Chapter 149 Ancient Demon

“Where is Junior Brother Xu? I have been looking for him in Shenglingzhou for a long time, but I haven’t found Junior Brother Xu. Have you gone to other continents?” Sha Diao said.

“We went to the Central Continent with the Master, and where to build a Sect.” Xu Yuexian said, after she saw the sand sculpture, she sent a message to Xu Fan.

I got a reply from Sect inviting Sand Sculpture.

“Sect is established.” The sand sculpture’s eyes lit up, and Own’s father and younger sister were in the martial art of Central Continent.

“Well, Sect is called the Yinlingmen. It is a small Sect in the hidden world. There are more than 200 disciples under the school. They are in a remote location, but they are better than others.” Xu Yuexian said.

Xu Yuexian’s words made the eyes of Sand Sculpture brighter. Isn’t this the ideal place for him to study the way of refining tools? What’s more, there is also Junior Brother Xu who he regards as his lifelong confidant.

“I can join you Sect, now the monster race in Xiangzhou is gone, and there is no need for this small shop.” Sha Sculpture said.

“Welcome very much. Just now I told the Master that I met Uncle Sha.”

“The Master immediately asked me to invite Master Uncle to join the Yin Lingmen to explore the refining tool together.” Xu Yuexian said with a smile.

What she didn’t know was that his Master only wanted a tool man to help him solve the task of refining the raisins.

At this time, the sand sculpture waved, and all the Magic Treasures displayed in the store were received in the Interspatial Ring.

“I don’t plan to go back in the near future. Tell me where the Hidden Spirit Gate is. I can go by myself.” Sha Sculpture said impatiently.

He is really lonely in the small shop where he has been guarding for four years. He has few friends and no friends. Now even the refining tool he has been admired in his life has begun to linger, and he has not made any progress in the past few years. .

“Central Continent, Sky Blue State, Linsen Xiancheng, above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, there will naturally be someone to receive Master Uncle there.” Xu Yuexian said with a smile.

At this time, Sha Diao suddenly embarrassed and laughed. He forgot that he had been operating at a loss in the past few years, plus his father and younger sister took away most of his Spirit Stones when they went to the Central Continent.

Now he found embarrassingly that the transmission fee to the Central Continent was not enough.

Xu Yuexian kindly sent a pack of Spirit Stones storage bags, enough for the sand sculptures to be transported to Linsen Xiancheng throughout the journey, and you can also enjoy the special delicacies of the major Xiancheng on the way.

In the so-called poor family and rich road, when Xu Gang and Xu Yuexian left, Xu Fan gave them at least one person and two small targets for Spirit Stones in the Interspatial Ring.

“This is what the Master ordered. If Uncle Master wants to return it, just return it to the Master.” Xu Yuexian said first.

“Okay.” Sand Sculpture nodded and said, as a genius refiner, he didn’t care too much about Spirit Stones. If he owes it, just go back.

Chic people do chic things.

As soon as the store door was closed, the sand sculpture disappeared at the end of Long Street.

“Uncle Sha is still the same as before.” Xu Gang said with emotion.

“How else can I make friends with Master.” Xu Yuexian responded.


Fifteen human Mahayana Venerables are now besieging the demon demon in an ancient demon forbidden area.

“Large Slaughter, come on, use the blood of your monster race to open the seal of the ancient monster forbidden land.”

“Let me see how powerful the ancient demon your demon clan relies on.”

A swordsmanship across the sky looked at the ancient demon and said forbiddenly.

“Haha, Human Race, I didn’t expect you to hide more means than I thought.”

“Don’t think that holding the Immortal Weapon Slashing Demon Sword can be invincible in the world. Immortal Weapon, I also have it.”

“I believe the scene where my deity meets you next time will be very interesting.”

A domineering and unparalleled voice sounded, as if to fight with the world.

“Human, you have to pay the price if you want to destroy my clone. The three ancient demon forbidden places in Xiangzhou. I hope you will like this gift.”

“Jie Jie Jie…”

At this time, the three ancient demon forbidden areas in Xiangzhou lit up blood light at the same time, and then three huge blood light beams rose into the sky, as if to link the border of the world.


The whole Xiangzhou was shaking, as if an ancient beast was about to be born.


The whole Xiangzhou was shaking more severely.

At this time, the swordsmanship of the sky seemed to suppress the world’s side, and a fairy sword appeared in the hands of the swordsmanship.

“Dear fellow daoist, before the Lord returns, we must first suppress this ancient demon before we can free our hands to suppress the other two.”

“Sword Array of Shifang Annihilation, I am the master sword, fellow daoist help me!”

At this time, the entire ancient demon forbidden land began to collapse, and a huge hand like a mountain slammed on the ground, as if to crawl out of the abyss.

‘boom! ’

A huge crimson’s head slowly emerged from the ground, and those bloodthirsty and cruel eyes as big as the moon were slowly turning the eyes that hadn’t moved for hundreds of thousands of years.

When the entire giant monster showed its entire body from the forbidden area, the many Mahayana Venerables who were observing not far away all took a breath.

This is a real 10,000-meter monster body, and the clouds only reach the knees of the ancient monster.



“The whole world is mine.”

The ancient, vicissitudes, and abyss-like voices spread throughout Xiangzhou.

“Everyone fellow daoist, help me!”

At this time, the swordsmanship skyrocketed ten thousand meters, and the fairy sword in his hand turned into a long rainbow and slashed at the ancient monster.

This sword condenses all the power of the fifteen Mahayana Venerables.

‘boom! ! ’

The thousand-meter-long Demon Slashing Sword got stuck in the ancient demon’s neck.


“Ant, die!”

The ancient demon directly pushed away the Demon Slashing Sword on his neck, and the other giant palm grabbed the sword technique in the air.

At this time, the body of the middle-aged man in the kendo technique was bound by a strange force, and he could only look at the giant palm he grabbed with horrified eyes.

As the ninth Elder in charge of the Fairy Slash Demon Sword in the Elder Society, he had doubts about the sword in his palm for the first time.

“Am I going to die.”

At this moment, a huge boat tens of thousands of meters long appeared in the sky, a huge black blasthole, shining with terrifying aura.


A beam of light from the sky accurately hit the head of the ancient demon, and a huge golden lotus bloomed centered on the ancient demon.

There were countless immortals flickering on the golden lotus, getting brighter and brighter, and then the golden lotus gathered and directly surrounded the powerful ancient demon.

In the end it turned into a small golden Lotus flower.


This is, fifteen figures appeared in the sky, saluting the huge boat in the sky.

A star pupil appeared in the air, took the golden lotus, and then gently tossed it towards the deepest part of the ancient demon forbidden land.

“The strength of the ancient demon is stronger than I thought, and the body can resist the demon sword.”

“Thanks for your hard work this time.” The star pupil said to the Venerable who was blocking the ancient demon.

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