My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 56

Under the protection of Spider-Woman, the instructor and students walked out of the shopping mall building and came to the pedestrian street outside.

Xi Nian looked around and saw that the situation on the city streets outside was even worse than in the mall just now!

The school bus that was parked in front of the shopping mall had long since been scrapped, and was crushed into a pile of scrap metal by the collapsed buildings. A series of car accidents have caused the main road to be blocked. The streets and alleys are invaded by alien machines, the killing and bombing of impudents, the cries and screams of human beings are ups and downs, and the entire center of New York is completely chaotic!

This moment is like the end!


Xi Nian saw a familiar tall silhouette on top of a car in the current chaotic scene.

The youth wore an exclusive blue tight-fitting uniform, with a slightly raised hip and a pentagram round shield on his left hand.

It is different from the common toys on the market. No matter the metal texture of this round shield, it is still a non-physical and mechanical trajectory that is thrown out and hits an alien robot and then returns back again. It all means that it is a genuine piece with a certain historical significance.

"Captain." Xi Nian's mind moved. Now New York City is more than a superhero.

Captain America Steve Rogers also saw Xi Nian. He jumped out of the car and quickly moved towards Xi Nian. A group of students said: "This is very dangerous, you should get out of here!"


"Where is the safety now?" Instructor Rotter asked anxiously.

Captain America wearing a helmet showing half of his face, with a serious face, said bluntly, "As long as it's not safe in New York, you should leave along the road first. In the central area of the city, there should already be departments in the outer city that have arranged for citizens to evacuate out of the city."

Is the situation so pessimistic?

Xi Nian brows tightly knit, listening to Captain America's words, the whole New York even has the probability of falling!

But it is.

Xi Nian raised his eyes solemnly and looked at the blue beam of light rising into the sky in the distance. The dark abyss was getting bigger and bigger, and the sky above the city area near the Stark Industries headquarters building was almost black!

There is a deafening thunder in the area from time to time, and the thunder and lightning that fell on a sunny day directly smashed a large area of the alien aircraft flying in the air, apparently also other unknown superheroes blocking the outside. Star Invasion!

Now that the alien mechanical forces have invaded New York, the superheroes stationed here are barely able to cope, but as long as the hole cannot be closed, the number of alien mechanical bodies will continue to multiply!

This is the second and large-scale alien invasion in the modern history of mankind!


Xi Nian handed the energy gun he picked up to the instructor. First, he had never learned to shoot, and second, he had a diving tool guarding the silver bracelet in his hand, which is comparable to Alien energy guns are much easier to use.

With New York's superheroes and alien forces fighting against each other, and with the secret protection of Spider-Woman, Xi Nian, all the students in the class, and the instructor, escaped without any risk. Become the center of the war.

Exit ten kilometers away.

There is no sign of alien invasion in this part of the city for the time being. A large number of police are struggling to maintain traffic on the side of the road. The main roads are full of vehicles and pedestrians. They are carrying large and small bags. Luggage, continue to evacuate outside New York City along the road out of town.

Instructor Roth had an energy gun hanging on his chest, moved towards the assistant and a group of students arranged to say: "Baker, take the students here and continue to evacuate outside the city."

" Roth, you want to stay?" Mysterious guest Baker was startled.

Instructor Rotter said firmly: "also some students have just dispersed with the main force and stayed in the city. As an instructor, I must stay here to find them and take them out."


"Okay." Baker saw that he had made up his mind, sighed, and stopped persuading him.

“Wait, what about classmate Xi Nian?” Baker glanced at the students around, surprisedly said.

"I don't know, I was here just now."

The students looked at each other in blank dismay.


Outer city, in a hutong road not far from the main road.

Xi Nian alone entered here, with the shadows flashing on the wall, I saw Spider-Woman hanging a white spider web, his body upside down and landed to a low altitude two meters below.

"You still want to go back to the city battle, right." Xi Nian asked, looking at Spider-Woman.

<>Spider-Woman nodded to this and said softly: "There are also many people there, and there is no time to evacuate."

"I knew it." Xi Nian was surprised.

It's not just Gwen himself who follows Officer George's temperament and hates evil. Even in the face of Abomination, she still chose to fight as Spider-Woman.

Now, Spider-Woman naturally won't hold back.

"Then go ahead and do what you want to do." Xi Nian thought for a while and encouraged.

"But..." Spider-Woman, who was resolute and calm before, suddenly hesitated in this brief moment.

"Are you worried about me?" Xi Nian said helplessly.

If it was the usual Gwen, she would definitely deny it proudly, but now she is not Gwen, but Spider-Woman Gwen.

So, she said firmly: "Yes."

"Then I'll tell you a secret too." Xi Nian laughed, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the Spider away slightly -Woman's mask, pull up to the position of the other's high nose.

What appeared in front of Xi Nian's eyes was an upside-down, small and delicate girl's half-face.

Half a girl's face, half a spider hood.

"What secret?" Spider-Woman asked curiously.

Not waiting for her to finish speaking, Xi Nian leaned forward and gently kissed the corner of the girl's lips.

It just doesn't seem to be able to meet the conditions for ability triggering.

After all, there is no medium.

Xi Nian paused, and just as he hesitated, Spider-Woman's lips parted slightly, like a little dessert left to taste.

No more hesitation.

Xi Nian adjusted the position of his mouth, covered the girl's two soft petals, and asked for the medium needed for his ability.

Should it be said that Gwen is worthy of being a Spider-Woman, not only is his body flexible on the outside, but he is also flexible on the inside.

Xi Nian once felt that he was tasting the most expensive and soft sandwich jelly, and at the same time, his body began to undergo subtle changes-

The pupils of his eyes narrowed slightly.

The whole body's cold hairs are sharply erected, and they can perceive everything around them carefully.

The tenacious biceps and abs, which are difficult for bodybuilders to possess, show one after another on the body!

"en?!" Spider-Woman Gwen widened her eyes and stared at Xi Nian in disbelief, she could feel Xi Nian's changes even more.

After all, at this very moment, her spider senses flared up.

Spider-Woman's physique is telling her that the person in front of her is her own kind!

"It's nothing to worry about."

Lips, Xi Nian, who got the super spider ability, said.

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