Chapter 138 The First Life of Samsara: Love

After Xu Fan explained everything, he heard the news that Xu Yuexian had said. After a moment of thought, he said, “If you really need it, send your silly Dage over.”

“It’s also a contribution to the hometown.”

“Understood.” Xu Yuexian nodded and said.

Seeing Xu Yuexian’s retreat, Xu Fan thought for a while, and it seemed that Time House was about to restart again.

“Quiet Life, there are always some waves.”

Thinking that he hadn’t fed the tortoises for half a month, Xu Fan deliberately took a few bottles of the top-grade feeding elixirs he had practiced from the pill refining room.

“Life is going on, the tortoise still has to be fed.”

Above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, when Xu Fan came to a fixed location, a tortoise emerged immediately.

“It’s you this time, Sanwei.”

The names of the turtles range from one to twelve.

At this time, the remaining eleven tortoises also gathered around, staring at Xu Fan with wide-eyed eyes, as if asking why they would not come to feed during this time.

“Something happened these days, so I forgot to feed you guys.”

“In the future, I will specially arrange for a disciple to feed you.” Xu Fan said while feeding the spirit pill. The ration of the tortoise is indeed a bit immoral.

The twelve simple little tortoises quickly looked at Xu Fan’s eyes and began to warm again.


In the small courtyard of Wang Yulun in the border camp of Shenglingzhou, Li Xingci and Wang Xiangchi are sitting opposite each other.

“Uncle Wang has been doing well these days.” Li Xingci asked.

“My father is okay. He was bitten by a snake demon some time ago, and he is now recuperating in the back.” Wang Xiangchi said.

At this time, Murong Qian’er served a few dishes and a small pot of wine.

Li Xingci nodded and thanked Murong Qian’er.

“Xingci is so polite every time he comes.”

“You and Xiang Chi drink first, I’ll take care of your Uncle Wang.” Murong Qianer said. Although she has liked this child since she was a child, for some reason, every time she sees it, she always feels uncomfortable in her heart.

“Uncle Wang is injured, or I will go and visit now.” Li Xingci stood up and said.

“No, my father is in a coma now, immersed in the illusion of snake venom. It will be fine after a while.”

“Besides, you won’t be able to see my dad even if you go. The rear is the most tightly guarded place. You, the person who came here for the first time, can’t get in at all.” Wang Xiangchi said.

“Okay.” Li Xingci sat down again.

“Is that right, your brothers are here to recount the past, they haven’t seen each other for more than two years.” Murong Qian’er walked out after speaking.

After seeing Murong Qian’er go, the two men began to chat.

“After we met last time, I went back to the Hidden Spirit Gate. Master is still the same old man.”

“When you are interested, study various magic spells, refining tools, and raising turtles.”

“If you are boring, just go fishing on the huge lake of 100,000 miles.” Li Xingci said.

“I haven’t returned to Sect for 5 years, I miss the Master a bit.” Wang Xiangchi said.

“The Master is a bit dissatisfied with you, so he ran here to suppress the monster race without saying a word.”

“Before you go back, it’s best to practice the magical secrets that the Master taught you. If you can’t satisfy the Master, you may really be dragged into the illusion world and spanked.” Li Xingci said with a smile.

Wang Xiangchi’s complexion became stiff. To be honest, he was really afraid of this. Fortunately, he was dragged in for a while. The taste will be unforgettable forever.

“Xie Brother reminded.”

Speaking, picked up the wine glass and met with Li Xingci.

“Senior brother has something on my mind recently, or it’s a knot in my heart.” Li Xingci said lightly.

“Swordsmanship hasn’t made any progress in three years. Master taught me the last magical powers of kendo. I can only comprehend some furs.”

“I thought I could make a breakthrough in the battle, so I came here to kill the monster race.”

“The result is still the same now. Does my aptitude stop here?” Wang Xiangchi said. He is a proud man and feels that he has such a mysterious and almighty Master. Sword Immortal Ascension is just a very simple matter.

“This is also the reason you don’t want to go back.” Li Xingci said.

Wang Xiangchi nodded.

“The Master gave each of us a magical power at the bottom of the box.”

“Elder brother is Wanfa body, second elder sister is Huaying III body, your kendo supernatural power is the same color as heaven and earth, mine is Samsara.”

“If you dig deeper, you can touch the traces of the’Tao’, and it is not an exaggeration to even call it the magical powers of the Immortal Dao.” Li Xingci said.

“Maybe your dilemma, I can help you solve it.”

“My best Samsara has achieved something now. I will drag you into Samsara and let you live another life. After you come out, maybe you will break through the current barrier.”

“Would you like to try, Huang Liang Yimeng, it’s just a night outside.” Li Xingci said.

“Come on, after drinking this wine, I will enter the world of Samsara.” Wang Xiangchi said, instead of letting the Master spank, it is better to breakthrough earlier.


During this meal, the two brothers said a lot of things, funny childhood stories, Master’s teaching, the care of the big brother and the second sister, and the master’s proficient mysterious methods.

In the evening, the two were already drunk.

Wang Xiangchi was lying on the bed, beside him was the Feng Lei Sword, a treasure made by Xu Fan himself.

“Junior Brother, come on, I won’t have the face to see the Master until I break through.”

Li Xingci didn’t speak, but stretched out his hand to point out nine purple and glamorous flowers from the other side, slowly falling on Wang Xiangchi’s body.

In the world of Samsara, the Heavenly Sword Dynasty, in a small remote village, in a yard, the sound of a baby’s hoof sounded.

In the room, Li Xingci looked at Wang Xiangchi, who had already entered the world of Samsara, and said, “My nine other flowers can be used on you. If you don’t make a breakthrough, this matter will only be solved by the Master.”

Early the next morning, Wang Xiangchi slowly opened his eyes full of vicissitudes.

“I’m finally back, Fourth Junior Brother, it’s been a long time.” Wang Xiangchi said, looking at the person sitting in the room.

“In Samsara’s world, there are regrets.” Li Xingci asked.

“Swordsmanship is famous, and my family is company for my whole life. I have no regrets.” Wang Xiangchi said. Although the world of Samsara is beautiful, everything is illusory. What he regrets most now is that he’woke up’ when the world of Samsara was the best. Come here.

In the second half of his life that was originally Consummation, the more he passed, the more desolate he felt, because he knew that all of this was illusory.

He will never forget the little girl who accompanies her to practice sword in the barren mountain village.

“Brother Qingyuan, I will marry you in the future.” One sentence is a lifetime.

In the world of Samsara, he practiced swords when he was young and became famous at a young age.

That year, the Wild Clan of the Northern Territory invaded, and he crushed millions of soldiers with one sword and one man, not daring to cross the thunder pond, and was named the Great Master, the number one kendo in the world.

This life goes smoothly, and this life is accompanied by childhood sweethearts.

At the age of fifty, he awakened the memory of the deity. After thirty years, there was no war in the world. He and his beautiful lady traveled thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

“Brother Qingyuan, with you in this life, I am the happiest woman in the world.”

The moment the lady closed his eyes, he also woke up from the world of Samsara.

“Brother, what is the name of this Samsara world.”

“Best Samsara First Life: Love.”

“Fourth Junior Brother, thank you.”

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