Chapter 173 Grapes Upgrade

In the underground space of Yinling Island, Xu Fan stood in front of the grape’s body.

Xu Fan pinched the Spirit Fire, and the Five Elements Spirit Fire converged into a unique Five Elements Spirit Fire, whose power is more than ten times that of a single Spirit Fire, just reaching the standard for refining Dao Item.

Surrounded by more than one hundred kinds of upgraded raw materials, there are rare spirit mines that have been refined, natural spirit treasures that have been formed over thousands of years, and heavy treasures unique to the Territory of the Sky.

Although there are many treasures, at least half of them are sent by his good welfare brothers, and they are all types that are hard to buy with Spirit Stones.

“By the way, my good brother hasn’t milked me for a long time. Yu Lun will be promoted to the Nascent Soul stage. Then I will get him a set of top equipment, and then I will get some Grandmaster Medicine Pill. Get a Dao Item first.”

“The plan behind this should save a little Spirit Stones.”

As the Lingbao materials were gradually integrated into the grape body, the aura of the cube body of the grape became brighter and brighter, and mysterious runes in the light were vaguely attached to the aura.

For a time, the underground space where Xu Fan was located became the world of light and rune.

One month later, the last material was completely integrated into the body of the grape,

“Master, the quality of the machine body has evolved to Dao Item level. Now the computing power is 60 times the original, and the control power is 30 times the original…….”

Before Grape’s electronic sound was finished, Xu Fan waved to Grape to stop reporting.

“What can you say if the upgrade is not complete yet.”

Xu Fan’s hand was divided into Movement Technique seals, and a mysterious light appeared at the center of his brows to transform into a clone.

“Number One, come and work.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Subject, after doing this work, I request that when in the soul space, I don’t imprison my thinking, I want Insight refiner together.” Xu Fan clone number one frowned and looked at Xu Fan and said.

“After this work is finished, I will open it up for you for a year. After all, what you think and think in my soul world, I can feel it outside, honestly a bit uncomfortable.”

Xu Fan did not readily agree to the conditions of the first clone. After being promoted to the Gold Core stage, Xu Fan gave the magical powers of the Huaying III body a break through.

I wanted to have two more labors to do after the clone had opened up Lingzhi, but I never thought that every time the clone returned to the main body after working, the experience and insight of the clone during the period of time would come.

It’s not as good as doing it yourself, and the thoughts and cultivating feelings of the clone in the body will also be transmitted to Xu Fan’s mind.

It’s like a body that is relaxing, being manipulated by others to do a day’s work, so Xu Fan gave Restrictions the thought of being cloned in the body.

Salted fish is just a concentrated salted fish, absolutely can’t let the clone be so diligent in its own body.

“Stingy.” After the first clone gave Xu Fan a blank look, he waved his hand to cast a three-dimensional Dao Item magic circle.

The three-dimensional magic circle phantom is divided into two parts: inside and outside.

“I am responsible for the internal rune characterization, and you are responsible for the external, and strive to complete the construction in half a month.”

After Clone One finished speaking, it turned into a mysterious light and rushed into the grape body. After a while, the rune aura flashed from the center of the body.

Xu Fan didn’t talk nonsense, and began to devote himself to the depiction of rune formation.

Half a month later, as the last rune was portrayed into the circle, the entire cube shook suddenly, and a ripple instantly swept across the entire hidden island.

The sand sculpture who was teaching his apprentice was suddenly taken aback.

“Sure enough, you became the Great Master Refiner earlier than me.” Sha Diao said in a low voice.

He was very familiar with the fluctuations formed during the forming of Dao Item just now. This was produced during the forming of Dao Item, and then there will be an anomaly.

Sure enough, the spiritual clouds in the sky gathered, and a Spirit Power vortex slowly formed, and finally introduced into the space and passed to the cube of grapes.

A phantom Baize Lion appeared in the sky, with a spiritual orb in its mouth, descending in the direction of the center of the Spiritual Qi vortex, and finally disappeared into the air.

“The vision of Baize Lion, it seems that the Dao Item refined by Xu Elder is not simple.” Looking at the vision of the sky, the sand sculpture exclaimed.

The visions when Dao Item is formed are also divided into levels, from the most common attribute Spiritual Qi to the top immortal Zhiguan, Heavenly Dao He, and the one he saw just now belongs to the top vision, which represents Dao. Item has great potential, and late stage has the possibility of evolving into a fairy.

At this time, Xu Fan and Clone One were looking at the sudden appearance of the Baize Lion vision in front of them.

“When I read Xiuxian’s novels, I didn’t understand the principle of this vision. This vision is a program designed by Heavenly Dao.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

“What principles do you tell a novel?” Clone One looked at Xu Fan and said disdainfully.

“Then what do you say about this situation now.”

“This kind of Dao Item vision should be a program designed by Heavenly Dao of the Great Thousand World to which the Zhongqian World is attached, or a program set by a certain powerful person or force.” Clone No.1 said thoughtfully.

Just as they were talking, the Baize Lion phantom put the spirit orb in its mouth on the grape body, and then sprayed a pure and pure Spirit Power and a trace of fairy energy on Xu Fan from the mouth of Baize Lion.

Xu Fan, who had just been promoted to the Gold Core stage, was directly sent to the climax of perception by this Spiritual Qi and was promoted to the Gold Core middle stage.

Baize Lion glanced at Xu Fan expressionlessly, turned around and flew towards the sky through the space, then disappeared into the cloud of sky.

Clone One looked at Xu Fan’s extremely cool expression, and said curiously: “Is the Dao Item feedback so cool?”

After speaking, it turned into a mysterious light and penetrated into Xu Fan’s body. ,

At this time, Xu Fan feels like there are countless delicate little hands massaging the whole body with just the right amount of strength. It is as easy as the body is in the clouds and there are several stunning beauties around… …

When Xu Fan was finished, his perception returned to the real world.

“This is what Dao Item will give back after successfully refining Dao Item.”

“It’s too sudden.” A look of nostalgia leaked from Xu Fan’s face. The feeling just now was really great.

As he spoke, he looked at the grape body. At this time, the purple grapes were now azure blue.

“Unexpectedly, the upgrade will also include a skin.”

“If the master doesn’t like it, I can still turn purple.” Grape’s electronic sound played.

Although it was still the original electronic sound, Xu Fan could hear a touch of agility and emotion from it.

“No, blue is good, it looks serious.” Xu Fan said indifferently.

“Now talk about your situation.” Xu Fan said. In order to upgrade the grapes, almost 30% of the Spirit Stones earned in the past few years have been taken in. If it weren’t for a good brother with a hundred times rebate, this Dao Item is almost Xu Fan. All his net worth.

“Yes, now Grape’s computing power is 213 times the original, and the control power is the original…………”

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