Chapter 117 The VIP expires and the benefits are gone

At this time, the grape released a scene.

The two little boys were competing against whose spells.

As a result, one of the little boys used the little rain technique, and the picture is still relatively normal so far.

Another little boy said disdainfully: “It’s raining on your light, it’s useless at all, it’s up to me.”

As another little boy made a few strange seals, a shit-yellow cloud appeared in the sky.

However, there was shit in Houtian’s air, and a strong wind blew by. Neither of these two boys was spared.

This screen ends.

“Haha, this kid is very thoughtful.” Xu Fan almost laughed.

Later, Grape listed the viewing records of the little boy in Wanfa Pavilion. The notes on the basic development and enhancement of the spells written by him were written on the top.

“Zhou Kailing, this kid will be my fifth disciple from now on.” Xu Fan said, a spiritual creator, even if he came to the Central Continent, he rarely heard of it. It seems that this is a truly scarce profession.

At this time, Zhou Kailing, who was watching Xu Fan’s notes in Wanfa Pavilion, was very upset. He was now thinking about transforming his little dung raining technique, otherwise it would hurt himself too easily.

At this time, the little boy who was playing with him in the video appeared again.

“Kai Ling, did you know that the immortal teachers who taught us have begun to accept disciples.”

“We will realize it in class in the future, and maybe we will be taken by those fairy teachers.” The little boy said.

“You don’t need to show it. Own is always own. You see, our head has accepted two female disciples who like babies.”

“The Peak Master of Lingjian Peak has accepted two disciples who love swordsmanship.”

“There are many more. These can only indicate a phenomenon. The immortals have goals for accepting disciples. For ordinary people like us, we will wait for Sect to arrange it later.” Zhou Kailing said casually.

“No, you are not ordinary, at least you will shed shit.” The little boy looked like hello.

“I’ve told you how many times, that’s not shit, it’s just something that Spirit Power condenses like shit.” Zhou Kailing said with an annoyed look. Since the last competition, this misunderstanding is still unclear.

Xu Fan came out of the underground secret room, which should now be called the underground secret factory.

He saw Xu Gang flying over with a huge sea snake, his face filled with the pleasure of fighting.

“Master, today I found a Nascent Soul sea snake on the east side of Yinling Island, I killed it, and I can give the children a meal at night.” Xu Gang used Spirit Power to hold a sea snake with a length of 100 meters. Said.

“Give it to Grape, now your sister’s craft is useless.”

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, two giant bird puppets of the Gold Core stage came from a distance and picked up the sea snake in Xu Gang’s hand.

Nothing happened, Xu Fan led Xu Gang slowly towards the main peak of Yinling Island, he was watching what the Yinling Island was built by grapes.

“Master, in a while, I guess I will be able to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.” Xu Gang said next to him.

“Oh, have you passed the puppet level.” Xu Fan was taken aback, and then said, is it because I set it up too hard, or I underestimated the own apprentice.

According to his estimation, Xu Gang still has at least 5 years to challenge successfully and advance to Nascent Soul.

“Well, the challenge will be successful after a while.” Xu Gang said.

“Well, congratulations on your becoming the first Nascent Soul stage in this sect.” Xu Fan said as he looked at this big disciple who followed own since he was a child.

“Ha, Master said and laughed.” Xu Gang scratched his head and said.

“But can you just challenge the puppet? You forgot that I will give you a task.”

“Master, Xiao Xi and I have worked hard, it is…” Xu Gang said with a face.

Xu Fan directly shot a Jade Slip.

“There are two sets of kung fu above, Tianyang Jue and Yueyin Kung fu. You and Xiao Xi both practice. If there are not two years later, you will be promoted to Nascent Soul.”

“Okay.” Xu Gang said reluctantly. He didn’t understand why the Master always struggled with this.

Seeing the big apprentice’s response, Xu Fan nodded, two years later than two years later.

At this moment, three Gold Core puppets suddenly crossed the sky.

“Master, Demonic Beasts have invaded.” Xu Gang said and was about to fly over.

“It’s not a big deal. Grape will notify you when you go out.” Xu Fan said lightly. This kind of thing happens every few days.


In the evening, in the dining hall hall like daytime, the whole snake banquet began to be held. All the children were cheering for another delicious meal, although you can’t eat much.

Xu Fan took his apprentices and Wang Yulun’s family to dinner at the table.

“Xu Dage, did you know that our Xiangzhou is now completely occupied by the Yaozu, and the Yaozu is invading other states.” Wang Yulun said. Since the signal here is good, he has received a lot of news about Xiangzhou.

“I also saw the news. Now half of the Venerables guarding the two-way passage in the Central Continent have gone to Shengling Prefecture to suppress the monster race.”

“I also issued a huge reward to call for people with lofty ideals from the Xiuxian world to come to Shenglingzhou to suppress the monster race.” Xu Fan said, looking at his brother’s emotional expression, he knew that this product was leaving.

“After Sect is fine, I want to go there and take a look at my family by the way.” Wang Yulun said. The semi-reclusive Life during this period made him very uncomfortable. It felt like it was during the fighting period, but he just lived in seclusion. stand up.

“Actually, there is nothing wrong with Sect now. If you want to leave, wait for a while, I will refine a few treasures for you before leaving.” Xu Fan said, he could see the loneliness in Wang Yulun’s eyes. This is not The Life he wants.

“Okay, Xu Dage, thank you.” Wang Yulun said. He wanted to say it later, but he couldn’t help it today.

After the whole snake banquet, Xu Fan announced that Zhou Kailing would be his own disciple.

Three months later, outside the gate of Yinlingmen, Xu Fan put an Interspatial Ring into Wang Yulun’s hands.

“Here are all the Magic Treasures and Spirit Pills you can use from the Gold Core stage to the Deity Transformation stage. There is a Jade Slip inside, which will introduce in detail how to use these Magic Treasures.” Xu Fan said with some dismay. Is the VIP expiring? The benefits are going away.

“Also, I know when you leave, and I don’t know when you can come back, but you have to remember that in 50 years, no matter what happens, you have to come back.” Xu Fan said, this kid’s life style It has not been changed yet, and I hope that there will be no problems in the relationship between their husbands and wives during this period.

“I know, Xu Dage, the hidden spirit gate will always be my home.” Wang Yulun looked at the already built Yinling Island and suddenly felt a little reluctant, but leaving himself here is very small.

“Just know it’s home, come back and take a look after you get tired from fighting.”


A precious vehicle in the shape of a spaceship flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

“Welfare is gone.” Xu Fan sighed secretly.

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