Chapter 142

At this time, all the cultivators sent from them, after seeing the huge screen notice in the sky, quietly found a place to meditate.

Xu Gang took out two treasured futons and sat down in a wide area.

“Dage, I took a little look, just what I saw was no less than 100,000 cultivator, do you think the demons in Xiangzhou can’t be suppressed anymore.”

“The news I got from the intelligence organization, this time there are more than ten Venerables sent by the top Sect alone.”

“If we go to Shenglingzhou Zhu Yao this time, Dage, follow me,”

“On the destructive power of Tao Fa’s supernatural powers, you are powerful.”

“But in terms of how to escape, ten of you can’t compare to me.” Xu Yuexian conveyed to Xu Gang.

“Well, everything will be under your command when you get there.” Xu Gang nodded and said. When he came, the Master had already explained that he would listen to the younger sister when he was on the battlefield.

At this moment, Xu Yuexian suddenly saw a young man in the Foundation Building period not far away. He was very boring alone, and there was some tension in his expression. It was obviously a little flower who had just left the greenhouse. .

“Little Wawa, if you are less than 20 years old, come here during the Foundation Building period. Are you a pill refining master or a refining master.” Xu Yuexian said. In the Foundation Building period, there are only sub-class personnel, not pill refining or refining.

At this time, the young young man heard someone calling himself. He took a look and found that it was Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian. In an instant, as if he had found the organization, he hurried to sit down next to them.

“The two seniors, underneath are the Outer Sect disciples of the Heavenly Tool Sect, this time they will go to open a refinery workshop in Daying for the Elder Club.”

At first the teenager was still a little nervous, but after seeing the two gentle faces, he relaxed.

“A disciple of the Heavenly Tool Sect?”

“Craftsman, craftsman, teacher, spirit, and instrument, you are a disciple at that level.” Xu Yuexian said with interest. This is the previous division of the Great Master of the Heavenly Tool Sect. The potential to become the Great Master of the refiner.

Xu Yuexian has been in the world of cultivating immortals for so many years, and has had contact with disciples of the top sects, but the disciples of the Heavenly Tool Sect have never seen it, but only heard all the rumors in the sect.

“Junior, Yunlian, a disciple of Sect’s “Ling” level.” The boy responded truthfully.

“Yun Lian, a good name. You are a disciple of the word’ling’. Go to Shenglingzhou. Don’t your parents worry about it.” Xu Yuexian asked curiously. The disciples are like spirit treasures.

“One is to practice in the world of cultivating immortals, and the other is to earn points to redeem a piece of spiritual material that is unique to the Elder Club.”

“The two seniors should go to the front line to kill the demon. If you need to customize the treasure or repair and refine the treasure in the future, you can find Junior.”

“Junior can be cheaper for the two seniors.”

Speaking of refining tools, the boy seemed to have regained a little confidence. This was the first time he came out of Sect. When he came out of Sect, his Master explained to himself that in addition to seeing the world with his eyes, he also had to make friends with several promising cultivators so that he could protect himself in the future.

The Master said that this is a step that a refiner must take. As for safety issues, who would be stunned by a refiner, at best be deceived of all his wealth or feelings, but dare to move a disciple of the Heavenly Tool Sect, no matter what he hides. Wherever you are, you will be caught back to enjoy the full set of The Underworld package.

Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian looked at each other, which reminded them of the Interspatial Ring that Xu Fan had stuffed them before leaving. Inside were all kinds of treasures and spirit pills. Even if they had been fighting for a hundred years, they were not afraid. There is a shortage of treasures and elixir.

At this time, Xu Yuexian took down the Five Spirit Orb bracelet she was wearing.

“Yun Lian, look at what level of refiner who can refine this treasure can be ranked in your Sect.” Xu Yuexian asked curiously, she has always been curious about her Master’s level of refiner.

So today I just met Xu Fan, a Cultivation Base level mixer, so I want to ask.

Qian Yunlian carefully took the Five Spirit Orbs in Xu Yuexian’s hand, and looked at it confidently. For Magic Treasures, he was particularly confident.

After receiving the Five Spirit Orb, Qianyun Lian’s hand shone with aura, and the rune on the Five Spirit Orb leaked out.

I saw fifteen Five Elements spirit beads, engraved with dense runes, the rhyme of Taoism is one, and it is natural, as if it is a spiritual thing in this world.

“This rune……” Qian Yunlian fell into shock.

Looking at the silent boy, neither Xu Gang nor Xu Yuexian urged.

After a full hour, Qian Yunlian slowly raised his head and said in shock, “Is this the treasure that the Master said is only one step away from perfection.”

“This kind of treasure, if in a special Qi environment, maybe it can be promoted to Dao Item.”

“Two seniors, don’t use the work of the refining tool Great Master senior to emulate Junior.”

“This refiner senior is placed in our Sect, and it is directly Elder’s identity.” Qian Yunlian said.

This refiner senior is likely to be more powerful than my Master, Qian Yunlian didn’t say this sentence.

Qian Yunlian carefully returned the Five Spirit Orbs to Xu Yuexian.

“Do the two seniors know the identity of the refiner senior? Junior would like to visit if possible,” Qian Yunlian said with a bow.

“Haha, I’ll help you ask if I have a chance.” Xu Yuexian said with a smile, she didn’t expect her Master to be so good.

At this moment, a voice of surprise came.

“Zhang Han fellow daoist, I didn’t expect you to come.”

A cultivator wearing a Qianlingzong Taoist robe walked over, his eyes filled with heat, and there were more than a dozen cultivators like little brothers behind him.

“Dage, who is this person, don’t you have any serious thoughts about you?” Xu Yuexian said when seeing Ji Muhua’s hot eyes.

“It’s just a friend of mine who has the same Taoist philosophy.” Xu Gang said, and he was also made weird by Ji Muhua’s eyes.

“Oh, then Dage, be careful, stay away from him when you’re alone.” Xu Yuexian said through voice transmission.

Xu Gang nodded.

“It is a great blessing in life to be able to meet Ji fellow daoist here. It seems that the days of fighting in Shenglingzhou will not be too depressing in the future.”

Xu Gang was also very happy to see Ji Muhua. He didn’t expect the two to meet again soon.

At this time, Ji Muhua took a group of people to sit around and formed a temporary team.

At the same time, some individual cultivators who came to punish the demon on the field began to slowly form various groups. On the battlefield of the Shenglingzhou border, the cultivators below the integration period were fighting alone to fight for death.

As everyone chatted, when they discovered that there was another disciple of the Heavenly Tool Sect, Qian Yunlian instantly became the favorite of this temporary group.

“Quiet, below is the preacher of Pan Ling Venerable.”

In an instant, all cultivators in the entire Longxian Palace quieted down and began to adjust their own state to welcome the next preaching.


Outside Feiyu, a huge flying boat is lurking outside.

In the distance, a group of streamers shuttled between the demon spirit world and the flying feather world.

Inside the huge flying boat, a Mahayana Venerable respectfully bowed to a white-robed boy and said, “Your Excellency, do we still have to wait.”

“Wait, it’s not the time yet.”

“Now there are also Yaozu warships staring at us.”

“If the timing is not right and Yuzhou is damaged, our human race’s tens of thousands of years of hard work will be in vain.” The boy said.

The young man seems to have a miniature universe in his hands. The Feathers World is the center of the miniature universe. The giant boat is like dust lying outside the Feathers World, and not far away, there is a serpentine flying boat waiting for an opportunity.

“Before I ascend, the two worlds must be unified.”

“Yaozu, I’ll cut you off first.”

The boy looked at the giant snake-shaped boat in the miniature Universe in his hand and smiled faintly.


On the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan looked at the news pushed by Magic Treasures, the newsletter in his hand, and his face was very indifferent. ,

“Looking like this, the demons in Shenglingzhou are not very flooded, why do you need so many cultivators?”

“Do you want to annihilate in one fell swoop?” Xu Fan said while looking at the news, then felt too headache and waved to remove the news interface.

At this time, Li Xingci held a sable and landed on the tortoise shell where Xu Fan was.

“You are done with the secret realm you made.” Xu Fan said while looking at Li Xingci holding the sable.

He wanted to find a husky to accompany Li Xingci and heal his melancholy apprentice with the breath of sand sculpture. It would be better if he could assimilate into a sand sculpture.

It is a pity that there is no such species in the Xiuxian Realm, so Xu Fan could only give Li Xingci a sable.

“According to the Master’s instructions, the illusion and rewards have been set.”

“In the Nascent Soul period, the illusion was deployed according to the Master’s script.” Li Xingci said. He didn’t know the whimsical ideas from Xu Fan and made so many interesting things.

At this time, a screen was unfolded in front of Xu Fan, and above it was the scene of the first Hidden Spirit Gate disciple participating in the trial.

“I’m still a female disciple. She is called Si Ruoyu. She is currently practicing five levels of Qi and has a talent for combat command. The current cultivation Cultivation Technique is “Five Elements Decision”.” Xu Fan introduced that this disciple is one of the disciples he pays more attention to. One, even Xu Fan was astounded by his super-high combat command talent.

This disciple is placed in the dunya, as long as he has the opportunity, he will definitely become a famous female marshal.

“This is the infinite challenge series.” Li Xingci said, very familiar with the illusion he designed.

“How do you set the reward?” Xu Fan asked.

“Demonic Beasts of the same level will reward one Spirit Stones for killing one, and finally maintain the highest ranking reward of 10,000 Spirit Stones every month, and the remaining rewards will reach the tenth place, with the lowest 1,000 Spirit Stones.” Li Xingci said.

“It’s reasonable. Now we bet how many Demonic Beasts of the same level this disciple can kill.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“If you win, I will allow you to continue Samsara practice in five years. If I win, how about extending this period for ten years?” Xu Fan continued.

“Well, I bet this disciple will stick to the 100th one.” Li Xingci said with a smile.

“Then I bet 340.”

At this time, Si Ruoyu on the screen had already read the rules of the dungeon trial.

“Interestingly, with my advantage, I will definitely win the first place.”

After Si Ruoyu finished talking, there was an extra puppet barracks, from which five giant shield puppets, five spear puppets, and five archer puppets appeared.

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