The real immortal-level Jiaolong just hovered in the air, quietly watching the woman standing by the sea.

Perhaps feeling the extraordinaryness of this woman, the true immortal-level Jiaolong Dandan said, "Go back, this is the area of ​​my Dragon Immortal Palace."

The woman looked deeply at the Jiaolong looking down at her in the sky.

Then a teleportation spell appeared in his hand and was lightly crushed.

The woman was teleported directly to the nearby giant city by the teleportation array package.

When the True Immortal Flood Dragon saw the woman leaving, he swung his body and plunged into the boundless sea.

The Hidden Moon Sect, a mountain like a sharp sword, where Xiao Luofan's cave dwelling was located.

"My strength is still too weak." After the woman finished speaking, she began to practice.

Between the sun and the moon, a hundred years have passed.

Xu Fan's refining Dabu Shendan is getting faster and faster. According to the calculation of grapes, it only takes 700 years to complete the commission of the good eldest brother.

As soon as a pot of Dabu Shendan was finished refining, the good eldest brother came to the door with a fine wine.

"Brother, what kind of wine in Immortal Realm is this time?" Xu Fan asked with a smile.

"It's the keel wine that simply uses the real dragon keel into the wine. It has been dusty for millions of years, and it is time to return to the sweets." The white-haired old man said hehe.

Afterwards, the prepared puppets brought the dishes made by the disciples to the table.

Every time Xu Fan finished refining a pot of Dabu Shendan, he would taste a kind of wine that was famous in the fairyland.

"Brother, it's not easy to find this fine wine." Xu Fan took the jar of keel wine and opened it gently.

Suddenly, a strange aroma of wine wafted out, and Xu Fan looked down at the wine jar.

I saw a real dragon phantom roaming in the wine jar.

"Brother, this jar of fine wine has been sanctified, and the spirit of the wine has already been born, so the two of us are a little wasteful to drink." Xu Fan said with a pity, this level of holy wine is not only wine, but also a kind of A rare holy medicine.

The two of them have a big deficit, and it is useless to drink any amount of this holy wine.

One is that the full talent point is limited to the true immortal stage, and it is useless to make up any amount.

So this jar of wine is just a waste for two people to drink.

"What do you think, brother~" said the white-haired old man, he also knew that drinking this kind of wine by himself was useless.

"Why don't you call your apprentice and me to participate in this banquet together to exchange feelings." Xu Fan said.

"Okay, except the eldest and the sixth, the rest can come."

"On my side, except for the fourth child, everyone else is in the sect." Xu Fan smiled and summoned all the apprentices in the sect.

Not long after, the four precious apprentices of the white-haired old man also came over.

Although the cultivation bases of the two sides are somewhat different, they can still talk.

A banquet between the masters and apprentices of the two sides went on harmoniously and beautifully.

During the banquet, the white-haired old man couldn't help but look at Xu Gang a few more times.

"Brother, are you interested in my eldest apprentice?" Xu Fan joked with a smile.

"It's okay, I just feel that I have some fate with your eldest apprentice." The white-haired old man said with a smile.

No, when he first began to predict the future of Yinlingmen, he stared at him with big eyes.

There was no sadness or joy in that look, but it was that look that made the Temple of Time in his body start to tremble.

After contacting him, he could be sure that those eyes were his dear and dear old brother and big apprentice.

"It's okay, I just feel that this apprentice of my brother will definitely become the top power in the Three Thousand Realms in the future."

"Comparing my apprentices with my old apprentices, it's simply the difference between the ants on the ground and the bright moon in the sky." The white-haired old man turned his head to look at his unworthy apprentices.

"Brother, don't say that. As far as now, you are already very successful." Xu Fan said hurriedly.

"There are three things in my life right now. One is to keep up with my brother."

"The second is to take the apprentices to escape the catastrophe."

"The third is to teach good apprentices and hope to have a saint."

"After these three things, I can borrow my brother's light to travel to the Three Thousand Realms."

"Brother, what you want, there must be an echo." Xu Fan said.

Whenever he finished drinking, his old brother would say similar things, and Xu Fan was tired of hearing it.

Just after the banquet, when everyone sat and chatted together.

A huge pressure suddenly appeared in the sky.

I saw a dragon head enough to cover the entire Yinling Island, protruding from the sky.

The huge dragon power is added to the hidden spirit door.

"Hidden Spirit Gate, hand over Xiao Luofan."

Containing the voice of Long Yin, Grape directly activated the highest protection formation of Yinling Island in advance.

Then nine real dragons with tens of thousands of feet long appeared in the sky.

"Dare to bully my brother, don't you want to live?"

Xu Fan wasn't angry yet, but the white-haired old man beside him was furious.

"The second and third, don't come back if you don't get the dragon tendon of this stinky loach today." The white-haired old man said angrily.

"Follow your orders, Master."

At this time, a long river of ten thousand treasures appeared in the sky and directly pressed the dragon head back.

Then another crack appeared in the sky, and a Da Luo saint-level magic dragon drilled out of the space crack.

"The loach of Longxian Palace, if you don't keep the dragon tendons today, don't go back."

The roar of the white-haired old man resounded in the sky.

"Boss, second, don't talk nonsense, cramps."

The Ten Thousand Treasures River in the sky and the magic dragon attacked and killed the real dragon of the Daluo saint level directly.

"Brother, don't move, give me these nine little loaches."

Xu Fan looked at the golden immortal dragon in the sky, and some bad memories flashed in his mind.

A sword fairy-type golden fairy puppet soared into the sky, holding a fairy sword of the acquired spirit treasure level, and charged towards the nine real dragons.

For a time, the Yinling Gate turned into a battle field.

In nine days, a big Luo Zhenlong was attacked by two big Luos, the Seven Treasure Saint and the Xuanyin Saint.

"Have you Dragon Immortal Palace been bored at the bottom of the sea for a long time, and come to my human race to find something and ask about it." The Seven Treasure Saint said.

"Second senior brother, UU reading don't talk nonsense to him, let's talk about the cramping of the dragon's tendons first, and knock on a few pieces of keel by the way, so that the uncle can drink." The magic dragon transformed by the Xuanyin saint is in the He said gloomily next to him.

As if the big Luo Zhenlong in front of him was just a dish.

"Misunderstanding, we don't mean to threaten, we just want to discuss with the Yinlingmen and hand over a disciple who has not yet reached the true immortal stage." Daluo Zhenlong looked a little flustered in the face of the siege of the two human race Daluo.

In his heart, he secretly scolded the few miscellaneous fish in Longxian Palace who were inquiring about the news.

Didn't it say that the highest level of the Yinling Gate is only the Golden Immortal puppet?

Even if someone protects him and asks him to hand over a disciple who is not a true immortal, he cannot invite the two human race lords!

"Misunderstanding? You were so powerful just now that you almost slapped your face into my uncle's sect and wanted someone." The Xuanyin Saint cursed.

"No, it's rare for the master to be so happy today, Yaxing who was disturbed by you loach."

"The dragon tendon and keel are adding a dragon claw, otherwise the master will not be relieved!"

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