Chapter 176 Flame Rose

A giant claw appeared in the sky, enough to cover a small city.

The giant claw slapped the puppet around the gap fiercely.


The puppets who had no time to escape under the giant claws directly turned into a pile of scum that was not worth repairing. Seeing Xu Fan who lacked Spirit Stones in the distance, his heart trembled. This slap was tens of millions of Spirit Stones.

As a huge gap opened, all the thick armored honey badger clan present rushed out of the gap.

The thirty thick armored honey badgers with the monster transmission array plate quickly rushed out of the encirclement with the same clan, but the speed of the grape was faster, and there were already puppets not far in front of them preparing to intercept.

At this time, the sword screamed, and a hundred-meter-long huge Sword Ray was cut off at the thick armored honey badger clan who was about to rush out of the gap, but was stopped by the thick armored honey badger patriarch.

“My thick armored honey badger clan, the armor is unparalleled, relying on your Dao Item, you need to use a little force if you want to hurt me.” The thick armored honey badger clan said with disdain.

The middle-aged cultivator did not respond, but once again cut off at the patriarch of the thick armored honey badger clan with a body-shaped sword.

This time, the Sword intent contained in it was several times more powerful than the previous one. Wherever Sword Ray went, there were waves of space.

The sundering and sharp meaning contained in Sword Ray makes the patriarchs of the thick armored badger palpitations.

‘Supernatural Power: Heavy Mountain’

A mountain phantom started ascending from the patriarch of the thick armored honey badger clan, and then turned into a thousand-meter giant peak.

A sense of heaviness starts from the ascending elder body of the thick armored honey badger clan.


The giant peak was cut directly in the middle, and Sword Ray was smashed by giant claws after crossing the peak.

“What other tricks are there, let’s hurry up and use them.”

After blocking that super Sword Ray, the thick armored honey badger family has escaped thousands of them from the gap.

And those thick armored honey badgers with clear eyes have escaped from the area outside the influence of the Yaozu teleportation circle, activated the prepared random teleport spells, and passed them in an unknown direction.

Annoyance flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged cultivator who saw this scene, so he looked at Xu Fan, who was watching the battle in the distance, and motioned him to find a way to kill the thick-armored honey badgers that fled.

Xu Fan instantly understood the meaning of the middle-aged cultivator, but smiled back with a relieved expression.

I want to escape from my territory. It is a wishful thinking. The area of ​​30,000 li is within the detection range of my satellite, and coupled with the breath of intentional release, as long as it is within the 30,000 li range, I will definitely not be able to escape. Out of the palm of my hand.

What if those thick armored honey badgers escape 30,000 miles away?

Xu Fan smiled. Regarding the aspect of space, Xu Fan has understood that a cultivator who is proficient in space magical powers can teleport less than 5000 miles in space. If you want to teleport to 30,000 miles away at a time, only those who are proficient in space magical powers Venerable can do it.

At this moment, the voice of Grape rang in Xu Fan’s heart.

“All the 30 thick armored badgers marked by the master just now have been found, and the highest strength is the god transformation stage, and the corresponding puppets have been sent to pursue them.”

“Currently under surveillance.”

“Done well, try to catch alive and come back.” Xu Fan said in his heart.

“Understand the master.”

The middle-aged cultivator, who was in a stalemate with the patriarch of the thick armored honey badger, received Xu Fan’s reassuring eyes, and then looked at the thick armored badger patriarch.

“Haha, the means are gone.”

“But I know how to summon supernatural powers.”

As soon as the middle-aged cultivator’s voice fell, I saw a rose composed of flames slowly falling among the thick armored badgers that had broken through the gap.

In an instant, the dry wood encountered a raging fire, and suddenly there were thousands of thick-armored honey badgers burning on their bodies.

“When I came, I was still thinking about that one of the monster races I would encounter this time. I guess more than one hundred kinds are just those thick armored badgers that I didn’t expect to be extinct.”

The voice is mature and sexy, and the slight Onee-san sound hits the depths of the person’s soul.

Xu Gang didn’t respond, only paying attention to whether the Master was in danger.

Xu Yuexian frowned, feeling that Master should like this sound.

Wang Xiangchi’s heart is very indifferent, the woman he has only one of the illusion.

Li Xingci still had a smiling face, Onee-san Fan’s confidante, he didn’t know how many people he met.

After hearing the sound, Xu Fan’s mind fell slightly. Looking at the rose in full bloom in the distance, Xu Fan automatically made up for the appearance of the powerful body that is about to appear on the stage. It must be the figure of the devil and the face of an angel. .

Where the flame rose bloomed, a slender white thigh seemed to step from the depths of the flame,

An enchanting, gorgeous-looking woman in the flames walked out of the flames.

The cloak of flames, the long beautiful legs under the shorts, and the Onee-san sound can definitely destroy more than 90% of the normal men in the world.

Looking at the patriarch of the thick armored badger in a defensive posture, the middle-aged cultivator smiled and said, “I am a good summoner.”

At this time, a giant flame axe appeared in the sky, and it slashed down at the patriarch of the thick armored badger.


The flames are wanton, as if the Golden Crow fell the most.

The patriarch of the thick armored honey badger clan was directly hacked to the bottom of the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

A small crack appeared in the heavy armor that was originally proud of.


The patriarch appeared on the ice sheet again, looking at the female cultivator in the distance and the middle-aged cultivator, there was a trace of fear in his eyes. The talent of the thick armored badger clan is the heavy armor on the body, which has been condensed from birth.

At his Cultivation Base, the heavy armor on her body has been condensed to the Dao Item defense level. If someone attacks the heavy armor, it proves that she is a threat to her life.

With a loud roar from the patriarch, the thick armored honey badger who was in a violent state reluctantly evacuated towards the portal.

The patriarch of the thick armored honey badger stared at a man and a woman in the distance.

“It seems that some blood will come out today. I hope the people can retreat more.”

After sensing that the tribe had begun to retreat on a large scale, the patriarch of the thick armored honey badger breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the tribe would fight to the end at this time.

Seeing thousands of broken honey badgers in the field, the middle-aged cultivator smiled and said, “It’s strange to see the thick honey badger retreating. I will update this piece of information after I return.”

The woman in the fire-fighting cape gave the middle-aged cultivator a glance.

“After the Ancient War, the thick armored honey badger clan lost almost all its high-end combat power. If it remains unchanged, this clan would have long been extinct.”

“But now it seems that their bloodline defects are still there, but they have found a way to overcome them. It should be related to the large thick armored honey badger. Should Venerable take it back and study it?” The woman said with interest. .

“Forget it, it’s important to get the Monster Race formation. The Elder Club in Xiancheng next door has already handed in 6 of them. We only have three here, so we need to work harder.”

“Really driving him to a desperate situation, it will definitely destroy the teleportation disk first.”

“Give him hope of escape.” The middle-aged cultivator said. As Outer Sect Elders, his performance pressure is really great.

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