My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 439

"You are..."

Gwen was stunned, looking at the surging scarlet red-haired loli, and exclaimed in surprise: "Wanda!"

"I'm sorry. Everyone, I did something bad."

The red-haired loli in a dress came out to rescue, and Wanda's face was full of guilt.

Polaris Lorna was stunned when she saw Wanda, and then showed a bright smile: "It's okay, after all, you are my younger sister! No matter what happens, the elder sister will forgive you!"< /p>

"Thank you, thank you, elder sister." Wanda stepped forward and held Lorna's hand.

"Who are you?" Susan curiously looked towards the girl who blocked the attack for herself. She still knew Wanda, but she had never seen him before.

The other party's body is petite and perfect, and the face is so delicate and lovely that it's like walking out of a fairy tale, wearing a small floral dress, the whole body is contrasted with metallic luster, and has beautiful shiny silver hair. Silk.

"Wait, are you..."

Polaris' eyes fell on the metal girl, and she couldn't help opening her rosy mouth. She was too familiar with her. The structure has participated in the design.

"Good afternoon everyone, long time no see."

"Miss Diana, Miss Gwen, Mrs. Susan, Miss Lorna, also Little Wanda."

The metal girl's voice was sweet and clear, and she greeted her politely and gently.

"Alice, she is Alice...!"

Wanda's eyes were full of scarlet, and he saw the essence of many things, and also saw the soul of the metal girl, that It is a unique soul with the breath of its owner and Mind Stone!

"Everyone, there will be many opportunities to meet me in the future. Now, let's focus on invading the monster." Alice said quickly: "According to my statistics, at least fifty countries have perished. , Nearly half of the humans on Earth are Death."

"It's only a few minutes."

Everyone in the Destiny Alliance was angry when they heard the words, it was only a few minutes, and almost half of them were Humans are dying in catastrophe!

This is the sudden appearance of the demonic army, and it is still invading all over the world at the same time. Every demon is a small natural disaster!

What they don't know is that more than half of Death's human beings also include superheroes.

In New York City.


Black Widow screamed in despair, looking at the agent man in front of him, who was carrying a quiver and holding a longbow, and was shot into the ground by a monster.

In Wakanda.

"King Your Majesty!"


Princess Shuri's eyes overflowed with tears, watching even in the Black Panther battlesuit with Vibranium texture, The Black Panther man who was still besieged by several monsters and his body was deformed.

Western town.

"Harley, Harley!"

The Poison Ivy Girl's beautiful eyes stared blankly ahead, a woman with two ponytails pierced through her back by a demonic claws. The woman was laughing wildly while coughing up blood, and turned back to shoot the demon-like body with her rifle.

"Die! die for me!"

Shark King's small eyes are red, like a Beast, fiercely rushing forward, biting the demon's neck with a big mouth of blood !

Queens, New York.

"Peter! Are you alright?"

Iron Man promptly pulled the besieged Spider-Man out of the Doomsday genoid swarm, but found that the other side's body was limp , did not respond to his calls.

Blood, dripping from the spider battlesuit.


Iron Man was stunned, flying in the air, and being slammed down from behind by a monster.

Cities are being destroyed, tragedies in the world are being staged everywhere, and superheroes and villains are unavoidable!

Apocalypse star.

The center of the battle.

"I said, even if you can defeat me and kill me, you can't win the final victory! This is the consequence of going against Darkseid!"

Dark Seid was bleeding all over his body, and his body was split in half by the scarlet long sword.

If it wasn't for Superman and the fire star hunter to take action at the same time, he would have been directly chopped in two by the super red Xi Nian!

Super-red Xi Nian's right hand holding the sword continued to use force, and under the blocking of Superman's stance and energy protection, he still continued to sink the scarlet long sword into an inch!

"Even if you can kill me, when you go back, Earth and those you love will no longer exist." Darkseid said solemnly.

Super-red Xi Nian finally had a momentary shake when he heard the words.

"It's now!"

Darkside was overjoyed, his eyes overflowed with majestic and mysterious white light, and looked at Xi Nian who was in front of him.

At this moment, Xi Nian's golden red eyes seemed to be infected with a ray of mysterious substance.

That's right.

Darkseid never planned to drag Earth to be buried with him from beginning to end, but to wait for this moment to come, and try to shake Xi Nian's state of mind to control each other!

As long as the opponent is in the same hands as Superman, he will not only be immortal, but the universe is at your fingertips!

"You will be my strongest battle strength!"

Darkseid ignored the split body, with white light in his eyes, and began to infect Xi with full strength Nian's mind!

Beyond the battlefield.

"Not good, Darkseid wants to use that strange ability to control Xi Nian!" Zatanna said anxiously.

"What?!" Cyborg and Batman were shocked.

They know that Darkseid's mysterious controlling ability can be easily controlled by even Superman, and even Zatanna can't use magic to avoid it!

"We're going to stop him!"

Batman was standing up when a hurricane suddenly glowed above his head, but some monsters found them!


The white light in Darkseid's eyes is extremely powerful, like a galvanic current, which is connected with the super red Xi Nian's eyes.

He felt that he had succeeded!

As long as it is a creature in this universe, it cannot escape his control, after all, he uses that ability!

Even if it is incomplete, it is only a very incomplete part.

Also enough to control any creature in this universe!

However, Super Red Xi Nian suddenly looked at him coldly and said, "What are you doing?"


Da Keside was completely stunned: "Why are you out of control?"

At this moment, he couldn't understand.

Why is the other party immune to control?

Super-red Xi Nian doesn't want to pay attention to each other, in this brief moment, he knows, the only way to solve the crisis.

Infinity Stone!

However, it is impossible to control multiple gems at the same time even in super red mode without the dive tool that controls gems.

Besides, he destroyed one of the original six Infinity Stones.

Without one, the Infinity Stone will not be able to exert the perfect power effect.

As he was thinking about this quickly, the super red Xi Nian suddenly closed his eyes, he had a strange feeling.

"You?" Under Darkseid's suspicious gaze.

Super red Xi Nian suddenly let go of the sword of omega effect, his right hand slowly raised, with the dreamy red light Blink, a metal glove condensed into a real wearing on his right hand superior.

It was a metal glove with six grooves.

Super Red Xi Nian continued to use the Ring of Dimension. The five Infinity Stones originally stored in the Elemental Space - Space, Time, Power, Reality, and Mind appeared, and automatically flew into the five grooves among.

There is still one last groove, which should be the storage location of the Soul Stone, but the Soul Stone has already been destroyed by the power of the scarlet...

The super red Xi Nian looks incomparable at the moment Calm, his eyes fell on the groove of the glove, the dreamy rays of light surged again, a little orange rays of light glowed from the air, surging cosmic energy surged, and immediately formed an orange gem.

Soul Stone.


Darkseid spit out incredible, he could feel that the gloves and energy gems were not taken out by the other party, but fabricated from fantasy become a reality!

"It turns out that this is the seventh permanent ability." A clear comprehension flashed in the super-red Xi Nian's eyes.

This is the ability that Wanda gave him -


As long as it's an item Xi Nian has seen, knows its existence, and believes its reality, it can be recreated from fantasy.

Also, since Xi Nian spider senses, Iron Body, Spiritual God immortality, Eye of Death, Emotional Mastery, and Emperor Realm.

The seventh permanent ability.

Fantasy creation.

The sixth reshaped Soul Stone is embedded in the final groove, and the yellow cheat cover emerges with colorful currents, surging up the body of the super-red mode Xi Nian.

At this moment, the super-red Xi Nian saw the Profound Truth of this universe and felt that he could realize any wish.

The Infinity Gauntlet with six infinity stones is indeed the strongest strategic weapon in the universe.

Of course.

Super red Xi Nian also felt the price.

If you want to realize your wish and subvert the universe, you will naturally have to pay a price!

Even if the body is strong enough to withstand the side effects of using the Infinity Gauntlet, there is still a deeper, causal price to pay!

"Even so, it doesn't matter."

Super red Xi Nian indifferently smiled, and one after another silhouette appeared in my mind.

"Darkside, goodbye." Super red Xi Nian said softly, holding the glove with six infinity stones and making a snapping gesture.

"I see."

Darkseid exclaimed suddenly, staring at Xi Nian: "I know why you are not under my control! In your body, such a simple truth, how can I understand it now? It turns out that the results of what I clearly understood have already been swallowed by you!"

He Infinity was grieved and indignant, looking like he was going to eat people.

Super red Xi Nian didn't pay any attention to Darkseid's words. He was expressionless, and snapped his fingers with his right hand gently and powerfully: "I'm a god... forget it."< /p>

"I'm just, Xi Nian Prince."

The words just fell.


The fingers snapped, and everything was shrouded in white radiance emerging from the Infinity Gauntlet.

Earth, New York.

Iron Man was lying on the ground with Spider-Man's body in his arms, seeing the demons surrounded, but in the next instant, the powerful demons disappeared in place as flying ash.

"Friday, what the hell happened?" Tony Stark asked, struggling.

The AI responded quickly on Friday: "Sir, the invading twin-winged monsters are disappearing! Not just in New York City, but the twin-winged monsters on Earth are disappearing!"


The headquarters building was on the verge of collapse, Nick Fury looked at the demon who disappeared as flying ash, and said in a heartfelt voice: "It seems that Earth survived this disaster. "

After saying these words, his body fell down, and there was a bloody hole in his chest.

Future Chronicle Headquarters, in front of the open space in the square.

Watching a large number of demon-like and demon-like corpses turn into flying ashes and dissipate, Alice opened her eyes wide: "Everyone, demon-like disappeared from the whole world!"

"It's Young Master." Wanda blurted out.

"Well, he must have succeeded."

Wonder Woman Diana smiled knowingly, raised her beautiful eyes, and looked towards the sun poking out of the dark clouds.

"I knew it, you could do it."

She whispered to herself, thinking about how to Reward when the other party came back.

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