Chapter 172 A Gold Core is swallowed into my stomach, and I know that I cannot help it.

In front of the Time Cabin, Xu Gang took the other juniors and guards at the door, while admiring the vision in the sky.

At the beginning of the vision, Grape immediately activated the formation that Xu Fan had already prepared, a super-large Spirit Sealing Array, which directly surrounded all the visions.

Although Xu Fan’s vision during the breakthrough Foundation Building period was concealed by the system and was not discovered by Da Neng, the abnormal Spirit Power fluctuations were still noticed by some people. After that, Quetian Gate was disbanded by the invasion of the monster clan, and then nothing happened. .

This time Xu Fan was already prepared.

“How many kinds of magical powers the Master is proficient in, the vision of this breakthrough is amazing.” Wang Xiangchi looked at the sky and exclaimed. When he was Foundation Building breakthrough Gold Core, the vision was only a heavenly sword printed on the Gold Core. On the other hand, the duration is very short.

This is another kind of vision in the sky, one book overshadows all visions in an instant.

Tongtian’s pen began to compose the rhyme of the avenue and the passage, and all the disciples who looked up at the sky vision suddenly fell into an epiphany.

At this time, Li Xuandao had only a series of “fuck” in his mind to describe his current mood.

As the only person who has seen the world in the Yinlingmen, he knows what the vision in the sky represents. The vision and the duration of the sky now will be at least a few grades higher than the Jinxian’s thigh in the future.

“The thighs have become thicker again. It seems that I have to think about how to hang on the thighs more firmly in the future.” Li Xuandao sighed and thought, feeling that his role is a little unworthy as a pendant.

With the passage of time, the vision lasted for 9 days before a gold core appeared in the sky.

As soon as Gold Core appeared, all the visions seemed to have found their homes, converging towards the Gold Core, forming a series of strange runes attached to the surface of the Gold Core.

With the shining light of the world, the Gold Core began to gradually become smaller, slowly falling towards the time house.

As the so-called gold core swallowed, I knew that I couldn’t help it.

Xu Fan, who was aging, slowly changed into his original appearance, and his muddy eyes began to become clearer, and then became extremely mysterious. A pair of eyes contained a great many.

“It’s really uncomfortable to be an old man.”

Xu Fan got up and stretched out, raising his foot to walk outside the time house.

As soon as I left the house, the disciple in front of the Time House saluted and said loudly, “Congratulations, Master, who has advanced to the Gold Core stage!!”

Afterwards, more than Sect2200 disciples gathered below the main peak, bowed down and said loudly: “Congratulations to Elder for being promoted to the Gold Core stage!!!”

The sound reverberated throughout the Yinling Island, and even the usual haughty couple Xiaohua and Tianji Turtle appeared in the dojo below the main peak, and gave out three-color blessing light, shining in the sky.

Xu Fan looked at the stage of his exit, and suddenly he was a little uncomfortable. It was a breakthrough in the Gold Core stage. Your stage of such a big stage is like my 90-death breakthrough.

“Get up all, it’s the breakthrough Gold Core period. You don’t need to be so exciting.” Xu Fan’s soft voice reached everyone’s ears.

After breaking through to the Gold Core period, Xu Fan now feels that he is a hundred times better than before, in the area he can perceive, he is like a god.

In the dojo of the main peak, Xu Fan looked at his six disciples and nodded in satisfaction.

“For the division to advance to the Gold Core stage, both pill refining and refining have entered the Grandmaster category.”

“Now your cultivation Cultivation Technique, stop for a while. After the Gold Core period, you will become a teacher and have a new understanding of “Five Elements Decision”. At that time, you will all rebuild to build the foundation of your immortal way.”

“As for the others, there is nothing to say as a teacher. Your current Cultivation Base and combat power are very satisfactory to the teacher.”

“Don’t go out of Sect recently, stay in Sect honestly, and wait for your teacher to reorganize and upgrade your supernatural powers before you go out, so that you can escape after encountering the big demon outside.”

“Follow the order of the teacher.” The six apprentices said obediently.

Three months later, on the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan was sitting on a purple tortoise shell to fish.

“Finally I can live like a salted fish again.”

After Xu Fan was promoted to the Gold Core stable Cultivation Base, he immediately rewarded himself for three months of salted fish time, and took care of the important things. Handed over to the own clone.

“But I haven’t paid much attention to martial arts for more than ten years, and the changes have changed a little bit.” Xu Fan said, looking at the tortoise he was riding in.

“The spirit tortoise with the purple space attribute seems to have not appeared in the world of immortality, then should I give you a name?” Xu Fan said, staring at the lake.

At this moment, the avatar Xu Fan appeared behind the main body Xu Fan.

“Ontology, the god transformation stage puppet you want has been refined, next time you have such words, go and hand it to Number 2.” After the clone Xu Fan said coldly, it turned into a blue light and merged into Xu. Where the body is.

“Can you not be so arrogant as a clone?” Xu Fan said with a smile, but then frowned, the memory of the clone was all passed into Xu Fan’s mind.

“I wanted to be lazy with my clone, but I didn’t expect to feel so bad.” Xu Fan was a little disappointed, completely different from what he had imagined. It seems that Cultivation Technique should be improved in the future.

Xu Fan picked up the storage bag left by the avatar on the table, and took out six enhanced versions of the God-Transforming Stage puppets.

“Unexpectedly, the cost of the puppets in the Deity Transformation Period is more than 20 times that of the Nascent Soul Period. It seems that there will still be some time before large-scale manufacturing.” Xu Fan said regretfully, but this was also in his expectation.

“Grapes.” Xu Fan called.

“Master, I am here.”

“The cultivator that attacked Xian’er is now in Jiuchi Immortal City. You control these puppets and kill him.”

“I have recorded that person’s soul breath into the puppet. If I can catch it alive, I will catch it alive. If I can’t do it, I will take the first level back.”

Xu Yuexian’s hatred has been recorded by Xu Fan on the notebook itself, and it was also the first thing he had to do when he was promoted to the Gold Core stage. Even the upgrade of the Sect defense system was behind him.


Grape immediately controlled the six puppets to fly in the direction of Linsen Xiancheng. There was Li Xingci’s Samsara slave to respond, and he would be responsible for bringing these puppets to Jiuchi Xiancheng.

“Well, after three months of idle time, it’s time to do business.”

“The first thing is to upgrade the grapes. This is easy to say, the materials are already available.”

“The second thing is to refine a few Dao Item-level space-based weapons. The treasure-level space-based weapon satellites have a good effect, but the range is a bit large. , Just load it up.”

“The third thing is to upgrade the Sect array and the infrastructure in the door.”

Xu Fan still wanted to make arrangements, but found that after finishing these things, he had no Spirit Stones anymore.

“Hey, every time I upgrade, I find that Spirit Stones are not built enough,” Xu Fan said with a sigh.

At this moment, the three streams of light in the distance were imprinted in Xu Fan’s eyes.

After Xu Fan, who was still sighing just now, saw the three streams of light, a way of making money appeared in Xu Fan’s mind in an instant.

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