Chapter 115: I Have a MMP Sentence

After Xu Fan returned, the whole Sect was eaten with crab rice bowl.

Wiping the residue left over from eating, Xu Fan said with satisfaction: “Yes, Yuexian’s cooking skills are getting better and better.”

At this time, Xu Yuexian squinted and said, “Master, this was not made by me. It was made by the puppet who controlled the tool by Grape.”

“It seems that I will not be qualified to cook for the Master in the future.” After that, Xu Yuexian pretended to sigh.

“If you want to do it, no one will stop you. Grape’s tasks will become more and more important in the future, and it is estimated that there will be no computing power to manage them.”

Then Xu Fan took advantage of everyone to start talking about Sect’s future plans, and then he found that everyone was not interested.

“Master, after your plan is over, can I go out to hunt for treasure.”

“I want to travel all over the central continent.”

“After I got the Master’s secret, I want to go out and travel.”

“I want to take my lady out for a good walk.”

“You are all gone, then I will guard Sect and protect the Master.”

Hearing the last sentence, Xu Fan gave Xu Gang a white glance. I can suppress you with one hand, and I need your protection.

Xu Fan sighed as he looked at the crowds, but as long as one of you has ambitions, I won’t be so tired.

It seems that we need to find one or two management talents from the next generation of disciples.

“The martial art was founded, you just want to fish, you want to be beautiful.”

“You can go out only after you have cultivated the next generation of disciples.”

“There is also our Sect’s primary construction plan, which will not be completed until at least 5 years later,”

“So, don’t worry about everything, just stay in Sect.”

“If it’s really okay, go to the 100,000-mile giant lake to find the Nascent Soul Demonic Beasts and kill them.” Xu Fan said while looking at this group of unsuspecting guys.

“Explore more of the talents of the next generation of disciples.”

“This group of disciples have all passed my test, and their future achievements will not be worse than yours, so I decided that in the future, each of you must accept three direct disciples.”

“No one is allowed to travel far before the disciple reaches the Gold Core stage,” Xu Fan said, not allowing me to worry about it alone.

Day by day, the first batch of Spirit Power armors have been produced in a blink of an eye.

Pang Fu flew towards Linsen Xiancheng with Xu Fan’s hope.

“In half a year, 400 million Spirit Stones, the rate of making money should be about the same.”

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly thought of the floating sky boat. After going out for half a year, the floating sky boat can at least bring back tens of billions of resources. Compared with the floating sky boat, his own Spirit Stones are not even a fraction.

So far, Xu Fan has not estimated how much Spirit Power is needed to refine a floating sky boat. Is there hundreds of billions?

Although he couldn’t build a floating sky boat, Xu Fan made it clear about the giant cannon on the escort warship.

“First, I must refine the floating boat.”

Not a day later, Pang Fu came back with Spirit Stones and the materials requested by Xu Fan.

“Xu Elder, fortunately to live up to the mission.”

Pang Fu handed over all the Spirit Stones and materials to Xu Fan.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

Xu Fan handed out 20 million Spirit Stones to Pang Fu.

“With these Spirit Stones, you take out the Chamber of Commerce of our Hidden Spirit Gate, and the Chamber of Commerce will have your full authority.” Xu Fan said. It seems that the current Chamber of Commerce only needs Pang Fu and his son, which is a bit thin.

“With this Spirit Stones, our Yinlingmen will probably be able to open shops in the most important fairy cities of the Central Continent.”

“At that time, we will be able to grasp the first-hand news in the world at the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

Pang Fu took the Spirit Stones and said that he thought he would wait for a while before he could expand the Chamber of Commerce.

“Then do it hard, and a bonus will be given at the end of the year.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Thank you, Xu Elder.”

“Haha, you’re polite, Pavilion Master Pang.”

After the two talked, Xu Fan turned around and gave all the spirit mines that Pang Fu had bought to Grape.

“In another two years, even if there is an overhaul of the god of transformation to invade Sect, I am not afraid.”

After there was no shortage of Spirit Stones, everyone on the Hidden Spirit Island discovered that the tool puppets that had disappeared for a few months appeared again on a large scale, and the surrounding environment was the same day by day.

With the Spirit Stones in place, Xu Fan’s interest began to broaden again.

In the main peak refining room, Xu Fan was refining a fifth-order treasure of the Spirit Gathering Orb, which was already the 30th he refined.

Xu Fan plans to refine 36 Spirit Gathering Orbs and mount them directly on the Sect array. By then, the Spiritual Qi density of the entire Yinling Island will be even higher.

It has been a full year since the establishment of Sect, but Xu Fan always feels that he has forgotten something.

It was not until the next day that Xu Fan understood what he had forgotten.

On this day, Sect came to an Elder club deacon, it was the Nascent Soul cultivator who warmly welcomed Xu Fan.

“Master Xu, excuse me.” The Nascent Soul cultivator at this time was more like a business person coming to work.

“I am Elder, and the sect master is my apprentice.” Xu Fan gestured to Xu Yuexian who was next to him.

“Haha, it’s all the same.” Nascent Soul cultivator said with a smile.

At this time, a puppet girl brought tea.

“Senior is here this time.” Xu Fan asked.

“Oh, after all, you have created Sect for the first time. I don’t know yet. I will tell you about it today.”

Speaking of Nascent Soul cultivator, he took out a communication Magical Item and projected a picture directly in the air.

There are only a few simple data above, one is the net profit of the school this year. The second is the tax that should be paid.

Xu Fan looked at the figures behind the taxes due, and fell into contemplation. One is because there are so many of them, and the other is because of its precision.

“Our Elder Club is based on 36 invincible Venerables. It has been 30,000 years ago. Now the Elder Club includes those Venerables who have not become Elders, a total of 56…”

“I won’t talk about the slogan of the Elder Club. Let me talk about the top ten artifacts of our Elder Club.”

“The first sky survey instrument, supervising the entire central continent,”

“The second piece, Wan Xingzhou, can travel all over the world.”

“The third to the sixth are the Universe Mirror, Karma Mirror, Universe Mirror, and Heavenly Spirit Realm. Together, the four mirrors can trace the origin of everything.”

“This is also a fairy tool for you to calculate taxes.”

“The seventh piece, ten thousand sword formation, can cut everything.”

“The eighth piece, Longxian Palace.”

“The ninth piece, the tomb of ten thousand souls.”

“The tenth piece, Demon Slayer Sword.”

“Say so much to Xu Elder, there is no other meaning.”

“It’s just that if you can’t compete with your Sect’s strength, it’s best not to resist tax.”

“The Central Continent now has foreign small Sects who don’t pay taxes and are destroyed every year.”

“I hope Xu Elder doesn’t make mistakes.” Nascent Soul deacon said with a smile. He didn’t need to say so much, but this sect is the only sect in their area and must be protected.

The key is that Xu Fan and the others are very capable of earning Spirit Stones, and their performance will improve in the future.

Xu Fan took out three storage bags containing tens of millions of Spirit Stones and handed them to Nascent Soul deacon, and then Xu Fan asked his most concerned questions.

“What if there is a powerful cultivator who wants to destroy my Sect? Can senior protect me Sect well?”

“Unless the Yaozu, otherwise our Elder will just advise, after all, our Elder will not be too wide.”

At this time, Xu Fan had only one sentence in his mind, I don’t know whether to say MMP or not.

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