My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 440

This war is coming and ending quickly.

As if the two-winged monsters from hell came in groups without warning, and disappeared without warning, this cruel catastrophe that swept the world resulted in the death of more than half of Terrans.

Many small nations perished, countless cities were reduced to ruins, and Earth was doomed.

According to preliminary statistics, nearly 3.5 billion humans died in this alien invasion. The superheroes who died include but are not limited to: Black Panther, Spider-Man, Antman, Wasp, Hawkeye, Aquaman, Mister Fantastic, Human Torch, Thing...

As for the villain, who cares, anyway, Arkham Asylum in Gotham City is covered by a fire sea.

This is called by later generations:

Sham's Incident!

It means fast as lightning horrific disaster!

This will also be the most brutal invasion in the history of human civilization!

Three days later.

Washington, suburban villa.

The first and second floors were full of people, well...all women.

Wonder Woman Diana, Spider Girl Gwen, Polaris Lorna, Invisible Woman Susan, as well as Quake Quake and Atlantis empress Mera, the current Destiny Alliance members are basically here, Supergirl Kara also Metaspace comes out.

also came here after hearing the news, Superman Clark's wife Lewis Lane, who was wearing a tummy that could clearly be seen rising and falling.

"Everyone, just finished the rescue operation after the disaster, let's have something to drink first."

Alice is wearing a maid dress and holding a plate of steaming coffee get out.

She used her ability to change her appearance. She couldn't see the essence of Vibranium from the appearance, but every movement was standardized and mechanical, like a delicate and perfect silver-haired girl.

"I believe Young Master will be fine."

Wanda said softly, and walked out with a plate, and specially handed Lewis a glass of nutritious fresh milk.

"Thank you." Lewis' naked eyes were visibly haggard, and his thin face was also pale. Obviously, he had been worried about Superman's status quo, and his hands subconsciously caressed his stomach.

Carla took over for her younger brother and sister Lewis. She had replaced the original Superman battlesuit, wearing an ordinary azure dress, and recovered completely with Krypton Superman's physique bask in the sun injured.

"Luis, my cousin, he'll be fine, Xi Nian will definitely bring him back." Kara said softly.

"I hope so." Lewis> nodded.

"That idiot boy. Since you won the war, why haven't you come back."

Lorna folded her hands and put on a men's suit, she couldn't help muttering.

Lorna looked towards her younger sister: "Wanda, can't even you find him?"

Wanda shook the head: "Apocalypse is too far away, And I haven't been there, and I don't know the corresponding coordinates, so the Transmission Gate can't be reached."

"As for the cauldron of all things on the Mage Sanctum's side, I also used it, and that cauldron could not observe the Young Master originally. ."

"I can't even get in touch with the Ring of Dimension, this is really--annoying, can we just sit here and wait?" Lorna couldn't sit still, she touched her suit pocket , took out a lollipop, and was peeling off the candy wrapper and stuffing it into her mouth——


Lorna covered her mouth in discomfort and rushed towards The bathroom is gone.

On the sofa on the second floor.

Meera and Susan are sitting next to each other. The relationship between the two has been very good since the Grand Era incident. After joining the Destiny Alliance, they became even more like sisters.

At this time, Susan's beautiful eyes were flushed, and she had obviously cried before.

The Fantastic Three in Los Angeles, all died in this disaster, among which is included her younger brother Human Torch Johnny.

Mera held Susan in one hand and comforted her softly.

Wonder Woman Diana wore a long white dress and sat dignifiedly in the main seat. Her perfect face was calm, which undoubtedly stabilized the atmosphere and the mood of the crowd.

“Miss Diana.”

Gwen next to Diana looked at Diana with some admiration. She knew that the other party was the one who worried about Xi Nian the most.

Gwen couldn't hide her worry and was uneasy. Seeing the calm and peaceful Diana, she relaxed a little.

Diana said softly: "Of course I am worried about him, but I also believe in him and believe that he will come back safely."

"That guy, if he doesn't come back, I suggest not to sit still. ..."

Lorna just walked out of the bathroom, panting with rage, but before she could finish speaking, she covered her mouth and turned to the bathroom.

From inside, there was a faint sound of water and retching.

"Lorna, what did she eat?" Gwen looked curiously towards the hidden door in the bathroom.

"Perhaps, it wasn't because of the bad food." Lewis said suddenly while stroking his stomach.

These words fell, and the entire hall on the second floor of the villa was silent for a moment.

Diana's beautiful eyes light up.

"No way."

Kara opened her lips slightly and used her perspective eyes directly.

Meera and Susan trembled slightly at the same time, and their attention suddenly shifted.

Alice spoke directly: "Miss Lorna, the past few days have been really unstable, I have at least a 99% chance to confirm..."

"It's 100%." Kara's eyes were a little complicated and she added.

"Ah, really?"

Gwen looked envious.

"What are you talking about?" Quake blinked curiously, looking stupid, and all of a sudden, everyone in the hall looked towards her.

SHIELD New Director?

It's probably fake!

"hu hu, today's lunch is not quite right."

Polaris Lorna let out a long sigh and walked out of the bathroom, only to see other people in the main hall looking at her .

Or complicated, or looking forward, or envious, or excited...

"You all look at what I do, there is something on my face?" Lorna looked puzzled.

"You sit down first and we'll talk slowly."

Diana stood up, giving Lorna the nearest chair.

"What happened?" Lorna Fox questioned.

Wait for everyone to answer.

With a buzzing sound, there was a crackling sound in the courtyard outside the villa, opening a semi-transparent space channel.

Seven silhouettes fell into the yard from the space channel. They were six men and one woman, a cyborg man, a female magician, a green-skinned alien, a superhuman battlesuit man, and a youth in lightning armor. also a black-haired teenager who looks the youngest.

Most of the people in the villa turned their attention to the black-haired boy.

"They're back!"

The villa was completely noisy.

Everyone walked out of the villa, Gwen and Kara were extremely fast and threw themselves into the boy's arms.

Then, Susan, Mera, and Quake, followed by sisters Lorna and Wanda.

"Calm down, are you going to squeeze me to death?"

Xi Nian was both happy and painful, feeling his face buried in the towering towers, and finally stuck his head out Taking a breath, he was hugged by someone and lay back down.

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