Chapter 141 Dragon Fairy Palace

The escape light of Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian disappeared into the sky. Xu Fan said to Li Xingci: “You will be staying at Sect during this period. I have asked Pang Fu to buy many Demonic Beasts eggs.”

“Follow me at home to learn the way of imperial beasts.” Xu Fan said.

“Okay.” Li Xingci didn’t refuse, he hadn’t violated Xu Fan’s words since he was a child.

Xu Fan took the people to see him off and walked slowly in the garden in front of the main peak.

“Xuan Dao, have you learned the basic teaching of Sect?” Xu Fan said, looking at the boy who had not spoken next to him.

“A month ago, I have finished all my students, and I am currently studying “Five Elements Decision”.” Li Xuandao said in a salute, warning himself that the acting career after awakening his memory is about to begin, and he must be fully involved in this. In the role.

“There is something I don’t understand in “Five Elements Decision”.” Xu Fan asked. He didn’t let Grape pay too much attention to Li Xuandao, just as an ordinary disciple.

“No, the disciple has seen other Sect Cultivation Techniques. “Five Elements Decision” is the best cultivation technique for Immortal Ascension in the Foundation Building.” Li Xuandao said, he knew that he was playing a disciple with top aptitude. Dew points should also be exposed.

But I have to say that “Five Elements Decision” is the most stable existence among all the Foundation Building Cultivation Techniques he has ever seen. As long as he cultivates step by step and keeps up with Spirit Power, he can almost reach the upper limit of his own qualifications. .

Low qualification requirements, easy cultivation, small bottleneck, high fault tolerance, no matter what Cultivation Technique you specialize in, there is no rejection reaction.

Therefore, Li Xuandao decided to carve this Cultivation Technique deep in his memory, and use this Cultivation Technique Foundation Building Cultivation next time.

While everyone was walking in the garden to enjoy the scenery, Xu Fan asked Li Xuandao some insights on cultivating immortals, and Li Xuandao gave a standard answer.

The expression on Xu Fan’s face became more and more satisfied, and finally handed over to Li Xuandao the final version of “Five Elements Decision” in the Foundation Building period.

After testing Li Xuandao, Xu Fan directly called the flying boat in the sky specially used for low-level Qi training disciples to ride, and let Li Xuandao go back by himself.

“Master, do you have an answer.” Li Xingci asked after Li Xuandao left.

“Reincarnation is a reincarnation, I just don’t know if it is the power of this world,” Xu Fan said.

“Master sees that the flaw is coming.” Li Xingci said in a puzzled way. There was nothing wrong with the answer between Xu Fan and Li Xuandao just now.

“Yes, what he said about Cultivation Technique and some insights on cultivating immortality is nothing wrong, and it is more comprehensive than I thought.”

“But have you noticed one thing? His insights are too comprehensive and perfect. This is the biggest problem.” Xu Fan said.

Li Xingci nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Leave him alone, this kid will be raised in Sect,”

“When it’s time to go, I will naturally go.” Xu Fan said while looking at the spirit boat in the sky. He wasn’t sure if it was a man of destiny. Anyway, he was not a traverser from the earth.

“Don’t say so much, come and play chess with me first.”

The two happened to arrive in a pavilion with a stone table and chess board.

“Master, gomoku really doesn’t fit your style.” Li Xingci said helplessly. Ever since the hidden spirit gate was stabilized, Xu Fan would play gomoku for half a day every few days.

“You can’t beat me in Gobang. Come on, when you win me, we will change another one.” Xu Fan said with a smile.


When I don’t know that every time the situation is unfavorable, you call out the grapes to help you recover from your defeat.

But the apprentice could beat the Master, and Li Xingci sat obediently across from Xu Fan.

After a few games, Li Xingci couldn’t keep up.

Because the backgammon board they play is infinitely large, the more difficult it is to play in the late stage.

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air was heard in the sky, and a mountain guard puppet of the Nascent Soul stage came to Xu Fan with two large and one small deer.

“The situation is special and requires the owner’s trial. These two little auspicious beasts rushed to the guard gate in secret.” Grape’s electronic voice sounded.

“okay, I get it.”

The mountain guard puppet retreated, and Xu Fan looked at the two dead young deer.

“Is this the little male deer you abducted? It’s still a colorful spirit deer.” Xu Fan said, looking at the Yunhua deer who was comforting his little lover, when did this little thing run out of Sect.

“Hey 嘤嘤~~”

“This is the little deer you brought back. It’s your future mate.” Xu Fan said funny, saying that ordinary beasts are 100-year-old adults, that is, the Gold Core period. It’s almost time to count.

Xiao Hua nodded. This is the most suitable mate that she has found in a Sacred Land after so many hardships.

“Then why don’t you tell me when you leave, the hidden spirit gate is a place where you can come and leave as long as you want.”

“What if this beast is from another sect?” Xu Fan stared at Xiao Hua and pretended to be slightly angry.

“嘤嘤~~~” Xiaohua looked at Xu Fan disdainfully.

“Haha, let’s go play, I’ll make a home for you another day.” Xu Fan said with a smile on his face instantly.

Xiaohua arched her head against the timid little deer beside the arch, and flew towards the Lingye Waterfall in front of the main peak with auspicious clouds, where its nest was also there.

“Master, do you know animal language?”

“I learned it when I was boring, and I can also speak the language of the Yaozu.” Xu Fan said triumphantly.

“What did Xiaohua say last?” Li Xingci said in confusion, what could make the Master’s front and back contrast so much.

“It said that it had met a friend in Shiwanli Juhu, Tianji Turtle, and it could be called to Sect to play another day.”

“It’s really a good beast for Sect’s sake. If it doesn’t work, I want to reward it.” Xu Fan said with satisfaction. He once again gave up the idea of ​​eating venison hot pot.

At the same time, in a Sacred Land not knowing how far away from the Hidden Spirit Gate, a 6-year-old little Loli in a Chinese suit was looking for something by a lake.

“Little tooth, little tooth~~~~”

“Woo~~~~ Where are you, Xiaoya.”

Little Loli said while touching his tears.


In Linsen Xiancheng, Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian stepped into a special teleportation formation, and there were tens of thousands of cultivators who were going to kill the monsters in Shenglingzhou.

Most of them were recommended by the Elder Association, and the rest were rewards and points for the Elder Association.

It is said that the points of the Elder Club can be exchanged for everything that exists in this world, except for special periods, under normal circumstances, the points tasks of the Elder Club are internal digestion.

Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian stepped into the teleportation formation, and when they came out again, they came to a vast square paved with spiritual bricks.

Xu Yuexian wanted to observe the situation from the air, and as soon as he was about to fly, he was pressed back by a special force.

At this time, a huge screen appeared in the sky, and the above said: This is in the dragon fairy palace immortal artifact, and cultivators can wait here for four days.

One day later, there will be a Mahayana period Venerable preaching for three days.

After the preaching, he went to the border between Shenglingzhou and Xiangzhou.

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