My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 55

New York.

The most central and bustling modern urban area!

A huge blue beam of light soared into the sky, forcibly tearing the sky apart into an abyss-like black hole, and from the dark interior that seemed to lead to the deepest part of the universe, dense flying objects continued to spew out!

bang bang bang!

The explosion sounded like the thunder of a large rainstorm constantly resounding everywhere, and the unknown terror came unprepared to the city!


Dozens of mysterious black spots are approaching Times Square rapidly, and one of them is the shopping mall where Xi Nian is located!

Xi Nian opened his eyes wide in shock. The mysterious black spot appeared from far to near, and the volume in his eyes became bigger and bigger.

Approaching the last half-kilometer distance, you can see that it is an aircraft similar to the shape of a sea motorcycle. Although the tall existence driving the aircraft could not be seen clearly, it was definitely not human. The whole body surface reflected the cold luster of metal in the sunlight!

The unknown aircraft hadn't completely entered the sky above the pedestrian street, and a dazzling red flame was launched from the front end, dragging the terrifying tail flame to the building first!

"Be careful!!"

Xi Nian's reaction was fairly quick, and immediately hugged Qingmei Gwen, who was beside him, and threw himself to the ground.

At the same time, a powerful and terrifying explosion and shock wave energy erupted on the outer wall between the third and fourth floors of the building, and the window glass on the floor was instantly shattered, and the shattered also looked at it. Like a hard reinforced concrete outer wall, even the floor floor on the edge of the fourth floor collapsed with a rumble!

bang! !

The air wave carried the broken building debris and swept inward, the flames began to burn in the huge hole in the front of the building, and the thick black smoke quickly filled the space inside the mall.

"cough cough..., Gwen, are you alright?"

Xi Nian, who was lying on the ground with tinnitus, coughed a few times, and the floor in front of him had collapsed. Make him feel like he's on the edge of a cliff.

However, these have been neglected.

Just now.

When Xi Nian threw Gwen to the ground, the girl in her arms suddenly twisted her body and acted as a meat shield, protecting Xi Nian's back with her soft body.

So Xi Nian himself was not injured.

He got up eagerly and looked around, the thick gunpowder could only see things within two meters, but Gwen's silhouette could not be seen within the visual range...

No way.

Xi Nian's heart throbbed violently.


At this moment, a tall silhouette jumped in from the outside of the shopping mall building and landed on the fourth floor floor not far from Xi Nian, making a heavy metal sound!

In the gunpowder smoke, there were first two red eyes with no emotion, and then, a nearly two-meter-tall, metal-structured robot-like creature walked out of it, holding a non-Earth civilization in its hand. Featured energy guns. Its eyeballs are constantly rotating and scanning, like a killing weapon that locks the humans in the mall.

"You bastard!" Xi Nian's eyes were slightly red, and he rushed towards the alien robot immediately.

His left hand was clenched into a fist, and the silver bracelet of protection of the divide tool covered by his sleeve was hot and red, conforming to the revival of Young Lord's anger and awakening a sparkling divide light!

A silhouette moves faster than Xi Nian!

Seeing that the alien robot and Xi Nian are about to collide, golden short hair and uniform skirt are hunting, the girl forcibly inserts between Xi Nian and the alien robot, and reaches out to grab the outside. The metal arm of the star robot!

bang! !

The girl in her early sixties threw her opponent to the ground with a shoulder-to-shoulder fall. The floor was so powerful that one after another obvious cracks appeared on the floor. She jumped up two meters agilely and vigorously, and at the same time as her body fell, Bai Nen's fist violently hit the alien robot's face.

ka ka!

The mechanical head created by the entire circuit, parts, chips, etc. bursts open with the rushing current and the shining fire star!

"Gwen?!" Xi Nian stared blankly at the girl at the moment, the strength of this fist, I'm afraid it will be on the ton level...

This is Gwen?

Is it that green plum who occasionally has to twist the cap of a drink bottle?

It's a lie!

Xi Nian was still in a daze, and Gwen, who had dealt with an alien robot, took his hand and got into the smoke-filled shopping mall!

The inside and outside of the shopping mall was screaming and wailing, becoming a tragic scene of purgatory on earth. Obviously more than one alien body invaded, and the area on this side of the square alone was dozens of hundreds!


Gwen dragged Xi Nian into an unmanned clothing store, quickly found a dressing room, and took Xi Nian into the confined space for dressing. in a single room.

Gwen pulled away the backpack that he had been carrying, and opened the dark layer of the backpack. As Xi Nian expected, there was a very familiar black and white spider uniform inside!

It turned out that the Spider-Woman that night was—


Xi Nian understood everything, but before he could speak, Gwen suddenly grabbed the hem of his uniform with both hands, lifted it up and took it off——

The girl's upper body The curvaceous figure of the figure, from the tender and snow-white neck down to the abdomen with the vest line, presents a beautiful and strong muscle line.

The most important thing is that there is no other clothes on the girl, and the snow-white and slender body is almost unobstructed!

Not true.

Xi Nian also saw two ordinary band-aids, but instead of covering anything, the already well-developed Gwen showed a look she had never seen before.

What a good brother.

"Don't turn around yet." Just as she was about to take off the rest of her skirt, Gwen suddenly reacted, glared at Xi Nian blushing, bit her lip and said.

Well, that makes it even more interesting.

Xi Nian turned around without the slightest hesitation, the current situation is indeed not the time to appreciate it.

There was a rustling sound behind him, and soon, Gwen signaled that he had changed.

Xi Nian looked back and saw the Spider-Woman he had encountered on the roof before.

"In the future, I will explain everything to you. Now, I will take you first, and also evacuate the people here." After putting on the battlesuit of the female spider, Gwen's voice changed. Some appear capable and direct, giving people a sense of reliability and convincing.

"Okay!" Xi Nian had no objection.


"Classmates, gather together, don't run around!"

In a corner of the shopping mall building, instructor Roth and assistant mysterious Guest, although the two were equally terrified, they still led the way to protect most of the students.


Scarlet's electronic pupils blinked in the smoke, and an alien robot scanned them and sprinted towards them. Before it got close, it fired continuously, and several piercing white lasers shattered the stone pillars and guardrails blocking the front!

The students screamed and backed away, but quickly turned their backs to a wall.

The mysterious guest gritted his teeth, and together with Instructor Rotter, firmly held his body in front of the students.

At the crucial moment, from the area behind the alien robot, two white spider webs shot out, sticking to the metal arms of the alien robot respectively.

Under the strong force, the alien robot was thrown out of the building by fiercely as if it were going backwards!

With the sound of "xiu", Spider-Woman jumped lightly in front of the instructor and the students, waving and shouting: "Follow me!"

Xi Nian picked it up from the ground The energy guns released by the alien robots were merged into the group of students.

"Let's go, let's get out of here quickly!"

Instructor Roth thought he was dead, and when he heard the voice, he came back to his senses and shouted with joy.

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