Chapter 137 Boundary Breaking Stone (seeking monthly ticket)

“Ji fellow daoist, we have time in the future to make an appointment for a warlike battle.” Xu Gang said with a smile, thinking that Own’s ultimate big move would have a chance to be displayed, but it is a pity that the owner of the venue quit.

“Okay.” Ji Muhua nodded and said. He didn’t expect to encounter a person who was so close to his own fighting methods here.

When I first entered the Thousand Spirit Sect, my own combat method was ridiculed by everyone. At that time, my Cultivation Base was not high, and every time I was assessed by Sect, I was always at the middle to lower level.

At that time, I almost couldn’t even rate the Transcendent rank. If he fell into mediocrity, he would be expelled from Sect.

Many people once persuaded him to give up and let him fight with ordinary cultivator methods, but he did not, but spent all his time practicing magic spells.

In this way, he withstood the pressure until after he was promoted to the Gold Core stage, he made a blockbuster in the clan assessment. After winning the peerless rank in one fell swoop, he was picked up by the current Master.

During the Nascent Soul period, he took the treasure given by the Master and the magical Secret Art designed for him by the Master Creator himself, allowing him to become a prince, and he won the tenth place in the Sect Competition of the Central Continent.

The own road is so bumpy, the road of this fellow daoist Zhang Han is not easy to walk.

Xu Gang looked at Ji Muhua’s eyes, a little puzzled, the story contained in his eyes was a bit beyond his understanding.

“If you really don’t have anything to do, don’t talk about it. Go to Shenglingzhou to suppress the monsters as a company. The situation there is not good recently.”

“After a while, all Sects in the Central Continent may have to send out disciples to fight in the past.” The cultivator said during the fit period, and used Divine Sense to check his own losses by the way.

Well, the wood attribute Spiritual Qi of the entire Dao Item space was almost absorbed by this stinky boy. After returning to Sect, he went to his Master for reimbursement.

“Xie senior told me that if I need, I will rush to Shenglingzhou as soon as possible.” Xu Gang said.

During the integration period, the cultivator waved his hand and brought everyone out of the Dao Item space and returned to the dojo.

At this time, the cultivator who wanted to collect disciples at the beginning took out a green vial.

“Although I don’t have a relationship with your child as a teacher or apprentice, I met him somehow.”

During the refining period, the cultivator put the small green bottle in Xu Lingtai’s hand.

“This is the origin of a drop of wood. When you use it when you are a child in Foundation Building, you have a chance to become the first rank supreme foundation.” said the cultivator during the refining period, which is also considered a good relationship.

Xu Gang wanted to refuse, but Xu Yuexian said, “Thank you senior.”

This naive Dage may not know how valuable this thing is. This is a priceless treasure. If he insists on giving a value, he can work on himself for a whole year.

After Xu Gang’s family bid farewell to Xu Yuexian and Qianlingzong, they immediately came to the next fairy city.

“Dage, just now the Master sent me a message to tell me to make something for the spiritual platform to cover up the spiritual body of the spiritual platform, and you should not leave the city in the near future.”

“You continue to play, I will go back first.”

Speaking of Xu Yuexian, he joined the teleportation formation again.

“I want to go back too.” Xu Gang said while looking at the teleportation array, playing outside, he felt very boring.

“Husband, I heard that there is a very famous vestment in Baihua Fairy City, let’s go and see it.” Xiao Xi said.

“Good~” Xu Gang said.

“Father, I want to eat Baihualing cake.” Xu Lingtai said while looking at the cake shop next to him.


Xu Gang’s boring but necessary journey continues again.

In the hidden spirit gate, the refining room, Xu Fan carved the last rune in a piece of jade pendant, and a piece of jade pendant with hidden spirit body was refined.

Xu Fan put away the jade pendant, turned around and devoted himself to the optimization of the remote control puppet.

“Now the signals in the secret realm and Minor World are not easy to resolve.”

“To solve this problem, you have to break the boundary stone. But this thing is only available in the virtual world. If you want to buy it, you need at least 1 billion Spirit Stones, which is a bit worthless.”

“Would you like to find a good brother to have another baby?”

When Xu Fan lacks certain materials, he will habitually think of his good brother, Wang Yulun.

Finally, Xu Fan forgot his own value, gritted his teeth, and sent a message to Pang Fu.

Spirit Stones are not important, nothing is more precious than happiness,

“In this way, you can use a puppet to fight instead of me.” Xu Fan said.

Now Xu Fan’s mood is like that of him with a monthly salary of 600. He spent 8,000 to buy a high-end computer.

Due to Xu Fan’s urgency, Pang Fu returned with the breaking stone that afternoon.

“Unexpectedly, those big chambers of commerce still have inventory.” Xu Fan said in surprise.

“This breaking stone is actually not out of stock, it’s just monopolized by the top Sect chambers of commerce.”

“When I knew I was going to buy the Boundary Breaking Stone, the shopkeeper of the Chamber of Commerce immediately grabbed me, for fear that I would run away.”

“It was a Transcends Tribulation power who personally escorted the Boundary Breaking Stone over, and watched me sit on the teleportation array with his own eyes.”

“For the first time I feel that I am so valued.” Pang Fu said with emotion.

“Well, this kind of treatment will still be available in the future. When our Sect comes out of a refining period, I will get a small flying boat and go in the shallow waters of the endless sea.”

“When we Sect has a Transcends Tribulation period, I will get a huge boat to mine resources in the depths of the endless sea.”

“When our Sect is out of Mahayana Venerable, then I will walk directly on Xingzhou.” Xu Fan said boldly.

“I believe there will be such a day.” Pang Fu said with emotion.

“At that time, I will help Pangge Master Commercial Immortal Ascension.” Xu Fanxu promised that such a good commercial cultivator must be brought to the immortal world to continue to be an instrumentalist.

“Xie Da Elder.” Pang Fu’s tone was very excited. This was the first time he had received Xu Fan’s promise.

After Pang Fu left, Xu Fan looked at the Boundary Breaking Stone in his hand and muttered, “Top Sect, Xingzhou, and Void Realm.”

These are only a matter of time for him when he comes. As long as he is good, late stage is the invincible existence in this world.

After finishing all this, Xu Fan took the Boundary Breaking Stone and returned to the mixing room.

Ten days later, Xu Yuexian returned to Sect.

“This secret jade pendant, for your little nephew.”

“You take this puppet with you. It will be a remote stand-in for the teacher in the future. Let’s test it next to you.”

Xu Fan then told Xu Yuexian about the usefulness of this puppet.

“Then when I search for the secret realm in the future, can I be with the Master?” Xu Yuexian said in surprise. She has always wanted to find a suitable partner, but she doesn’t like the general cultivator.


Xu Fan took out a billiard ball-sized Lingzhu and handed it to Xu Yuexian.

“This is a Breaching Base Station, the core of this puppet. You will take it out when you explore the secret realm and Minor World in the future.”

“That will ensure that the puppet has a signal there.”

“The puppet can be lost, but this thing must be protected. This is half of the Master’s wealth.” Xu Fan said distressedly.

He originally wanted to incorporate the Boundary Breaking Stone into the core of the puppet, but after thinking about it, he should keep his hand. The puppet of Nascent Soul peak power is also in danger of damage outside.

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