Chapter 174

After listening to Grape’s report, Xu Fan felt his chin and began to think.

“How many years do you need to complete the starship now?” Xu Fan asked.

“Now it only takes half a year.”

“Then everything you are running now, hasn’t it taken up 1% of your computing power?” Xu Fan was surprised. If this is the case, wouldn’t it be possible to run more plans, such as sending puppets to endless The sea to mine.

Xu Fan began to conceive plans for automatic mining in the endless sea, as well as plans for plundering in the demon world.

“That’s right. I have 0.81% of the computing power that is running now.”

“Grape has now evolved into a Dao Item, which can be divided into two sub-body clones. The arithmetic of the sub-body is twice the original, and it can be maintained outside for 50 years.” Grape said.

“I know, didn’t you just say it.” Xu Fan said, having allocated the destination of these two sub-body in his heart.

At this moment, three lines of fire crossed the sky above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, and the falling point just formed a triangle to enclose the hidden island.

At the moment when the teleportation disk appeared in the sky of the giant lake of 100,000 miles, there were three rays of light, and they flew quickly in the direction of the three disks.

“The Master is in the Closed Door Training, and now he must not be distracted by the old man.” Xu Gang said to Xu Yuexian and Wang Xiangchi through the communication Magical Item.

“Don’t worry, now the Master’s space-based weapons are locking the three monsters’ teleportation disks. As long as we withstand their first wave of attacks, the space-based weapons can destroy them.” Xu Yuexian said in the communication Magical Item.

“It’s a pity that I can’t kill myself.” Wang Xiangchi said.

There were a hundred flying boats behind the three, and all of them were Nascent Soul level puppets, and they were the most sophisticated puppets.

At this time, the space-based weapon satellite over the Yinling Island has begun to move, and the alloy gravity rod below has leaked out.

“The Yaozu transmission array disk has been locked, now start to strike”

Just as Grape was about to directly destroy the Yaozu formation in the air, Xu Fan, who watched the live broadcast, gave another order.

“Grapes, keep one, and destroy the rest directly.” Xu Fan said, really thinking about it, wouldn’t it be more convenient to go to the Demon Realm to gather wool.



The two alloy gravity rods accurately hit the array that was still in mid-air.

Xu Fan wore a Spirit Power armor and walked out of the underground space. At this time, another thousand flying boats flew with Xu Fan towards the only remaining formation.

“Boss, second, third, fourth, follow me to a place 30,000 miles north of Sect to kill the demon clan.”


Xu Yuexian and Wang Xiangchi changed directions along with the flying boats, and Li Xingci had already appeared next to Xu Fan.

At this time, in the central square of the Demon Realm’s thick armor honeypot clan territory, all the thick armor honeypots were gathered in the square, and their eyes were fixed on the unopened portal.

“Clan people, now our opportunity is here. The Monster Slaughter Venerable has already ordered that as long as our clan can hide in The Mortal Realm with the formation.”

“The Demon Lord promised to help our clan cultivate a Demon Venerable. This is the only chance for our clan to advance to a third-rate race.”

“As long as the brothers can bring out ten teleportation disks and hide them in The Mortal Realm, when the monsters rule the humans, it will be the day when our thick armor and honeypots will rise.”

The patriarch of the thick armor honeypot clan is making the final mobilization impassioned, and the eyes of the thick armor honeypot also show excitement.

As a small race with few monsters in the conjoined phase of the clan, they had a miserable life in the monster world. They had no resources, and their territories were in the most barren places. From time to time, they would be implicated by some strong clan as death squads. The grievances between the big clans.

Faced with this situation, the patriarch of the thick armor honeypot clan said that it is not easy to preserve the blood of the clan.

“People, remember, restrain the impulse in your bloodline.”

“Get out of the teleportation array and flee first. Flee as far as you can.”

“Find a place that the human immortal cultivators can’t find, and hide the teleportation disk.”

“The remaining task is to wait for the adults of the upper clan to arrive.”

The patriarch of the thick armor honeypot clan tirelessly said how to help after entering The Mortal Realm.

In addition to the arrival point calculated by the grapes, Xu Fan, the four apprentices, and the 50,000 Nascent Soul puppet army have already formed a formation waiting for the arrival of the demon clan.

“Master, why isn’t this formation destroyed?” Xu Gang asked curiously.

“It’s not that the budget of the sect is not enough, I want to go to the demon world to get some Spirit Stones resources back.”

“Let’s continue our hidden spirit gate eternal cause.” Xu Fan said, according to the current prices, to complete the most basic plan, at least 50 billion Spirit Stones are needed, which is not counted as the materials needed for subsequent Dao Item refining.

At this time, the Magical Item of Xu Fan’s communication sounded. It turned out that it was a call request sent by Elder’s conjugal sword repairer.

“Senior, now there is only one teleportation disk of the Yaozu left, and I have already set up the formation outside.”

“If the senior is free, he can come and press the line, maybe there will be unexpected surprises.” Xu Fan said after the call.

“Haha, Xu Elder must have other plans to leave this monster transfer array disk. I’m already on the road now, please Xu Elder for a while.”

“Then I will welcome senior.” Xu Fan said with a smile. Now that he is promoted to the Great Master, he can barely be on an equal footing with the big brothers before, and he no longer has to pretend to be grandchildren.

“It just so happens that I also want to have a chat with Xu Elder.”

After the call, Xu Fan looked at the distant lake facing Grape and said, “Let the puppets freeze the lake in this area.

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, tens of thousands of Five Elements magic puppets used ice attributes to unite their magical powers.

“Arctic Ice Field”

Thousands of flowers of the ice region were in full bloom in the hands of the puppet, and then flew into the sky to fuse into a huge ice lotus, which accurately landed where the monster race’s formation was expected to fall.

Suddenly, the lake surface of a hundred li radius was frozen by this astonishing chill, forming a huge ice sheet.

On the ice sheet, countless puppets below the Nascent Soul stage began to set up cannons.

At this time, there was a stream of light in the distant sky, and a middle-aged cultivator with a long sword appeared beside Xu Fan.

The middle-aged cultivator who appeared next to Xu Fan didn’t have the slightest aura, just like a knight in Rivers and Lakes.

“Senior is so fast, I didn’t expect to rush over so soon.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I’m just afraid that there will be a large number of fit-phase monsters suddenly appearing in the monster transfer array disk. The last three transfer array disks were like this.”

“Now the monster race is not like the last time, after coming out, it will massacre the surrounding human races.”

“Now they learn to be clever. Many teleportation disks will be carried by the monster race that they are teleporting over, and they will flee to other places after they come out.”

“When no one finds those monsters, he will activate the teleportation array and send a large number of monsters over. Now the entire Linsenxiancheng area, six mortal nations have been destroyed.” The middle-aged cultivator’s tone was a little sad.

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