My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 81

Gotham City.

I don't know if it is due to the geographical location, the weather in this city is mostly cloudy. Even at noon every day, the sky is always covered with gray and heavy lead clouds, and the dark one is about to fall. Rain scene.

Today's weekend was as cloudy as ever in Gotham, which, of course, people living in the city have long been accustomed to.


A top-of-the-range black Rolls Royce drove into the manor, driving gently without the slightest vibration, and finally stopped at a large private manor In front of the iron gate of the residence.

The main driver's seat opens.

The driver in a suit and leather shoes walked down quickly and skillfully, opened the rear door respectfully, and stooped down to block the upper edge of the door.

The red-haired girl had obviously never experienced this kind of treatment before, she jumped out of the luxurious soft seat a little unaccustomed, and she almost landed on the ground in her uniform and long skirt, the iron gate of the manor in front of her. It also slowly opened inward.

"Please, Miss Wanda." The driver raised his arms respectfully inward.

Looking in the direction Wanda moved towards, what catches the eye is a large manor with a visual sense of the Imperial Family castle, tower-style buildings reaching up to the darkness of Gotham Sky.

Is this really the Steward training base that Miss Diana said?

Wanda entered the iron gate and walked in the aisle inside the manor. Many maids who built green plants and took care of the sanitation in the yard bowed politely and friendly when they saw her.

Wanda also responded quickly with a nodded response.

"Are you Miss Wanda?"

A gentle and kind voice suddenly came from the front, Wanda subconsciously looked up and saw that it was a pale-haired man. , An old man in a neat suit, the other is standing in front of the castle-like manor building.

"Yes, hello Old Mister!"

In an environment that is too luxurious and extravagant, with an inexplicable oppression called "powerful", Wanda bows a little cautiously bow.

The old man smiled and nodded and said, "I'm Alfred Pennyworth. You can call me 'teacher' because of Miss Diana's commission."

< p>......

Wayne Manor, the reception hall on the first floor.

Wanda sat on the chair nicely and peacefully, with the short Lolita's feet hanging in the air, completely unable to touch the carpet underneath.

Afu steward poured Wanda a cup of hot coffee, his hands were so steady that the coffee in the cup didn't vibrate at all, and his body looked stronger than his aged appearance.

“How do you feel?” Alfred Steward asked kindly.

Wanda warmed her hands with a coffee cup in both hands. She glanced at the grand and grand main hall. The expensive and retro interiors were still refreshing her perception of luxury.

This also made her more nervous, whispered: "It doesn't feel like you came here to do the steward training, you... all treat me like the Eldest Young Lady."

"Hahahaha, right?"

Afu Steward couldn't help but be amused, then blinked and asked, "You don't know the identity of the Prince family?"

< p>"Identity?" Wanda's little head tilted.

"How should I explain it?" Afu steward pondered for a while, and said, "Let's put it this way. Master Wayne Young, who I enshrine and serve, is the head of the Wayne consortium. As for the Wayne consortium, the It has a market value of over 100 billion, involving industries such as technology, education, medical care, transportation, etc. At present, most of the things that can be seen everywhere in Gotham City are the industries of the Wayne consortium.”

Wanda was surprised Eyes wide open, the Wayne consortium, which she's also heard many times in New York.

Afo Steward paused and continued: "And the Prince family can be on an equal footing with the Wayne family."

"So. As Prince The only maid in the family is also the future steward. You can salute according to the norms, but you don't have to bow your head to anyone, even the so-called nobles and officials. After all, your identity represents the family you serve behind your back, and bowing your head is bound to break. It's the master's face!"


After the baptism of Afu steward's words, Wanda obviously has more recognition for Xi Nian and the Prince family. Knowing that, it also made her appear less restrained and nervous.

Afu steward saw that the effect of the first lesson had been achieved, so he cleared his throat and said in a warm voice: "Then let's get into today's topic. Before the official steward training, I will I want to ask you a question first. What do you think is the most important quality of being a steward?"

Wanda thought about it seriously, then hesitated: "Loyalty?"

" Loyalty, that is necessary, is the foundation of the foundation." Afu steward said with a slight smile: "I think the most important quality of a steward should be a sense of mission."

"A sense of mission?" Wanda froze for a moment.

"Yes. Not only superheroes need a sense of mission, but steward must also have a unique sense of mission."

Afu Steward said methodically: "steward's sense of mission Naturally, it is better to serve the master. However, it is not only necessary to complete what the master instructs to do, that is just the duty of an ordinary servant.”

“steward. It is necessary to understand what the master really needs and wants. What, complete the preparations and plans early, and serve as a powerful assistant on the master's path. And, when the master goes the wrong way or gets lost, he will give some guidance and help."

"Have a sense of mission. Steward, you need to have the belief to dedicate your life." Afu steward asked with the meaning of inquiry, and his clear eyes fell on Wanda, who was only 13 years old: "You are still young, so you are ready for that realization. Is it?"

Xiao Wanda took a light breath, the silhouette of a black-haired boy appeared in his mind, and his small face firmly said: "I can do it!"

Afu steward nodded. : "In order to do this. You need to learn more than the master, and you need to learn more and more comprehensively, not just like cleaning, but also etiquette, communication, fighting, shooting, intelligence, management, psychology. Wait."

"That..." Little Wanda hesitated and asked, "Then I don't want to come to this city often?"

Wanda is not too far away , but once this is the case, you need to get up early and set off on the weekend.

Just like today, there is no way to wake Xi Nian up and prepare breakfast.

A'Fu steward said with a smile: "You don't have to come to Gotham to study on weekends in the future. I will arrange for professional staff to teach you at your school."

Wanda's eyes lit up slightly, and he asked curiously: "Will the school agree to it?"

"Of course." Afu Steward nods, and firmly said: "Even before today, I passed by Wayne. With the authorization of the Young Master, I have purchased the school you are currently attending."


At this point.

Washington, downtown, on the most prosperous sidewalk.

Xi Nian stopped in shock and looked at the bald woman who called herself "Ancient One" next to her.

"Are you talking to me?" Xi Nian glanced sideways, glanced at the pedestrians beside people coming, people going, and for a while still suspected that the other person was talking to someone else.

"Xi Nian Prince."

Name him exactly.

Ancient One had a calm face that couldn't tell his specific age. When he looked at Xi Nian, there was a faintly discernable smile at the corner of his mouth: "Don't look at it, the person I'm looking for is you."


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