Chapter 177 Big Business


The patriarch of the thick armored honey badger made another roar.

All the thick armored honey badgers who were still on the field suddenly awakened from the bloodline violent state.

“go home!”

The patriarch of the thick armored honey badger shouted in their unique language, and his figure swelled tenfold, blocking the two cultivators in the combined period, making it clear that you want to prevent our clan from evacuation, and I will fight you desperately.

At this moment, Xu Fan also received a message from the middle-aged cultivator, let his puppet start lightly, don’t kill it so quickly.

The sober thick armored badger began to retreat while fighting, and the puppets surrounding them also began to release water.

At this time, there were more than a dozen puppets with the Interspatial Ring in their hands, directly hitting the ring into more than a dozen thick armored honey badgers that had been controlled by Li Xingci.

With the confrontation between the top combat forces of the two sides, more and more thick armored honey badgers retreated safely, including more than a dozen thick armored honey badgers who were quietly controlled by Li Xingci.

As all the members of the tribe evacuated, the thick armored badger clan sighed for a long time, and then looked at the two opposite people suspiciously.

“Human race, why did you release the water?” the patriarch of the thick armored badger asked.

“There is no reason. In the future, our human race will unify the two realms, but we will not kill the monster race.”

“We will leave some small and medium-sized monster races. Your thick armored badger race just meets this standard.”

“Well, are you interested in taking refuge in the human race? A small branch of your wolf family has already taken refuge in the human race. In the future, you are expected to meet on the battlefield.” The red-fitted woman said with a smile, her posture blooming like a hundred flowers.

“I want our thick armor and honey badger clan to rely on the human race!”


The patriarch of the thick armored badger rushed towards the portal. Although the portal was two-way, it had been set up before coming. Only the thick armored badger clan could return to the demon world through the portal.

“We, Elder, will promise you a top-notch Minor World for the thick armored badger clan.”

The voice of the cultivator came from the red lady cultivator, causing the patriarch of the thick armored badger to pause slightly, but then stepped into the portal and initiated the self-destruct procedure.

At the moment when the patriarch of the thick armored honey badger clan entered, a red shield full of runes suddenly covered the portal, interrupting the portal’s self-destruction.

After all the dust settled, Xu Fan brought four apprentices to the middle-aged cultivator.

“The power of the two seniors’ supernatural powers is amazing, so I and the four apprentices opened our eyes.” Xu Fan gave a small pat.

“Xu Elder joked, even without us, it would be a small problem for the Hidden Spirit Gate to repel the invasion of this thick armored honey badger.”

The middle-aged cultivator looked at the puppets cleaning up the battlefield in the distance. What attracted his attention most was that the puppets with few broken parts started to repair themselves.

“I still have to thank the senior for reinforcements.”

“Senior, please follow me back to Sect. I want to thank the two seniors.”

Hidden Spirit Gate, in the dojo on the main peak.

The two combined cultivators overlooked Yinling Island in surprise.

“Xu Elder can build Sect into such a fairyland in just a few decades. It is amazing.” The middle cultivator praised him. He has also been to other top Sects, but in terms of the overall scene of the school and the atmosphere of the fairy gate, no Sect can Compared with the hidden spirit gate.

“Haha, these are all trails.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Fan’s words, the two combined stage powers looked at the Nine Heavens galaxy-like spiritual liquid waterfall in the distance.

“Xu Elder, this is not a trail.” said the beautiful Onee-san Fan beauty in red.

“Senior praised.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan originally planned to thank him and go back to each house directly, but only after seeing this big guy’s expression on discussing something, he invited them to Yinling Island as a guest.

“Xu Elder, can you sell the means of detecting and attacking the monster transfer array?” the middle-aged cultivator asked.

The two worlds have begun to merge, and as the gap in fusion becomes larger and larger, the invasion will become more frequent. As the guardian of the area, he needs this method that can help him detect and destroy the Yaozu transmission array.

Xu Fan listened to the words of the middle-aged cultivator and transferred a space-based satellite weapon from the sky.

The mountain guard formation at the top of the Hidden Spirit Gate opened a gap, and a spherical biplane satellite with a diameter of 15 meters flew above the dojo.

“Senior, this is my unique treasure of the Hidden Spirit Gate, Sky Surveyor, you have seen the general function.”

“Monitoring and combating can directly destroy the monster race disk before it has landed.”

As Xu Fan said, a light curtain was released.

“How many sky guards are needed to monitor the entire Linsen fairy city?” asked the middle-aged cultivator. He was not surprised by this space-based satellite weapon. Elder would have something similar, but he couldn’t exchange it if the level was too high. The low-level ones can’t be found.

After hearing the words of the middle-aged cultivator, Xu Fan was in a flutter. Is this another big business?

“According to the total area of ​​Linsen Xiancheng, at least more than 1,000 are needed.” Xu Fan said, tuned out the map of the entire Linsen Xiancheng.

“But these survey guards are okay, but the Magic Treasures that control the survey guards are not easy to refine.” Xu Fan said.

“Is that Dao Item?” the middle-aged cultivator asked hesitantly.

Xu Fan nodded.

“Due to the precious and special materials of this kind of Dao Item, I can’t refining the second one.” Xu Fan began to warm up, fighting for a wave of Spirit Stones that were used in the previous plan. Oh no, earn it back.

“Then how I leave this aspect to you, of course I won’t let you help in vain.”

“How many Spirit Stones are needed to refine a sky guard like you.”

“50 million Spirit Stones.” Xu Fan directly quadrupled the price and left room for bargaining.

The middle-aged cultivator stated that the price was reasonable, and then calculated silently in his heart, and said slowly: “I order 1,500 sky guards here.”

Xu Fan was instantly shocked. Are all the cultivators of Elder so rich, or are they public funds?

“Then give you a rental fee of 3 billion Spirit Stones each year. Dao Item is still in your charge. You only need to help me. Elder will be responsible for monitoring the entire territory of Linsen City and fighting the monster transfer array.”

“I don’t know if Xu Elder has any objections to this price.” The middle-aged cultivator said lightly. Spirit Stones are special funds reserved for each fairy city to resist the monster race.

“Senior, this Dao Item is the most important Magic Treasures of my Sect. If all the power is used to monitor and attack the demon clan in the Xiancheng area, some other things of our Sect will be very tight.” Xu Fan said distressedly.

“5 billion Spirit Stones a year.” said the middle-aged cultivator.

“Deal.” Xu Fan said quickly.

After the deal was concluded, the two sides began to chat about the strange things in the world of immortality.

At this time, the glamorous and fit female cultivator looked at Li Xingci with interest and said, “Xu Elder, don’t you introduce me to these apprentices?”

Xu Fan looked at the sister’s eyes staring at Li Xingci, and suddenly thought of his father.

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