My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 42

Inside the Amazon Palace Palace.

Diana's beautiful eyes are piercing, naturally looking at the Amazon Queen, like a Dame with Blink's proud and glorious wings, not Her Highness the Princess, who was protected and loved by all the Amazon clansman :

"Mother, when I was a child, didn't you say. Is human being the most miraculous, powerful, dive tool with Infinity potential created by the gods?"

She paused , said sincerely: "When I went to the human world outside, I was looking forward to it for a time, and soon I was disappointed with human beings. So, in fact, I exiled myself and chose to stay in the world over there, to give my heart. Looking for an answer."

"Have you found it?" Hippolyta's frowning brows eased, tending to look at her only daughter calmly.

"Yes, I understand what you said." Diana smiled slightly: "Xi Nian, he is the miracle I chose and the answer I want to find."

< p>Hippolyta was silent for a moment, then asked softly: "You have so much confidence in him?"

Diana's heroic eyebrows spread like a sword edge, and said seriously: "I have confidence in myself, so That's why I made this decision."

She held her mother's palm lightly and whispered, "Mother, you won't blame me?"

"How could it be." Polly shook her head, looked at her and said, "You are my daughter, no matter what you decide, I will support you."

At this time.

From outside the gate of the palace, the female general Antiopus walked in angrily, and she said solemnly: "I don't agree!"

"An Theop." Hippolyta looked up at her.

"pay respects to Queen Your Majesty!" Antiope knelt down on one knee and saluted in the hall of the palace, and then repeated his position: "I don't agree with this choice of His Royal Highness Diana! She is our Amazon How can a princess of a family bet everything on a weak and young human being!"

She couldn't understand it, it was difficult to accept it!

"Antiop." Diana was about to speak, but Hippolyta patted the back of her hand and said to Antiop, "You, you're still having this temper. Do you remember that in Diana's childhood?"

Antiop brows tightly knit, I don't know what the queen wants to say.

Hippolyta whispered, "As a child, Diana liked to peek at the daily training of you and the Amazon girls warriors. I didn't want her to be a warrior out of love for her, so more He reprimanded and publicly forbade Diana from touching the weapon."

"But. In the end, she didn't sneak up to train with you."

"This!" Antiy Opp opened his mouth and hesitated.

"I think you should be very clear in your heart." Hippolyta sighed: "Both you and I can't influence Diana as a child, how can we influence her choices when she grows up You said she was good enough, and now this is the decision she made, how can you question her?"

Antiop was completely silent.

She clenched her fists tightly, then loosened it a little bit, and said helplessly: "I, I, respect the decision of His Royal Highness Diana."

And when the Amazon queen hopes From the moment Polyta, and the female general Antiope stopped vetoing, no one on Paradise Island could question Diana's choice.

This will also indicate that Xi Nian's rank and status in Paradise Island will rise to the same position as Amazon's Princess Diana.

Diana suddenly said: "Antiop, I also want to ask you one thing, about Xi Nian."

Queen Hippolyta was slightly stunned. , Entrusting things about Xi Nian to Antiope, isn't it unreliable?

Antiop raised his brows and said, "His Royal Highness Diana, you said."

Diana said softly: "I think, let Xi Nian..."< /p>


In ancient buildings.

Xi Nian, who was lying in the small dark room, slumped on the bed with hunger. Suddenly, there were clear footsteps coming from the corridor outside.

Someone is coming!

Xi Nian sat up abruptly and saw the previous female guard hurried in with a set of clothes in her hand: "His Royal Highness, put it on quickly, General Antiope wants to see him. You!"

"Are you ready for dinner?" Taking the clothes handed over by the female guard, Xi Nian ignored the actual situation and took off his shirt directly, causing the female guard to run away in a panic. go out.

"Why, it's not like I haven't seen a man before." Xi Nian muttered for a while, put on the clothes he was given, and walked outside the ancient building.

Go out from the long dark corridor of the ancient building.

Xi Nian, who came outside the door, had a feeling of seeing the sun again. He looked down at the clothes he just changed. Well, this time, it is a serious men's clothing - the upper body is brown linen with short sleeves, and the lower body is trousers with leggings for convenient movement, which are also the characteristics of old clothes in ancient Greece.

It's just that these trousers look like they have a new refit and sewing, the thread ends are all new!

Without waiting for Xi Nian to think, a horseshoe and roar sounded in front, and a female cavalry quickly appeared in front of the ancient building on the edge of the cliff.

The one who rode the dark horse at the head was naturally the female general Antiope.

Antiop looked at Xi Nian at the door, whispered a few words to the female guard, and then said to the female cavalry team behind him: "Bring him a horse."


Xi Nian watched as a female cavalry soldier pulled a handsome white horse to him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

My lord, times have changed!

Can you get some modern means of transportation?

Seeing that Antiope and Dame were all staring at him, Xi Nian could only have big eyes with the white horse nearby.

As if seeing his embarrassment, the female guard stepped forward and asked, "Your Highness, do you want to help you mount your horse?"

"Then please." Xi Nian He was greatly moved, and then he flew away——

I was thrown two or three meters directly by the female guard and landed on the back of the white horse.

The white horse was frightened, carrying Xi Nian and striding wildly, like a loose arrow flying out.

"Go!" Antiope glared with both feet, leading the female cavalry to chase the white horse.


The white horse, surrounded by the female cavalry team, began to slow down and move forward. It was already thrown out.

Riding on the white horse, Xi Nian found that the female cavalry team slowed down, not for his sake, but because they had entered the town area of Paradise Island!

Smooth and spacious white flagstone roads meander through the mountain road, and there are countless white building groups on both sides of the road.

When the female cavalry team took Xi Nian through the town road, hundreds of thousands of local residents in white long skirts, and even armed warriors standing guard everywhere, all came to the side of the road to watch the team. Xi Nian in the center has a strange color in his eyes.

Xi Nian suddenly had a sense of sight when he first came to the subject's house and was surrounded by relatives such as the seven aunts and eight aunts.

This is no longer as simple as a group of relatives, but a tribe and race!

That's not the point.

The point is, it's all women! Not a single male! ! And there is no old man with a waning youth! ! !

Xi Nian finally clear comprehension, why is his men's clothing newly sewn. Because, there is no need for men on this island.

Paradise Island?

It's better to change the name to the daughter country!

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