Chapter 136 Magic Treasures are also part of the strength

“The big waves are terrifying!”

For a time, it seemed as if the whole boundless sea was pressed.

Xu Gang had a solemn look in his eyes, and all the big moves on the opposite side were used. How could he be worthy of the Master’s title of fort given to him if he didn’t go back.

A thousand-handed phantom appeared behind Xu Gang, with a hundred hands forming the seal, and for a while the entire magma world was mobilized.

“Supernatural Powers: The Curse of Magma”

Facing the huge wave, a giant hand made of magma rose from the lava and lightly touched on the huge wave.

In an instant, the entire Julang and the waters around Tianjiao’s disciples all turned into magma.

A giant shark made of magma rose from the feet of Tianjiao’s disciple, and opened his mouth to swallow him.

The giant shark bit down and found it was a pile of wood.

Xu Yuexian, who was watching the battle in the distance, nodded and said, “Well, it’s a qualified fort.”

In her understanding, a qualified fort is not only a bombing, but also a good protection for oneself. A fort that needs protection from others is a living target. This is Xu Fan’s original words.

At this time, the phantom of the immeasurable sea appeared in the sky again, and a long forest of giant trees suddenly grew under the magma, directly covering all the magma area.

“Moisturized, everything will live forever.”

For a time, the entire magma world was covered by giant forests, and countless huge trees and vines raged in the air, as if looking for something.

Looking at this battlefield, there is no one, but all kinds of magical powers are raging. If Xu Fan sees it, he will definitely say an old silver coin.

At this time, Xu Gang, hiding in the dark, remembered the usual Master’s teaching. If you can’t find the enemy’s position, then you will bombard in the direction you feel the most.

Xu Gang looked at the entire battlefield and felt the thousand hands behind him, leaving Xu Gang and appearing in the air.

At this time, the thousand-hand virtual image turned into a three-zhang pattern, and a hundred hands formed the seal behind him. For a while, the Spirit Power in the Dao Item began to become frantic.

The cultivator felt a touch of crisis during the refining period of watching the battle in the distance.

Xu Yuexian watched this scene and skillfully took out three sunglasses to put on Xiao Xi and his nephew.

The four disciples who were also watching the battle were a bit puzzled by Xu Yuexian’s actions.

“Fellow daoist, what are you doing?” one of the disciples asked.

“Oh, this is to prevent glare. You’d better close your eyes later.” Xu Yuexian didn’t explain much.

At this time, in the battlefield, the Thousand Hands Virtual Image had already received the seal.

Countless Spirit Powers evenly formed dozens of missile-like fireballs over the giant forest on the battlefield.

‘Nuclear Explosion’

‘boom! ! ’

The land broke, the sun and the moon fell.

The world was instantly covered by white light, and dozens of mushroom clouds rose up in the distant battlefield.

“Ah, my eyes~~” the four Nascent Soul disciples who were watching the battle shouted, and they all felt blind.

The shock wave after the explosion instantly broke through the Spirit Power shield under the cultivator during the fit period.

“not good.”

Outside of the Spirit Power shield are precious elixir carefully planted by himself.

A stronger Spirit Power shield blocked the raging shock wave.

“Oh my God, this is a battle in the Nascent Soul period. It’s too exaggerated.” The four disciples who watched the battle exclaimed while rubbing their eyes.

Among them, the disciple who thought he was a bit weaker realized that he was not even an appetizer for the outsider.

This kind of powerful magic spells, you have to do as many as you like.

The smoke cleared, and a giant log ball with a diameter of ten meters appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

The surface of the giant ball has been scorched, turned into pits, and several deep seams have been cracked.

The green aura lit up, and the original wooden ball turned into a wooden figure, holding a wooden gun standing on a deserted battlefield.

Xu Gang, hiding in the dark, frowned and looked at the wooden figure.

The scope of the spell is weaker, and it seems that you still have to use a cannon.

At this time, Xu Gang directly absorbed all the Spirit Power of the Chu Ling bracelet, and began the next wave of offensive.

Ten real iron balls full of runes appeared in the sky.

“You are great, you can last for so long with my magical powers.” Xu Gang’s voice spread throughout the battlefield.

“You are not bad too. It seems that we can make friends in the future.” The voice of Tianjiao’s disciple also appeared in the court.

“Can you still fight? I might hurt you again if I shoot again.” Xu Gang said.

“Haha, it’s rare to meet evenly matched opponents.”

“Go on, fight!”

As the Tianjiao disciple said, the wooden figure began to change again, and the entire battlefield was reborn as everything, and returned to the giant forest jungle. The wooden figure has been transformed into ten battles, and the wooden spear in his hand has also turned into a real giant treasure.

A huge thick wooden shield appeared on the other hand of the wooden figure.

“I have a treasure given by my elders. It is called Bailingquan. It can be used to fight for ten days and ten nights.

“Speaking of it, I am taking advantage of you.” The Tianjiao disciple’s voice was very low, without a trace of pride, as if to say another very common thing.

When Xu Yuexian heard this in the distance, she almost laughed, but she had to admit that his opponent of Dage was an excellent fort.

She knew that besides Xu Fan at the Hidden Spirit Gate, Magic Treasures was his Dage at most. Xu Fan was also the most concerned when refining her Dage Magic Treasures. At least the large Spirit Power armor that Xu Fan wore at the beginning was only She Dage has.

“It’s okay, Magic Treasures is also part of the strength.” Xu Gang silently put on the Treasure Type IV anti-armor Spirit Power armor.

“If you want to fight, we will continue.”

At this time, the virtual image of Thousand Hands continued to seal, and the iron ball of the real soul behind him shot out.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang~~”

Ten shots in a row directly hit the wooden figure full of holes, and even the most core part was shot through, but the full shot of the wooden figure also shattered the thousand-handed virtual image in the air.

“It seems that you are not hiding in the wooden statue, you have to continue to come again.”

A thousand hands phantom appeared behind Xu Gang hiding in the dark. Hundreds of hands were sealed at the same time, and Xu Gang, who was also wearing Spirit Power armor, was also sealed.

A hundred more missile-like fireballs appeared in the sky above the giant forest. It seemed that each one was bigger than the previous one.

At this time, the combined cultivator who watched the battle from a distance finally couldn’t help it. With a wave of his hand, it directly evacuated all the Spirit Power on the battlefield and decomposed all the magic spells on the battlefield.

“It’s a tie, it doesn’t make sense to fight anymore.” The cultivator said lightly. In fact, he was distressed by the medicine field in the distance. This space, Dao Item, was originally a place where he planted elixir and stored heaven and earth spiritual treasures.

It was a temporary intention to use it as a battlefield, but I didn’t expect these two juniors to be so cruel. During the small Nascent Soul stage, they abruptly played the momentum of the Sect battle during the god transformation stage.

At this time, Xu Gang slowly fell in the sky, and the Tianjiao disciple hiding under the earth also slowly rose from the earth.

The two looked at each other, and both revealed the feeling of meeting a confidant among the vast beings. Yi Ru Guan Zhong met Bao Shuya.

To have a confidant in life is to be a confidant.

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