Chapter 114

“You don’t know how to read.” Xu Fan asked faintly, but the fishing rod in his hand was very stable, without the slightest tremor.

“I don’t know the characters of the upper world.” Shi Zhan said in a slightly embarrassing manner. After being in this world for ten days, he has not had time to learn the characters of this world.

Following Xu Fan’s direction, he successfully reached the land, and after wandering in the villages on the land for a few days, did he know what is the realm of immortality and what is immortal.

Then he discovered that the most urgent task was to find a Cultivation Technique, convert himself to True Qi, and then get the news of the hidden spirit door from the members of the Elder Society.

“Oh, this is the Hidden Spirit Gate. If you have nothing to do, go back.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said, this kid seemed to want to join Sect.

“I want to worship the Yinlingmen, I don’t know what to do.” Shizhan said, graceful and courteous, a Confucian school.

After learning that there was a Sect outside the world he was in, he decided to join this Sect, maybe he could go back to see it later.

“You want to join the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

“Boy, it’s not that I said you, you, a arrogant who just came out of Minor World, should go out more.”

“The outside world is wonderful. You should go and see it. This is just a remote place in the world of cultivating immortals.”

“Even if you really want to join the martial arts, you have to shop around, listen to me, this is not for you.” Xu Fan persuaded.

“This Sect is very close to my home world, and it is my best choice. If there is any test in joining the martial arts, it will be fine.”

Shi Zhan looked at Xu Fan’s style and knew that his position in this hidden spirit gate was definitely not low. As long as he could make sense of this person and join the sect, it would be stable.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was unable to fish, put away the fishing rod, and asked Grape to notify Wang Xiangchi to come out, saying that a colleague had come, and asked him to come over and communicate.

At this time, the sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed from the depths of the Yinling Island, and a Sword Ray was flying across hundreds of miles in the direction of Xu Fan.

After the light disappeared, Wang Xiangchi stood in mid-air and saluted Xu Fan and said, “Master, you have and ordered.”

“This is your colleague. If you want to enter the Hidden Spirit Gate, you are responsible for testing him.”

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he said to the teacher exhibition: “He is in the Foundation Building period and you are in the Golden Core period. I can’t judge you too much.”

“As long as you defeat my apprentice, you can join the Yinlingmen.” Xu Fan’s tone was very calm, as if I didn’t embarrass you.

Shi Zhan looked at Wang Xiangchi without the slightest contempt in his eyes, but in his life motto, the enemy must go all out.

“Thank you friends for the opportunity.”

Shi Zhan stepped into the air step by step, and the long sword in his back was also pulled out little by little.

Xu Fan looked at the performance of the teacher exhibition and nodded. If it were villain, at least he would not die of talking too much.

“Hidden Lingmen, Lingjian Peak, Wang Xiangchi.”

“Kun country’s first swordsman, teacher exhibition.”

As soon as the voice fell, this area was enveloped by two Sword Qi-year-olds.

Xu Fan controlled the boat to swim to the best place to watch the battle.

At this time, the two afterimages quickly shuttled through the air, and the sound of countless sharp swords collided throughout the world.


A breeze blew up in this area for an instant, Wang Xiangchi’s figure disappeared and merged into the breeze.

Shi Zhan felt the breeze, his face changed, and the murderous aura in the faint breeze was not weak.

At this time, another sword appeared in Shi Zhan’s left hand, and he used both swords in a defensive posture.


A sense of protection, immovable like a mountain, radiated from the teacher exhibition.

“Does defense work?”

Wang Xiangchi’s cold voice sounded in Shi Zhan’s ears.

Two giant swords appeared in the sky, one blue and the other golden thunder. After entwining each other, they formed a sword of wind and thunder.

Xu Fan, who was watching the battle from a distance, shook his head. Isn’t this bullying? God pretended to hit the whiteboard.

Those two Flying Swords were the wind and thunder swords made by Xu Fan after Wang Xiangchi was promoted to the Foundation Building.

According to the words in the game, the wind and thunder swords have their own defense, paralysis, bleeding, high attack, and high critical strike.

Sure enough, the guardian meaning of the exhibition was broken in an instant, and even the double swords in his hands were shattered by the wind and thunder sword.

The moment Feng Lei Jian was about to hit the teacher exhibition, he disappeared in place, as if teleporting, his figure appeared from the other side.

“I lost in the next.” Shi Zhan said, but his face was extremely pale and there was no blood at all.

“The advantage of Flying Sword, if you have a good sword, we can fight for a while.” Wang Xiangchi put away the Flying Sword and said lightly, but he felt a little pity in his heart. If the swordsman on the opposite side insisted, ownBGM could be released. .

Last time I was in the Master’s environmental world, I couldn’t release it because there was no chance to release it.

“The Gold Core battle for your Foundation Building is already considered an advantage, and weapons are also part of the strength.”

After the teacher exhibition finished speaking, he turned to Xu Fan and said, “My friend, do I still have a chance to challenge.”

In his mind, this school is still his best choice.

“Give you three chances. As long as you can defeat my apprentice, you still have a chance to enter the Hidden Spirit Gate.” Xu Fan nodded and said, being a human being, you can’t say things to death, what if you give him billions of hope.


After the teacher exhibition, after bidding farewell to Wang Xiangchi, he turned into Sword Qi and flew towards the landing place.

Wang Xiangchi slowly landed on Xu Fan’s wooden boat.

“Master, do Xingci and I have supernatural powers like Big Brother.”

“What’s the hurry, don’t you guys have not reached the Gold Core period.”

“Why, you and Xingci’s challenge puppet can be defeated.” Xu Fan said.

“No.” Wang Xiangchi lowered his head.

“So, you’d better temper slowly.” Xu Fan tossed his rod to continue fishing.

“By the way, how about the level of that swordsman just now?”

“If his sword is at the same level as mine, he is qualified to play my first BGM.” Wang Xiangchi thought for a moment and said.

“Well, that’s good, he will come to challenge you later.”

“If you lose, I will drive you out of the division.”

Wang Xiangchi’s heart was tense. He rarely saw Xu Fan speaking in the vernacular. As long as he said it, it would be possible.

“Yes, the disciple will definitely cultivate with the family in the future.”

“Yeah, after your Gold Core period, I will create a kendo magical power for your teacher.”

“I have thought of my name for the teacher.”

“It’s the same color as heaven and earth.”

Xu Fan slowly stretched out a finger to point forward.

For an instant, Wang Xiangchi seemed to see a world of swords.

On the lake in the distance, the corpse of a huge crab-like Demonic Beasts emerged.

“This is the start-up, and when it comes to the full version, it will be even more powerful.” Xu Fan said triumphantly. In fact, he was just fishing and creating magical powers.

“Master, wait for me, within two years, I will be Gold Core.” Wang Xiangchi said with glowing eyes.

“Okay, take this crab to your senior sister. I have an extra meal today. I want to eat a rice bowl with crab roe.” Xu Fan said as if to coax the child.

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