My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 80

Watching the lizard doctor and Doctor Octopus perish together, Xi Nian and Spider-Woman on the side were silent.

Who would have thought of such an ending?

"Curt doctor, he still lost control and turned into a Beast monster."

Gwen took off the spider's hood, sighed, and said sadly: " Otto doctor should be the same, the brain nerves are stimulated by the intelligent system of the mechanical claws behind him, and the mind has been controlled by the machine for a long time."

Xi Nian lightly nodded.

Acquiring extraordinary things beyond his control, which leads to the loss of humanity and bottom line out of control...

He can empathize with this.

The current lizard doctor and Doctor Octopus are like the original three-in-one Xi Nian. It's just that Xi Nian pulled back from the precipice and controlled the extraordinary power in time, while the two doctors couldn't stop and continued to get lost in the extraordinary abyss.

At the moment, the back of the world is exposed to the sun, and extraordinary events are emerging in an era.

The two doctors are just a microcosm and a representative.


Like the two doctors, who are eager to explore the transcendent and eventually lost in it, there may be more...

"Let's go, go back." Xi Nian Road.

"Are you going to keep them here?" Gwen hesitated.

"Leaving the brilliance of their lifetime in the world outside, burying the darkness in their hearts and the darkness they possessed together, this should also be the ending they want." Xi Nian thought for a while , squat forward and place your left hand on the ground near the two doctors.

The five fingers of the left hand suddenly grabbed and pressed down!

Cracking ---

The already cracked pothole suddenly shattered and collapsed, and the entangled body of the lizard doctor and Doctor Octopus fell, smashed by gravel and darkness Buried underground in the real never seen the daylight.


Xi Nian, who was lying on the sofa at home with the Flerken cub Xiaohuang, was bored, watching the TV, playing a memorial to two doctors who made outstanding contributions to biology and physics - Curt Connors , Otto Gunther Octavius.

"So, Auntie. The last Aunt Leopard... um, what happened to Ms. Barbara?"

Xi Nian rolled over on the sofa and went up He stared at the master with slender, lustrous legs resting on the back of his head.

Diana reached out and fiddled with his hair, calmly said: "It's not that bad. However, she shouldn't dare to come to this city in the past few years."

Xi Nian is inexplicable. Shrinking her neck, she could imagine that the leopard girl at that time must have been ravaged miserably.

After all, at that time, when he rushed back to school, he could only see the back of the leopard girl fleeing in a panic.

"Okay, stay home by yourself, I'm going to work." Diana said at the same time, gently lifted the back of Xi Nian's head and stuffed a pillow to replace her legs .

Xi Nian ill frowned.

The pillow is actually quite comfortable, but compared with the former wrapped in a white gauze skirt of excellent quality, whether it is soft, smooth, or pleasantly satisfying, it is obviously far worse...

After Aunt Diana left the house, the house was deserted, and only Xi Nian and Xiao Huang were left to guard the house.

Even Wanda, who was usually busy at home, was gone. According to the arrangement mentioned last week, a special car sent by Wayne consortium took him to Gotham City for further study.

That's right.

Today is the seventh day of Superman's absence.

Xi Nian can remember with his eyes closed. A few days ago, the metropolis was full of people, and countless people took to the streets to say goodbye with flowers in hand. Specification funeral.

It's a pity that Superman didn't lie in that luxurious, flag-draped coffin.

During the grand funeral of the entire world grandiose, Superman, as "Clark Joseph Kent" as a human, lies in an ordinary wooden coffin, in front of a suburban house far from the city. A small farewell funeral was held.

So. At a large funeral, what lies in the empty coffin should be the justice and truth of this country.

At the small funeral, there were only a dozen people, superman's family, fiancee, colleagues, and members of the justice league that was being formed.

This is what Diana told Xi Nian after returning from that small funeral.

Xi Nian knows.

This also means that my aunt has decided to inherit Superman's legacy, officially join the Justice League as Wonder Woman, and join forces with other superheroes to fight against possible extraordinary events in the future!

This will also be the second superhero team after Avengers!

Xi Nian shook the head, but didn't have any idea of joining any alliance.

After all, both Avengers and Justice League have Iron Man and Batman as their core leaders respectively. He is really not the kind of person who can act and fight according to the ideas of others.

If there is a chance in the future, it is better to get an alliance by yourself.

The members don't say anything else, at least Gwen is one of them?

Xi Nian quickly put this immature idea behind him, picked up Flerken Xiaohuang in his arms, and got up from the sofa a little bored muttered: "Why don't I take you to see Barry Allen? They have taken care of you for a while, and they even invited you once last time."

"meow!" Xiao Huang blinked and raised a cat's paw with pink pads.

"Five cans of small fish? A deal." Xi Nian said boldly.

So, soon.

Xi Nian put on his clothes for going out and went out with an ordinary schoolbag with a small orange-yellow head sticking out of the mouth of the schoolbag.

The sun shone brightly outside the house, people coming, people going on the streets, some street walls are graffitied with patterns commemorating Superman, and the billboards in the streets also Blink the silhouette of Superman from time to time.

As if Superman were still alive, there were Superman everywhere.

Xi Nian carried Xiao Huang in his schoolbag and walked along the pedestrian street to the address mentioned by Barry Allen.

It's only halfway through.

Xi Nian was slightly taken aback as he crossed the sidewalk with the zebra crossing, but in the oncoming crowd, the silhouette with a yellow robe was very conspicuous.

It was a bald woman in a strange, clean yellow robe, hands behind back, motionless standing upright in the middle of the sidewalk at the intersection.

Whether it's the strange dress similar to the monk's robe, or her behavior in the middle of the road, she looks like a crane in a flock of chickens, different from ordinary people.


The many passers-by who passed by the woman's sides, and even the whole street, didn't seem to see her at all.

Xi Nian paused.

His first thought was that he had encountered something indescribable, right?

You can't see the fear I see?

Dispelling some funny thoughts in his mind, Xi Nian hesitated, transferred the schoolbag he was carrying to his chest, and continued to walk forward pretending to be invisible.

And just as Xi Nian, like other passersby, was about to pass the woman.

The woman smiled faintly, looked at him sideways, and said, "My name is Ancient One."

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