Chapter 140: Elder’s Suggestions

The young man, who had been renamed Li Xuandao, rode in auspicious clouds and entered the guard gate of the Yinlingmen.

There was a glimmer of scrutiny in the young boy’s eyes with Star inside.

This time I have good luck. It is a mid-thousand world. As long as I don’t die in late stage, it will not be a problem to ascend to the great world and complete the eighth life cultivation.

Thinking of this, Li Xuandao breathed a sigh of relief. This time the starting point is relatively high, and I don’t want to be reborn in a Minor World last time. The highest Cultivation Base is the Foundation Building period.

He didn’t awaken his memory until he was 50 years old in that life. Although there was the way of Immortal Ascension, the boundary of that Minor World was too strong, and there was no soaring traction.

He only lived to be 150 years old in his busy life, and he ended up regretfully, that life was considered to be in vain.

At this time, Li Xuandao began to look at the new Sect in this life.

This Sect array is not powerful, which means it can block the cultivator during the refining period. However, the design of the Sect array is very powerful, and the subsequent upgrade of the array has been taken into consideration.

Especially the 360 ​​Spirit Gathering Orbs at the top of the Great Array form the Universe Spirit Gathering Array. The late stage can also be upgraded to Dao Item.

Seeing the spiritual liquid waterfall in front of the main peak like the Milky Way of Nine Heavens and the divine beast composed of spiritual liquid in the sky, Li Xuandao’s mood instantly became brighter.

At this time, Qiu Ziyuan, who was in front of Xiangyun, began to introduce the Yinlingmen to Li Xuandao.

“Junior Brother, our sect is called the Yinlingmen. It has just been established for 12 years. According to the Elder Association, it belongs to the first-level Sect.”

“Sect currently has 213 disciples, all of whom are currently in the Qi refining stage.”

At this time, Li Xuandao asked: “During the 12 years, no disciple was upgraded to the Foundation Building period.”

His tone was very puzzled. According to Sect’s current scale, let alone, how could it be possible to pile up several Foundation Building phases just like the Nine Heavens Milky Way waterfall. Is it difficult to get Foundation Building Dan?

“This will be known after Junior Brother is promoted to the middle qi training level.”

“I’m just giving you a general introduction, but when you enter the Magic Peak, someone will introduce you in detail.” Qiu Ziyuan said.


“Master, you suspect that the child is a powerful reincarnation.” Li Xingci asked.

“It’s not the reincarnation of the Mighty Venerable, it’s the man with the destiny.”

“Otherwise, he won’t pass all my tests. I doubt it because it’s too perfect.” Xu Fan said, but he didn’t care too much, and it wasn’t that he hadn’t seen pig’s feet. There are so many pig feet.

“Yes, it was just a moment of excitement, I didn’t think of this level.” Li Xingci said.

“By the way, where are the parents of that child?” Xu Fan asked again, but don’t be a member of the xx orphanage

“Linsen Xiancheng, I have settled down.” Li Xingci said.

“Supernatural power, Samsara, you are in that lifetime.” Xu Fan asked.

“Eleventh generation: Xia.” Li Xingci said.

Xu Fan sighed and said, “It’s coming, in the next five years, and 10 years after the twentieth.”


“Then you sent a few Samsara slaves to protect the child’s parents.”

“Whether it is a powerful reincarnation or a man of destiny, life is difficult, and his father and mother will always recite our Sect.” Xu Fan said, and guessed in his heart that this child should be a more important supporting role in the future.

Although the two clans of humans and monsters are fighting in one state, Xu Fan estimates that there will not be many good days in the future, and the full-scale war between the two circles may start at some time.

At that time, the recorded little Sect wanted to protect himself, but there was no door.

“Yes.” Li Xingci said.

A Jade Slip floated in front of Li Xingci.

“This is the Scripture of A Thousand Dreams and Hundred Paths. Practice it when you are fine, and it will make you easier every time you are born.”

“With your qualifications, you need to walk the road behind yourself.” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you Master.” Li Xingci’s heart warmed, thinking of the little things he had with Master.

“Thank you, since you call me Master, I will protect you for the rest of my life.” Xu Fan said with a smile. The apprentices he accepted made him worry-free.

“Okay, if you are tired, don’t go out. I have been training in Sect for a few years. I have nothing to accompany my teacher to fish and play chess.” Xu Fan said. Tune.


In this way, one more person next to Xu Fan lived a life like a salted fish.

At this time, Li Xuandao was studying in the phantom learning peak with a shocked mentality.

“The cultivating civilization in this world has reached such a stage. When the cultivator took me across the Central Continent, the style of painting was not like this.”

“The service-oriented device, the illusion-style efficient teaching, and the puppet controlled by the smart center.” Li Xuandao was shocked in his heart while learning this boring knowledge.

He is not the kind of person who has never seen the world, because of cultivation Cultivation Technique, he was reborn in a world of highly developed immortal cultivation.

That life broadened his three views on classical cultivation of immortals, but unfortunately, he was at the level of a quasi immortal at the end of that life. In a war with other great worlds, Death, to be exact, was chopped by a battle puppet. On both sides, the puppet also took his Interspatial Ring.

“This Sect was created by the big Elder who took me as an apprentice. Maybe he is also a reincarnated person. If you have time, you must try it.”

To be honest, if you let him do everything in this Sect, it might not be better than the big Elder.

Li Xuandao removed these distracting thoughts and began to study earnestly. Rebirth is a new beginning.

I must go to the true immortal level in this life, so that after the true ninth life, I will become the golden immortal road.

A peaceful life is always short.

Three months later, Xu Fan and Li Xingci are commenting on clips of beautiful women in various immortal cities taken by Nan Nan using photo-taking techniques.

“Master, after arriving at a certain Realm, the face and figure have been shaped by those women into their most satisfactory state.”

“The only difference lies in the temperament, passionate, icy and jade clean, graceful, soft jade, dignified and elegant, budding, and lovely…………”

“These are the key points. Obviously, the Master is still only in the superficial Realm of the legs and waist.” Li Xingci said solemnly. Although Xu Fan is his Master, he still disdains Xu Fan’s appreciation level.

“What do you know, this is a superficial Realm, this is a realm for the masses, you are still a little shallow.” Xu Fanyi said, the floating projection screen is still playing a segment of the beauty of the fairy city.

Li Xingci turned his head back, and moved his body outwards. He didn’t understand how the Tianjiao enchanting Master, who was hard to come by forever, could be above desire, so shallow.

At this time, Xu Fan’s communication Magical Item sounded. After reading the information, he directly threw the photo-taking stone to Li Xingci.

“If it’s okay, give me a comment on all the beautiful women in photography. If I can write a poem, that would be even better.” Xu Fan said, chatting with his apprentice during this time, and knowing what happened to the apprentice in the fifth world of Samsara.

In that life, he was a scholar who had never met his talents. He had a passion and wanted to change the country’s barren status with his own knowledge. However, the examiner was jealous of his handsome looks and talents, framed him for cheating, and missed the imperial examination all his life.

He was originally a scholar who was a child of an ordinary farmer, and at that moment his lifelong faith collapsed.

That day he entered the tavern for the first time, was drunk in front of a brothel Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and was picked up by an oiran who just returned from a trip. He was handsome and romantic all night.

Later, there was an erotic poem that shocked the world, and then he began the journey of prostitution for the rest of his life.

In that lifetime, he almost saw all the beauties in the world. In that life, he also left countless brilliant poems that shocked the world. In that life, he was concerned about his family, country, and the world, but he had no choice but to watch his own country collapse.

Xu Fan pursed his mouth after listening to his experience in this life, and couldn’t say any comforting words. After all, there were hundreds of confidantes who accompanied him in that life.

Hearing Xu Fan’s words, Li Xingci was stunned for a moment, perhaps thinking of the experience of that life, but then he reacted and nodded and said, “Okay, I’m good at this.”

After the explanation, Xu Fan sacrificed the spirit wind boat and flew towards Elder Hui in Linsen City.

During the Elder meeting, Xu Fan received a ‘suggestion’ from the top level of the Elder meeting, which probably meant that he sent his disciples to Shenglingzhou to suppress the demon clan.

“Xu Elder, according to the above suggestion, you Sect need two cultivators, one in the Nascent Soul period and one in the Gold Core period. One month later, Elder will gather here.” Nascent Soul deacon said.

“Half of my Sect’s combat power?” Xu Fan said.

“No, your Sect was first built, and the fairy tool has detected your Sect’s situation. These two disciples are already the fewest.”


“As for the security of the martial art, Xu Elder can rest assured.”

“Before the monster clan was killed in this world, the central continent had no war. This is the guarantee of our Elder Association.” Nascent Soul cultivator said domineeringly.


After returning to the Hidden Spirit Gate, Xu Fan sent a message to Xu Gang to come back, and then he turned and entered the mixing room, and his apprentice had to give him a bit of assurance.

A month later, Xu Fan gave Xu Gang and the returning Xu Yuexian an Interspatial Ring, which was full of stuff.

“Yuexian, you go with your Dage first, then you meet Xiang Chi, let him take your place, and you will come back.” Xu Fan said.

“No, I feel that it would be good to have a few years of experience there.” Xu Yuexian said, she also hated the demon clan who drove herself out of Xiangzhou.

“Master, how about I go for Big Brother and let Big Brother stay with Master.” Li Xingci said.

As soon as Xu Gang wanted to speak, Xu Fan preempted him to say: “You can’t go, your situation is more serious than I thought, so stay with me in Sect.”

“It’s time for your big brother to meet the big scene.” Xu Fan said.

“Okay.” Li Xingci didn’t say much, just said yes, his condition is indeed a bit serious.

“Master, you have to protect yourself when I’m leaving.” Xu Gang said reluctantly.

“Believe it or not, even if you reach the stage of transformation, I can drag you into the illusion to spank.” Xu Fan said with a black face, when I would use you to protect it.

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