Chapter 113 Green Shirt Swordsman

One month later, the construction of the Spirit Power armor production line was completed.

After receiving the notice, Xu Fan came to the secret base by the lake. At this time, the underground secret room has been completely changed. Even the original tool puppets here have been upgraded by grapes, becoming more streamlined than before, with more functions than before. many.

“The production line has been completed, and the rest can be produced only by putting into the spirit mine. 2000 sets of Magical Item level Spirit Power armor, 800 sets of treasure-type Spirit Power armor, it takes a total of 148 days.”

Electronic audio report.

Xu Fan took out an Interspatial Ring and put it on the grape body. For a while, the entire production line started.

Grape directly pours the spirit ore into the divided feeding pit, and the tool puppet loads the material directly to start the first step of primary processing, followed by finishing, quenching, fusion, forming, and portraying the rune.

All this is so natural, of course only in Xu Fan’s eyes.

According to Pang Fu, there are no more than ten chambers of commerce capable of producing standardized Magic Treasures in the entire Mid-State Continent.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the few furnaces of strong body pills that he had opened for the 100 children some time ago. Although the pill refining master who has just started at the first level can refine it, but the entire hidden spirit island only has it. I am a pill refining teacher who is full of life.

“Is it possible to make a production line for the spirit pill? You can go out and sell it if you can’t eat it.” Xu Fan pondered.

“Grape, can you say whether the pill can be made into an assembly line.” Xu Fan asked suddenly.

At this time, a sound of overclocking sounded.

“Master, it can be made into an automated assembly line, but it can only produce general and middle-grade elixirs.” said Grape.

“Is it normal and medium-grade Medicine Pill? That’s fine too.” Xu Fan understood the reason after a little thought.

Pill refining requires elixir, and even elixir of the same age has different properties. At this time, pill refining masters need to use fire spells to fine-tune it, so that it can better integrate with other elixir.

“Next day, let’s build the easiest elixir production line.” Xu Fan said. He would give up before switching to it, but now in order to be able to unscrupulously do what he wants to be interested in in the future, he must need a lot of Spirit Stones to support it. .

At this time, Xu Fan received news from Xu Yuexian, and she gave Xu Fan a position.

80,000 kilometers away from the northwest corner of Yinling Island, Xu Fan saw Xu Yuexian waiting here.

Seeing Xu Yuexian’s excitement, Xu Fan asked, “I found something good.”

“Master, you just found out what I did.”

“A Minor World!”

Before Xu Fan could guess, Xu Yuexian gave the answer.

Xu Fan gleamed in his eyes and hurriedly asked, “What’s the baby in Minor World.”

“Uh, there is no treasure inside, and the area should be relatively small.”

“The Spiritual Qi inside is also very meager.”

“But these are not the key points. The key point is that there are people inside, a complete and unified country, and the strongest strength is the Golden Core period.”

After listening to Xu Yuexian’s words, Xu Fan completely lost his interest. In other words, he still has no strength to cultivate this Minor World.

“Why are you so excited?” Xu Fan asked strangely. This Minor World is still useful for a large Sect, but it is very tasteless to appear near his own Sect.

“Although it is useless, this is also the first Minor World I found. From now on, I am an advanced treasure hunter.”

“By the way, I was able to discover this Minor World thanks to the Master’s Universe treasure hunter.”

“Otherwise, I can’t detect such subtle spatial fluctuations.” Xu Yuexian said happily.

“Well, since I found it, I will make a mark here. When I am promoted to Gold Core, I will open the bridge between Minor World and here. Then I will build a spiritual gathering formation to slowly transform this Minor World. Maybe it will be big in thousands of years. Use it.” Xu Fan said afterwards.

He wasn’t very concerned about Minor World, and he didn’t even bother to play fairy games in it.

After Xu Fan finished marking here, he was about to return, and saw a chilling Sword Ray rushing out of Minor World, followed by a swordsman in a green shirt.

I saw the green shirt swordsman standing in the void, feeling this different world.

“Shangjie, my teacher exhibition is finally here!”

It seems to bid farewell to the original world, and it seems to welcome a new life.

“Yuexian, how do you feel about this person’s strength?” Xu Fan asked.

“It’s so normal. I went with Sword Qi. Although it is very powerful, it has obvious shortcomings.” Xu Yuexian commented.

At this time, it seemed that the newly-born teacher exhibition found Xu Fan and the two not far away.

“Friend, it’s the immortal world at this time.” Shi Zhan stepped in the void, slowly approaching the two of them and said.

According to the observation of the teacher exhibition, women’s strength is equal to their own, and men’s strength is slightly lower.

“Oh, this is not the world of immortals, it is the world of cultivating immortals.”

“This is a huge lake of 100,000 miles. If you go to the southeast, you can reach the mainland.” After Xu Fan finished speaking, without waiting for him to thank him, he took Xu Yuexian back to Yinling Island.

This kind of person who has risen from Minor World to break through the world, but whoever is younger, more or less a bit of destiny.

Xu Fan didn’t want to provoke such a person, so he saved trouble for himself.

Shi Zhan smiled awkwardly at the two quickly disappearing into the sky.

“Are the people in Upper Realm so cold.”

After the teacher exhibition finished speaking, he immediately flew off in the correct direction, like a bird just out of the cage.

In the spirit wind boat.

“Master, the people who can rush out of Minor World are all talented people, why don’t we take him away.” Xu Yuexian said in a puzzled way.

“As a teacher, I have a pair of eyes that can see through destiny. This person has no relationship with our hidden spirit gate. Forcibly incurring misfortune is bound to happen.” Xu Fan casually made up a reason.

If an old man rushed up, Xu Fan would be able to arrange a pension for the old man, but this kind of person is a pig’s foot in Minor World.

The world is so big, you should go and see, our small temple can’t accommodate god-tier.

Xu Fan decided that when the Spirit Stones arrived, the formation of the island protection of the Yinling Island would begin to be arranged.

But at the time, the entire hidden island was hidden, and the province was seen by a passing cultivator that day.

Ten days later, Xu Fan floated and fished in the lake in a canoe he made freely, preparing for salted fish for a day.

A Sword Qi escape light appeared from a distance and flew towards Xu Fan’s boat.

“Hey, why is it a bit lingering?” Xu Fan said with a headache.

A figure slowly landed on Xu Fan’s boat, it was the swordsman in the blue shirt that day.

“Friends, let’s meet again. May I ask if there is a cultivator of immortality here?” said the teacher exhibition cupped hands, and there was nothing wrong with the etiquette.

Hearing what Shizhan said, Xu Fan turned his head and looked at the magnificent martial gate not far away.

Can’t you see such a big word?

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