Chapter 118 Demonic Beasts Attacking the Island

After the welfare was gone, Xu Fanxian was a little depressed. When he thought that he would use real money to buy everything he lacked in the future, Xu Fan started to have a headache.

“In the future, only krypton gold will be available.”

“Master, after I reach the Gold Core period, can I?” Wang Xiangchi walked over and said at this time.

“Just like the Master does not let others go, when you reach the Gold Core stage and learn the last magical power, you don’t care where you want to go to practice as a teacher.”

“But the prerequisite is to hug my own life.” Xu Fan said. He knew that it was impossible to tie all his apprentices by his side.

I didn’t see that Han Tianzun was either running, or on the road, until he became a little stable after the fit period.

“Yes.” Wang Xiangchi said.

Xu Fan waved away the apprentices around him and returned to the dojo of the main peak.

I saw Zhou Kailing sitting there alone, always indulging in illusion.

In the past three months, Xu Fan didn’t teach anything, so he kept watching hot-blooded fighting animations in illusion, such as “Hei Jue Save Mother”, “Water Pirate King”, “Pillar Slayer”, “Sister Cannon”.

But everything Xu Fan had seen was arranged for him. A spiritual creator, he couldn’t do without a brain.

When it was time for the meal, Xu Fan asked the tool puppet to send two meals.

With a snap of his fingers, Zhou Kailing instantly woke up from the illusion.

“I want to destroy this village!!”

Zhou Kailing shouted excitedly as soon as he came out, his face fierce and his veins exposed.

“Are they all gone? Don’t leave a few.” Xu Fan asked with interest.

“The uncle who sells ramen and Big sis can stay.”

“The little Sister and the teacher can stay.”

“But no matter what, the old man must die.”

“Obviously you can give pig’s feet a perfect childhood, why should a hero’s child be treated like that?”

Looking at the excited Zhou Kailing, Xu Fan remembered that when he was a child, he saw Zhugege and the crape myrtle was struck. At that time, he just wanted to take a knife and fight with Mother Rong.

“Don’t take the stories in there seriously. Letting you read these is mainly to let you see the fighting methods inside and expand your brain.” Xu Fan said.

“Observe Master, I was excited just now.” Zhou Kailing saluted and said, watching anime is too fascinating, and I want to control my own emotions in the future.

Seeing the disciples who had quickly recovered their composure, Xu Fan nodded in satisfaction. The disciples he had accepted could not find faults in their mood. This might be a collateral effect of the test.

“Eat first, you will continue to watch after eating.”

“When will you finish watching the anime in illusion, I am teaching you other things.” Xu Fan said.


After eating, looking at Zhou Kailing who entered the illusion again, Xu Fan nodded and walked out of the main peak.

On a mountain peak next to the main peak of Yinling Island, more than a dozen tool puppets are cleaning the top of the mountain.

Xu Fan holds a miniature pagoda in his hand. This is the trial pagoda he refined. After the new generation of disciples reach the middle stage of Qi training, they will need to come here to challenge.

There are nine floors in the pagoda, corresponding to Realm from the fourth to the twelfth floor of the refining device. If you want to advance, you must first pass the corresponding trial tower, or you can only wait until the time limit has passed before you can advance.

After the tool puppets were cleaned up, Xu Fan directly released the pagoda, which was the largest treasure ever made by himself.

The base of the trial tower has a diameter of 50 meters and a height of 90 meters. There is room for expansion inside. Each floor can accommodate 100 disciples for assessment at the same time.

After Xu Fan entered, he directly released more than 2,000 puppets corresponding to each layer.

“Well, there is a trial tower. After the disciples of the Yinlingmen go out, their combat power will definitely be first-class.”

After giving the trial tower to Grape to control, Xu Fan returned to the main peak and began to transform the school.

Some time ago, when Zhou Kailing entered illusion to learn, he had an idea in his mind, why not let disciples learn in illusion, anyway, it is controlled by grapes, which is efficient and saves manpower.

So Xu Fan asked about Grape and found that it only needed to remodel the school a little bit.

After doing all this, Xu Fan felt that his wonderful salted fish Life was coming.

As a result, Xu Fan, who was practicing, was awakened by grapes the next day.

“Master, the large-scale Demonic Beasts invaded, and all the defense systems of the Hidden Spirit Island have been activated.”

Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes, and said helplessly: “It’s not a game to make people clean. Why can’t the monster siege this activity be finished?”

The sound of cannons and explosions faintly heard in the distance.

Xu Fan quickly drove the streamer to the place where the attack was the most serious.

At this time, Xu Gang had already arrived on the battlefield, wearing a Spirit Power armor, a thousand-hand phantom appeared behind him. Hundreds of solid and super-hard spirit iron balls floated behind the phantom, all the size of a basketball.

‘Magma world’

‘Magma giant’

‘Rain of Magma’

“Snake of Magma”

Xu Gang started with the magical spell of the largest magma system.

“Master, the younger sister and the other juniors are suppressing in other places. I will guard this place and there will be no problems.”

Looking at the endless Demonic Beasts in the lake, Xu Fan felt fortunate to have armed the Yinling Island early.

“Grape, how long can the island’s defense system be for an offense of this scale?” Xu Fan asked.

“After half a month, the stock of bullets and shells will be exhausted.”

“Before, unless there were multiple Demonic Beasts attacking, there would be no Demonic Beasts entering the island.”

Hearing Grape’s response, Xu Fan nodded. In his eyes, it is very simple to solve this Demonic Beasts siege, as long as you find the leader to solve it.

“Xu Gang, you are here to guard, Yuexian and I have solved the leader of Demonic Beasts.”

“Master, be careful.”

“You should be careful.”

Xu Fan said that a set of Spirit Power armor appeared on his body, and then another 8-meter-high Spirit Power giant armor appeared in the air. Xu Fan wore the Spirit Power armor and got in.

“Yuexian, let me kill the leader of Demonic Beasts.” Xu Fan said through voice transmission.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of rushing through the air in the distance, and a purple escape light rushed towards Xu Fan.

“Master, what is the battle plan?” Xu Yuexian said excitedly. As a treasure hunter, he is more or less interested in fighting.

“You are responsible for the response, I am the main attack, you only need to open the wound on Demonic Beasts.”

This time the leader of Demonic Beasts may be in the stage of transforming gods. Are you afraid? “Xu Fan said.

“There is a Master, I’m not afraid.” Xu Yuexian smiled. During the Master Qi refining period, he can kill Gold Core Demonic Beasts in seconds, and the Demonic Beasts in the Foundation Building period.

“Haha, then follow me.”

Xu Fan flew to the densest place of Demonic Beasts.

The soul of a Demonic Beasts in the Foundation Building period was directly photographed by Xu Fan in his hands, cruelly reading the memory.

“Oh, it turns out that you are a bastard, your egg is on this island, you have to take back your own son.”

Xu Fan instantly analyzed the ins and outs from the memory of Demonic Beasts.

“Speak well, I can still return your child, but you do it like this.”

“Sorry, after you leave, I will take care of your child.”

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