Chapter 150

The two brothers and sisters Xu Gang, who were far away from the border of Shengling Prefecture, stopped their movements and looked in the direction of Xiangzhou.

“Junior sister, take a steady wave, and wait for news before going deep into Xiangzhou.” At this time, Xu Gang felt that the Longxian Palace above Daying had also disappeared.

Xu Yuexian took out the communication Magic Treasures and took a look and found that there was no signal, then nodded and said: “Yes, Master said that it is best not to join in the fun in this situation. Let’s slowly punish the demon at the border.”

Xu Fan has been indoctrinating with them since he was a child. When encountering big scenes, don’t join in the fun if there is no definite news, unless you are a man of destiny.

At the same time, Ye Xiaoyao, who heard the shout of the giant demon, was flying to the nearest ancient demon forbidden land.

“Boy, whether you can turn around depends on this wave.”

“The blood of the ancient demon, the chain of heavy stars, and the flower of demon blood, these three are good things even in the immortal world.”

“If you find someone who knows the goods, you will have your Dao Item.” Old Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart, his tone was very excited.

Getting rich once was his favorite scene.

“Listen to you once and tell me how to do it.” Ye Xiaoyao said, the speed of the sword boat has been driven to the extreme.

“It’s easy to say, your Venerable in this world will definitely go to seal the ancient demon, we only need to enter the ancient demon forbidden area after the sealing is finished.”

“At that time, just listen to my command.” Old Jian said confidently.

At this time, Longxian Palace appeared in the ancient demon forbidden area closest to Shenglingzhou Daying, and was suppressing a 10,000-meter-long wild ancient giant wolf.

There are several Mahayana Venerables around to suppress it together. At this time, Yu Zhou has already appeared in another ancient demon forbidden area with fifteen Venerables.


Three months later, Xu Fan came out of the time house to relax, always feeling a little restless. The most important thing was that he found that he had nothing to do at this stage.

“The Foundation Building period is at its peak, and the “Five Elements Decision” in the God-Transforming Period seems to be impossible to deduct now. I can only wait for the Gold Core period to talk about it.”

“Let’s do this for the puppet army first, and it’s not in a hurry to upgrade now.”

“The protection of the mountain protection array has reached its limit. If you want to upgrade, you can only wait for my Gold Core.”

Xu Fan walked in front of the Lingye Waterfall and looked at the loving pair of deer by the lake. Although the male deer looked underage, it did not prevent them from showing affection.

In the Lingye Lake, there is also a golden tortoise the size of a millstone, enjoying the feeling of the Lingye washing the turtle shell comfortably.

This Tianji turtle was a friend Xiaohua brought back a few months ago. Before Xu Fan forced him to stay overnight, this Tianji turtle consciously settled in the Lingye Lake.

According to Xiaohua, this is how the poor boy entered the city and was immediately fascinated.

Xu Fan took out the top-grade feeding spirit pill and fed a few tablets of Tianji Turtle, and exchanged his feelings by the way.

Now Tianji Tortoise is like a three-year-old child, who doesn’t even know where his parents are.

“It’s a pity, otherwise, you can invite your parents to live there, so that your family can stay together neatly, how nice.” Xu Fan said regretfully.

At this time, the number of disciples around Lingye Lake began to increase, and they all came to meditate by the Lingye Lake.

“Great Elder.” All the disciples saluted.

Xu Fan nodded his head N times before stopping.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly discovered that own Sect still lacks a place to assist his disciples in enlightenment, a combat power that a cultivator can’t just think of, and other aspects have to keep up.

So Xu Fan sent a message to Pang Fu, asking him to find the Wannian Parasol Tree.

After explaining the matter, Xu Fan continued to wander around. In a pavilion, he met Wang Xiangchi and Li Xingci who were discussing each other.

The two were holding Magical Item spirit swords, and they were both using their moves to confront each other, and it didn’t take any Spirit Power.

Although Spirit Power was not used, under the strong blessing of the two Gold Core phases, Sword Qi neighed in the surrounding space, Sword Ray flickered, and the surrounding ground was full of sword marks.

After seeing Xu Fan coming, the two stopped at the same time and looked at Xu Fan.

“Go on, just treat me as if I don’t exist.”

“Actually, it is helpful to kendo occasionally to learn from each other like this.”

“I just didn’t see that Xingci’s Cultivation Base on the sword is not weak.” Xu Fan said with a smile. He saw the shadow of Guwu Sword Technique in Li Xingci’s moves.

“Just practice it casually, you shouldn’t praise the Master.” Li Xingci said modestly.

“You are still humble.” After Xu Fan finished speaking, he looked at Wang Xiangchi and said, “Xiang Chi, how have you been in Sect for the past few months, are you used to it?”

In the past, the three apprentice Own was an idle master. Since leaving Sect, he hasn’t been in Sect for such a long time.

“The days of Ji’s Jade Demon fighting, I’m a little tired, and it’s good to spend time with the Master and parents.”

“It’s okay to discuss with the Fourth Junior Brother, but it’s a pity that Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister are not there.” Wang Xiangchi said. In the past few months in Yinlingmen, his kendo has improved rapidly.

“Yes, it seems that you have really found the way of own.” Xu Fan said gratified. He didn’t expect that Li Xingci’s Samsara would be so effective. Would you like to build a Samsara hall and let disciples experience it?

“It’s all because of what the Master taught.” Wang Xiangchi said blankly.


Your expressionless praise is really against the peace. It seems that I have time to talk to your dad about your education.

At this time, the Golden Crow rose eastward, and Xu Fan looked at the newly rising sunrise through the mountain guard array.

“I don’t know what the sun in the Middle Thousand Worlds looks like. Just the area of ​​the immortal world is probably not enough for a single sun in the previous life.” Xu Fan said with emotion.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, the area of ​​a few small border states in Xiangzhou is the size of the blue star in the previous life, let alone the entire Xiangzhou.

There are more than 1,000 continents in the world of cultivating immortals, not to mention that there is no cultivator to explore the endless sea on the edge.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly cast his eyes to somewhere in the sky.

“The ominous premonition is getting stronger and stronger.” Xu Fan murmured.

When he had such a strong hunch last time, he was forced to flee from Quetianmen to the central continent.

At the same time, outside the Feathers Realm, a formation large enough to cover the entire continent appeared in the outer wall of the Feathers Realm, and there was a Yuzhou Guardian next to it.

“If it weren’t for the fusion of the Heavenly Dao of the two worlds, this formation wouldn’t be able to expand tenfold.” The Star Eye Boy was on the Yuzhou, looking at the huge rune formation and said.

“Let’s start, the two worlds merge, and now the Central Continent takes the lead.”

“As the saying goes, the Central Continent enjoys the best resources in the whole world, and must resist the banner of resistance to the monster race.”

At this time, there are hundreds of Mahayana cultivators appearing in the circle, and the starry youngster occupies the center of the circle.

“Thousand Chain Rongjie, get up!”

The entire giant magic circle lit up with dazzling auras, and thousands of super giant chains rose from the magic circle, digging into the depths of the void.

There was the sound of the chain shaking in this flying feather world.

The super giant chain that came out of the circle quickly, even the Wanxingzhou tens of thousands of meters, looked like an ordinary wooden boat.

“At most 20 years, the two worlds will begin to merge. Go back and notify the major Sects to prepare for battle.”

“At most two thousand years, this immortal cultivation world will be sublimated. At that time, just the number of ascenders in this world will be able to make the Feiyu Immortal Gate of the Beginning Spirit Great Thousand World stand steady.” Xingmou said lightly.

“But the premise is to kill all the monster races.”

A trace of killing intent flashed through the eyes of the young man from Xingmou. In the demon spirit world, he had a deep grievance with several demon emperors.


When Xu Fan heard the sound of the chains, he closed his eyes and began to use divination to predict the future.

Deducing the general trend was originally a difficult task, but Xu Fan hadn’t used the secret method of divination, and the future scene appeared in Xu Fan’s mind.

“This news has been released, otherwise I can’t deduce it so easily.”

“The two worlds merge, Zhongzhou is the starting point, and the grand battle between the two races is unfolding.”

Xu Fan didn’t calm down immediately, and said cursingly: “Damn, it just doesn’t let people have a good life.”

At this time, Xu Fan has already felt the pressure of the future.

The two caring apprentices who accompanied Xu Fan caringly asked, “What’s wrong with Master? What happened to the sound of the chain just now.”

Hearing the apprentice’s voice, Xu Fan sighed. Is this the advantage of being in the same age as the pig’s feet? Whatever matters, whatever matters.

“Hurry up and cultivate. For up to 20 years, The Mortal Realm and the demon world will begin to merge, and the starting point of the fusion is the Central Continent.”

“You two Masters did not require your Cultivation Base before. Now you must reach the Nascent Soul period in the Cultivation Base within 20 years.”

“Of course, in terms of combat power, there must be no drop. This is the cost of life-saving.”

“After you Uncle Sha came, I began to shut up.” Xu Fan said to the two.

“Follow the orders of your teacher!” The two said solemnly, they understood the importance of the integration of the two worlds.

Above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan thought about seeing the turtles he raised, and then went back to continue Closed Door Training. Knowing that after seeing the turtles he raised, he realized that there were surprises.

“You all evolved?” Xu Fan said, looking at the tortoises of different shapes.

The color of each turtle’s shell is different, at least the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple are all.

“Let me see your bloodline, Crystal Dragon Turtel, Chiyan Spirit Turtle, Heavenly Land Turtle, Purple Sky Turtle, Three Head Turtle, Giant Sky Turtle, Tianshui Spirit Turtle, Wanmu Spirit Turtle… ………..”

At this time Lei Wenxi rushed to Xu Fan’s side.

“Wenxi, what did you eat for them? Why is this bloodline different?” Xu Fan asked in amazement. The spirit pill that can purify the bloodline of Demonic Beasts is at least the Grandmaster.

“I originally wanted to inform the Elder, but I was afraid to disturb the Elder Closed Door Training, so I wanted to wait until the Elder came out.”

“I only fed my self-made Ling Pill, nothing else.”

“It’s just that later I found out that they have different tastes. Some like to eat the water-based Demonic Beasts bone meal and flesh and blood for the Ling Dan, and some like to eat the fire-based Ling Dan.”

“So I will refine the Ling Pill according to their different tastes.”

“But I didn’t expect it to be like this after feeding.” Lei Wenxi looked at Xu Fan nervously and said.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly wanted to take Lei Wenxi to the cafeteria to be the head.

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