My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1067: Demon Clan Master of Refining

Feiyu Realm, Hidden Spirit Gate.

At this time, Wang Xuanxin was in a very uneasy mood, and repeatedly asked the current No.

All that was waiting for him were the patient replies from Elder No. 1.

"Master Wang, don't be in a hurry. Sending news to the fairy world is a time-consuming and laborious job."

"Send the message and wait for the message to reply. You need to wait at least a few years." Elder No. 1 replied patiently, and the kind expression on his face made outsiders think that this was a kind and patient old man.

“Elder Tianchi, I was the one who was reckless~” Wang Xuanxin said apologetically.

"I can understand, I can understand~" The No. 1 elder of the Presbytery replied quickly.

Wang Xuanxin sat in the main hall of the Yinling Gate.

"If you want to refine the entire Yinling Island into an immortal boat, you need at least six great masters of refining."

"I've traveled so many Zhongqian worlds, and I got three of them back."

"It will take tens of thousands of years for these three great masters to refine the immortal boat from Yinling Island." Wang Xuanxin said while observing the entire Yinling Island.

A light curtain appeared in front of Wang Xuanxin. This was Xu Fan's design drawing for refining the entire Hidden Spirit Island. When he ascended, he left this design drawing in the clone's database.

At this moment, an immortal gate appeared in the sky, and a fairy jade stair extended along the immortal gate to the foot of Wang Xuanxin, allowing him to ascend to the immortal world.

"Heavenly Dao, are you ignorant?" Wang Xuanxin casually clicked on the Immortal Gate, shattered the Immortal Jade Step, and was dragged into the Yinling Island by a suction force.

A message entered Wang Xuanxin's mind.

Tian Dao tremblingly said that this has nothing to do with him, it is the fairy gate descended from the fairy world.

"It's your fault, then these immortal jades should be regarded as the welfare of the sect." Wang Xuan said indifferently.

At this moment, a second-generation disciple of the Yinling Sect came to the main hall.

"Master, the Starship Fleet has found a large Middle Thousand World, and the teleportation array between the two worlds has been established."

"In that large-scale middle-thousand-world world, there are four supreme aliens who need to be taught by the headmaster." The second-generation disciple who came in reported.

"Since there are 4 Mahayana Supremes, then there must be a subordinate small fairy world in this large-scale medium-thousand world." Wang Xuanxin said, and slowly stood up.

"Yes, I hope this Zhongqian World can make me happy." A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Xuanxin's mouth.

He then sent a message to the No. 1 elder of the Presbyterian Church.

"Elder Tianchi, we found another large-scale medium-thousand world. Are you interested in seeing me and how about half of your small fairyland?"

The current No. 1 elder of the Presbyterian Church couldn't help trembling when he saw Wang Xuanxin's message.

He would never forget Wang Xuanxin, who casually crushed the alien supreme, who had fought evenly with him for a long time.

The one whose flesh body and true spirit were directly crushed and could no longer die.

Whenever he recalled this scene, Elder No. 1 would unconsciously bring himself into the angle of the supreme alien race.

He was afraid that one day, Wang Xuanxin would be interested in Dominating Feiyu Realm, and he would crush the entire Elder Council.

"I'm not going. I'm still here to wait for news from Immortal Realm. As soon as there is news, I'll tell Headmaster Wang as soon as possible." The No. 1 elder of the Presbyterian Council said for a long time, feeling no problem. It was sent to Wang Xuanxin.

"Haha, the elders of Tianchi have worked hard. This time, the Xiaoxianjie is fully owned by the elders. I only need the fairy artifact spirit mine in it."

The words of Elder No. 1 actually made Wang Xuanxin feel a little embarrassed.

Then Wang Xuanxin sat on the teleportation array and teleported towards the newly discovered large-scale Zhongqian World.

A day later, Wang Xuanxin teleported back to him with a **** aura.

"Master, you haven't shown such a strong murderous aura for a long time," said a Mahayana Venerable who was guarding the portal next to you.

"I slaughtered all the alien races in the thousands of worlds, as long as they were in the fusion stage and above." Wang Xuanxin's murderous aura slowly restrained, and he turned into an unfathomable and courteous headmaster.

Among the rules left by the grapes, if it is found that there is a tribe in the world of Zhongqian who enslaves and abuses the human race, they must use their own way and repay their own body.

"There is no need for the existence of the Heavenly Dao in that realm. Let the formation line arrange the Heaven-Swallowing Battle, and pull the Heavenly Dao of the Feiyu Realm to swallow the Heavenly Dao." Wang Xuan said in a daze.

At this moment, a colorful glow suddenly appeared in the sky and shone on Wang Xuanxin's body, like a saint coming into the world.

"Okay, don't flatter me, just get me a few more great masters in the Refining Sect." Wang Xuanxin looked at the sky and said.

The glow disappeared, but the sky remained the same.

"I know you can't do anything about it, I'm just talking about it, looking at you." Wang Xuanxin laughed.

At this moment, he suddenly received a message from the No. 1 elder of the Presbyterian Church.

"The Immortal Realm has sent back news, and the great elder of your sect has agreed to your request."

"It's just that there is no secret method, and only three great masters of refining have been sent to you. It is expected that they will arrive in the Feather World in thirty years."

Wang Xuanxin became excited when he saw the news sent by the No. 1 elder of the Presbyterian Church.

"There are 6 great masters of refining in the sect. It only takes 3,000 years to refine the entire Hidden Spirit Island into an immortal boat. At that time, you can go to the immortal world to find the great elders." Wang Xuan's heart flickered. With a strange brilliance.

"Although my strength has reached the peak of the Mahayana period, I have only completed half of the three hundred exercises given to me by the great elders, and I have many questions in my heart."

"When you see the Great Elder, you must ask for advice."

Wang Xuanxin had learned about the strength of the Great Elder Taishang through the database of Zongmen Artifact Spirit.

Judging from his current combat strength, under the same realm, he can only support a moment in the hands of the Supreme Elder.

It is said that for a moment, there is also 80% of the water.

At this moment, at the exit of the Xingyue Immortal Realm and the Xingyue Immortal Realm, there was an immortal boat carrying three great masters of Qi Refining from the Demon Race and flew towards the Feiyu Realm.

On that immortal boat, not only were three great masters of qi refining on board, but there was also a lot of assistance from the Hidden Spirit Gate to the Hidden Spirit Gate of Feiyu Realm.

Most of these aids are magic weapons and spiritual things that are not used in the treasure house, plus a batch of immortal jade.


Nanhai Xianyu, a seaside.

A woman in the fusion period stood on the seashore and looked at the boundless sea that day so quietly.

"Brother, wait for me!"

"I have entered a sect that treats me very well, and all the exercises and supernatural powers I have learned are the top ones in the Immortal Realm."

"If you're alive, I'll definitely save you~"

"If you die, I will let the entire Dragon Immortal Palace be buried with you. When my strength is strong enough, I will revive my brother against the long river of time."

The woman looked at the sea and said calmly.

At this moment, a 1000-foot-long Flood Dragon jumped out of the water.

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