My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 41

After the female guard cleaned up and went out from the small dark room, Xi Nian was lying alone on the fairly clean bed, holding her aunt's starlight flying crown tightly in her arms, and the flickering and cold firelight fell on his body.

Huaguan, of course, is impossible to return it. After all, refunding is hitting Aunt Diana in the face.

However, this crown is too heavy.

In every respect, it is the most precious thing in this world and cannot be measured by value.

"Can I take it?"

Xi Nian lay on the bed for a long time, finally sighed, put the crown on his head again, got up and walked out of the room.

Even if there is no claustrophobia, it is too stuffy in here, and he wants to go out for a breath.

It's just that Xi Nian was just halfway to the door, recalling the previous female general Antiope, who told the female guard on duty at the door not to let him move around.

Now, he can fully understand why Antiope treats him so badly.

Xi Nian's attitude will definitely be a hundred times worse if someone hits Aunt Diana's idea! And if you know in advance the meaning behind the aunt's possession of the Huaguan, Xi Nian will never let her aunt wear it on her head!


If she was forced to go out as His Highness, the female guard should not dare to stop her, but Xi Nian didn't want to embarrass the female guard, so she was still in the corridor by herself. Turn around.

Go back to your door.

Xi Nian stopped suddenly, looking towards the depths of the inner corridor of the ancient building, where there was a little light at the end, and there was also a subtle wind coming through the dark corridor.

Since you're not allowed to walk around outside, it doesn't matter if you walk inside?

Xi Nian shrugged.

What's more, the female guard just said that as long as the objects inside are not taken out, there will be no problem.

Xi Nian didn't think about it too much, didn't stop, and continued to walk deeper into the ancient building.

"This wall is really thick..." The more Xi Nian walked into the corridor, the more surprised he became.

In this ancient circular building, except for the darkroom on duty just now, there are almost no other rooms. All are solid brick walls, and there is only a not-so-wide corridor leading to the interior.

Can you imagine it?

In terms of design style, this circular building is like a closed pokeball. As long as the corridor is closed, no one can go out from it.

"Perhaps, there is only a three-in-one state that can forcefully break out while trapped inside..." Xi Nian pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of Flerken. My aunt said it was hard to bring it to Paradise Island. , so I entrusted it to a friend who has experience in raising pets for a few days.

That friend, seems to be called "Barry Allen"?

Xi Nian soon came to the deepest part of the building, and the moment he walked out of the corridor, the scene in front of him was bright and cheerful!

Inside, is a very spacious retro hall.

The hall all around is engraved with bizarre stone frescoes and ancient Greek characters, as if recording a long and unknown history of old gods. The star-shaped metal railings on the top floor of the hall have bright light, cool breeze, and air infiltration. one after another, a faint light beam with clear dust shone down, subtly falling on the stone altar in the middle of the main hall of the ancient building.

Above the two-meter-high stone altar, there is a cube mysterious object, like a rusted metal box.

I don't know how long the iron box has been placed here, the twilight, the dust, and even the years, all sit and sink beside it.

"This is something that has been guarded for more than a thousand years?" Xi Nian was dumbfounded.

He finally knew why no one could move it for thousands of years.

Let's not say that Paradise Island comes with Zeus Formation, and it has Amazonians on duty to guard it, so it's aimed at its poor appearance-

Who wants this broken box?

Of course, it might be a hidden dive tool.

Xi Nian didn't plan on getting into it, he stood in front of the stone altar and started doing the chest lift for middle school students.

took a deep breath, the air in the deepest main hall communicated with the outside world, and Xi Nian felt a lot more comfortable.

But, all of a sudden!

He seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye.

Xi Nian stopped, and his surprised eyes fell on the iron box on the top of the stone altar.

Just now.

Did that thing move?

Paradise Island, Amazon Palace.

The inside of the palace is gold and jade in glorious splendor, and any piece of decoration inside, including the gold seats and bead curtains that are still in use, is a collection of collectors rushing to the outside.

"Mother." Diana walked into the palace and crouched down on a seat.

On the golden seat, a dignified woman with a yellow golden flower crown, Hippolyta, Queen of Amazons, who is somewhat similar to Diana, her face and body are not old-fashioned, can't help it. Excited genuine smile.

Hippolyta reached forward and touched Diana's face lightly with her palm: "child, you are suffering outside alone."

"No." Diana gently Shaking his head lightly, he grabbed his mother's hand and said, "Mother, I'm fine and can take care of myself."

"Of course I know. After all, you are the only daughter of my Amazon queen!" Xibo Lu Ta smiled nodded, then suddenly paused, looked towards Diana's forehead: "Diana, your starlight Fei Mian?"

"Mother, I was about to tell you about this. I didn't come back alone."

Diana said with a happy smile, very serious and proud: "I gave it to a person, a human being!"

… …

Ancient building, in the main hall.

Xi Nian looked at the iron box in a daze. Didn't the female guard just say that this thing hasn't been touched for thousands of years?

Why, he just saw the iron box shake slightly? !

Dizzy, wrong?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Xi Nian just glanced at it out of the corner of the eye. It was most likely due to the interference of light and shadow that made him mistakenly think the box was moving.

Just to confirm.

Xi Nian took his breath and approached the stone altar.

Approaching three meters, Xi Nian can see it more clearly. The iron box on the stone altar has strange patterns, like stars and the sun. A very thick layer of dust has accumulated on the surface of the box. .

The beams on the dome of the building bathed him.

Xi Nian subconsciously, moved towards the iron box on the stone altar, and reached out, trying to wipe off the dust on the surface of the box.

Fingers, a little closer.

Just before the fingertips were about to touch the box, Xi Nian hurriedly withdrew his hand.

What you are doing, it's not a good habit to touch other people's things!


Looking at the dust on the box, Xi Nian also confirmed that he was wrong just now - if the box really shook, the dust on it would definitely be shaken off.

"Forget it, let's go back."

Xi Nian gave up exploring the broken box, turned and walked out of the main hall of the building.

Xi Nian did not find out.

He just walked out of the main hall on his front feet and entered the corridor.

The iron box placed on the stone altar trembled slightly, shaking off a lot of dust. The dust that had shaken off had disappeared into the space in the hall before it fell to the ground.

The box seems to have an autonomous life trembling!

As if afraid, afraid of something.

And this trembling, soon fell back into the calm that has been maintained for thousands of years.

It continues to dormant, waiting for an opportunity!

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