being discovered by Xi Nian, it kept switching parasitic hosts to escape, and in the process of escaping, it became more and more aware of the power of the Venom host!

The gap is too big!

When Symbiote exists alone, it is difficult to achieve even the most humble existence. After being parasitized on a suitable creature, it can exert a series of abilities such as body hardening, transformation, super strength, and Superspeed. These abilities are closely related to the parasitic host physique!

With so many human hosts in rotation, the second Symbiote found that the strength it can exert is far less than the performance of Venom hosts!

It doesn't know.

Xi Nian's current state is not only the effect of Venom's parasitic ability. Instead, it is superimposed. After being parasitized by Venom, he is parasitized on Flerken with the nature of Symbiote.

The effect is not as simple as one plus one.

"Symbiote Boss, it's impossible to come and save me, I'm going to die, I'm going to die here!" The second Symbiote was restless in the middle-aged man, and Xi Nian's tentacles had screened his Not far ahead, it is about to find its current parasitic host!

What should I do? How to do? How to do?

Death is approaching!

The second Symbiote was desperate, but at this moment, it seemed to sense something.

The parasitized middle-aged man turned his head and inexplicably looked towards the two in the crowd.

It was a woman in her early 30s who was pulling a boy of about ten years old. Although the woman was terrified, she still comforted the child in a low voice: "Peter, it's alright, don't worry. With Aunt May here, I will definitely protect you."

Peter nodded, looking at him with some fear The terrifying black kitten took courage to stand in front of Aunt May's body again. Suddenly, his chills stood upright, and his side glances just met the hollow gaze of the middle-aged man.

As if staring at the evil abyss, Peter turned pale with fright, subconsciously stretched his finger, and blurted out: "The monster the black kitten is looking's him!"

< p>"Peter, what are you talking about?" Aunt May was stunned.

"What are you talking about, I'm not a monster!" The middle-aged man also felt a little unimaginable and couldn't help but refute, but suddenly, his eyes widened in horror, a cloud of gray-green The viscous liquid poured out of his open mouth!

Half of the liquid is still in the man's body, and the other half is suspended in the air, creeping like life!

The bizarre sight that subverts cognition stuns everyone around, standing in place unable to move.

"I found you!" The three-in-one Xi Nian was extremely decisive. At the moment when the second Symbiote was exposed, the elongated tentacles immediately turned into tentacle spikes, hardened, and stabbed forward. kill.

Breaking through the air, the tentacle pierced through the grey-green Symbiote's body like a nail, nailing it to the tentacle railing behind!

“zi zi!”

The second Symbiote surging and boiling violently, abruptly separates the pinned part, and the other part of the liquid body is like a jet of water gun, and it is like a sheet of ash The green net rushed towards the woman not far from the side.

"Aunt May, be careful!"

Peter opened his hands to block Aunt May, so the gray-green liquid penetrated into his body extremely smoothly!

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