Chapter 216 Battle 2

“You were beaten through?” Xu Gang said in surprise.

It turns out that you are not my defeat alone.

Ji Muhua nodded and said, “I lost so badly.”

“Then Su Luo is almost invincible with his wood attribute supernatural powers.”

“If fellow daoist Zhang meets Su Luo, you’d better have the magical power to block space, or you will be passive.”

“There must be a quick fight, and once the battlefield is filled with Su Luo’s Wood God Flower Seeds, the battle is probably over.” Ji Muhua said with lingering fear.

When confronting Su Luo, I thought it was a well-matched battle, but in the eyes of Su Luo, he was just like a dish.

The clown turned out to be himself.

After hearing Ji Muhua’s admonition, Xu Gang suddenly became concerned about the cultivator named Su Luo.

“Was there any heaven-defying evildoers in the Foundation Building period?” Xu Gang said and glanced at the four people who were doing their meals.

I saw the four of them as if they had never seen the world, their mouths were greasy, and Xu Lingtai still held a Jiaolong toe in his hand, chewing happily.

“The Foundation Building period…” Ji Muhua pondered for a while.

“Qian Su’er of Sacred Land, Long Jue of Lei Lingzong, Wang Lei of Tian Lianzong…” Ji Muhua said a lot, and then said: “These are all do not worry about it.”

“…” Everyone

“What you should pay attention to is the disciple of the Sky Feather Sect. Generally, such disciples who have entered the world have extremely strong combat power.”

“Have you heard, be careful when you meet the disciples of Tianyu Sect.” Xu Gang said while looking at the four people who were still working on their meals.

“Got it.” X4

At this time, the photo stones of the contestants who performed well in the competition have come out, including the section of Xu Gang’s second person.

Suddenly, Xu Gang’s loyal and honest face, with his unremarkable appearance, caught fire in Tianlian Xiancheng, known as the honest man with the strongest combat power.

Upon hearing the news, Xu Gang changed his face immediately.

A murderous face with scars on his face.

Let people know at a glance that this person is not easy to mess with.

“Father, your face is not good.” Seeing his father’s new face, Xu Lingtai felt a little uncomfortable.

“Why, isn’t this face fierce enough?” Xu Gang asked with a frown, and then another scar appeared on his face.

“That’s not the case, Master said, the more ferocious a person looks, the easier it is to be used as cannon fodder by others.”

“If you really want to change your face, Dad, I suggest you become a face like your master.”

“The appearance is ordinary, and no one will pay attention to the face on the street.” Xu Lingtai suggested.

“What you said seems to make sense.” Xu Gang said, touching his chin, and the Master seemed to have said that.

After a while, a shameless face appeared in front of Xu Lingtai.

“That’s right. In fact, Dad’s previous face is pretty good, that’s…”

“Okay, don’t say anything, hurry up and prepare for tomorrow’s battle.” Xu Gang waved and said.

The next day, during the game.

“Su Luo in the Sacred Land, the sacred tree, please enlighten me.”

Seeing Su Luo, who was like the noble son of Xiaoyao, Xu Gang was a little stunned.

Yesterday I was still thinking about how to beat you, but I did not expect to meet today.

“Hidden Spirit Gate, Zhang Han.” Xu Gang said with cupped hands.

At this time, the site where the two of them are located is in a desert, and the sun in the sky emits blazing sunlight, and there is nothing else but a bunch of irregular sand dunes in a radius of a hundred li.”Please.” Su Luo said modestly, dressed in white.

“Please.” As soon as Xu Gang finished speaking, a thousand hands virtual figure appeared behind him.

At this time, outside the Pagoda of Illusion, there were countless people paying attention to this battle between Su Luo and Xu Gang, but most of them came for Su Luo.

“Fellow daoist is very impatient.”

Su Luo waved his hand gently, and countless purple flower seeds suddenly appeared in the void, and they began to take root in the void.

As the fascinating purple flowers bloomed, Su Luo’s aura became stronger and stronger.

“Why didn’t Zhang fellow daoist take action yet,” Su Luo said, looking at Xu Gang in confusion.

“It’s okay, just want to see what power your flowers have.” Xu Gang asked.

After hearing Xu Gang’s words, Su Luo smiled and said faintly: “Zhang fellow daoist is really bold.”

“Among the opponents I met, no one dared to give me a chance to use magical powers.”

At this time, a small vine appeared on Xu Gang’s leg and began to wind upward along Xu Gang’s body.

“First, these my darlings will be parasitic.”

After Su Luo finished speaking, Xu Gang had been wound into a big zongzi.

“The second is that people who are parasitic will be controlled by me.”

With that, the vines surrounding Xu Gang quickly returned to Xu Gang’s body.

At this time Xu Gang has been completely controlled.

“As for the rest, I need fellow daoist to explore it myself.” Su Luo said with a wave of his hand, and the purple flower rooted in the void exudes countless mists.

The entire battlefield was gradually covered by mist.

“How did fellow daoist discover that this is not my real body.”

A figure walked out of the fog, this is also Xu Gang’s fake body.


Su Luo’s hand knotting the seal, stretched out purple vines from the void, and began to explore the surrounding space, as if looking for something.

“Supernatural Powers: The World of Magma”

A figure of a thousand-hand phantom appeared from behind Xu Gang’s fake body, and began to cast spells.

The earth was broken, countless magma emerged from the earth, and a giant lake of magma appeared in the sky, pouring magma toward the earth like a waterfall.

Wherever the magma went, all the purple flowers rooted in the void were melted by the magma.

“Supernatural Powers: Kingdom of Vulcan”

At this time, all living beings were born in the magma, and countless magma monsters came out of the magma lake and rushed towards Su Luo.


When a giant magma beast was about to fall down on Su Luo’s body, it disappeared and was replaced by the figure of a giant tree through the sky.

With the appearance of the giant tree to the sky, all the giant magma beasts were suppressed into the most primitive magma state and returned to the magma world.

“Awesome, it’s been a long time since I met an interesting opponent like you.”

Su Lou’s figure appeared on a branch of the sky-reaching giant tree, casting spells with both hands.

The sky-reaching giant tree slowly took root in the magma, unexpectedly began to absorb the power of the magma, and formed a powerful energy closed loop with the purple flowers rooted in the void.

With the absorption of the giant tree to the sky, there is less and less magma underground, and the entire giant tree to the sky and the flowers rooted in the void have turned red.

For a time, Su Luo became the king who controlled this area.

At this time, Xu Gang, who was watching the live broadcast in the underground space of Yinling Island, shook his head and said: “It’s still too young. Although this kind of magical power that can absorb Spiritual Qi is very incomprehensible, he will be dumbfounded if he encounters a brainy opponent.”

“It’s a pity that my apprentice is used to the fort, and the command is tough.”

Xu Fan’s voice just fell.

I saw a little blue ice appearing in the light curtain, and then it spread quickly.

“Supernatural power: Frozen Void.”

For a time, everything was frozen, whether it was a giant tree or magma.

At this moment, a trace of surprise leaked from Su Luo’s eyes, and then he turned into a blue ice sculpture.

With Xu Gang’s light touch with his hand, the battle was over.

Everyone outside the Tower of Magic who followed this battle was stunned. Sacred Land Nascent Soul’s first day arrogance was defeated in this way, and it was defeated by a little-known person.

Especially the people of Shenmu Sacred Land, at this time they are a little skeptical of life.

We are here but we are ready to take the first place, and we will return with Dao Item as a reward.

This is the first official game, we actually lost!

Su Luo walked out of the Tower of Magic Heart with a calm face, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth, without the slightest feeling of being defeated.

“Senior Brother Su, are you okay.” The disciple of Yishenmu Sacred Land said, he was afraid of Su Luo’s accident.

“It’s okay, I was just sitting in the well and watching the sky before.” Su Luo said with a smile.

“Senior Brother Su is fine.” Shenmu Sacred Land disciple said.

Su Luo walked out of the square and said to the disciple of Sacred Land, who was next to Shenmu,: “After this game, I will apply for a trial with Sect Elder.”

Ye Xiaoyao, who ended the battle early, also saw the battle between Xu Gang and Su Luo in the secret room.

“Your realm is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the two Tianjiaoes just now are much stronger than when you were in the Nascent Soul stage.” Old Old Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“Don’t look at me too high, I’m just a cultivator with ordinary aptitude, so talented combat power is so high.”

“Don’t always compare me to those geniuses.” Ye Xiaoyao said, and now he only insists on one belief in his heart, earning Spirit Stones, buying spirit swords, and torturing them at the late stage.

“What you said, I really have nothing to refute.”

At this time, Ye Xiaoyao watched the replay of the battle during the Foundation Building period again, and the scene happened to be Xiang Yun’s battle scene.

What Xiang Yun met was a Tianjiao who cultivated the heart and sword together.

At this time, Xiang Yun was very depressed. He didn’t expect that in his first battle, he would meet the disciple of the legendary Jian Yuzong.

Sure enough, the combat power is not bad.

“Another kendo evildoer, but the other small cultivator with the cultivation sword formation is also very powerful.”

In the light curtain, I saw the 180 spirit swords forming a huge Five Elements sword formation, violently attacking the disciple of the Sword Feather Sect.

The spirit sword attacks of the five attributes and the attacks of the 12 sword formations of both sides were almost easily blocked by the disciples of the Sword Feather Sect.

“Old man, you think it was not as strong as the cultivation heart sword back then, you see how fierce the sword repair is.” Ye Xiaoyao spit out at the old sword.

“You don’t have any eyesight, not to mention the evil spirits of the heart sword, just attacking sword repairs, it is not what you can match in the Foundation Building period.”

“The sword repairman is just too enchanting, so he can suppress the sword formation cultivator.” Old Jian said.

At this moment, the young man in the way of the heart sword directly cut out a huge Sword Ray, breaking the sword formation that Xiang Yun used.


In an instant, fifty-eight spirit swords formed a sword shield and stopped Sword Ray.


Sword Ray collapsed, and at least half of the spirit swords that made up the sword and shield lost the aura of the spirit sword.

Looking at the dozens of spirit swords on the ground that had lost their spirituality, Ye Xiaoyao’s eyes flashed unbearably. So many spirit swords were enough for the Foundation Building cultivator to feel distressed for a while.

As a sword formation cultivator, Ye Xiaoyao decided to give him the first-order and second-order spirit swords that he didn’t use, not for anything else, just because they were all sword formation cultivators.

It must be very distressing to lose so many spirit swords.At this time, Xiang Yun didn’t care about the spirit sword on the ground, but continued to use the tactics, mobilizing the sword formation to face the Jian Yuzong disciples and slashing away.

“Golden Flame Greatsword, cut!”

I saw that the gold spirit sword and the fire spirit sword merged into a one-hundred-meter giant sword and appeared on the head of the sword feather sect disciple, and then suddenly inserted it.

The disciple of Jian Yuzong just looked at the giant sword inserted in the sky indifferently, and directly hit the tip of the giant sword with his sword.


A shock wave swept the audience, and the two spirit swords that made up the giant sword suddenly collapsed, and nearly half of the spirit swords lost their aura.

“Poor,” said Ye Xiaoyao, who was watching the game.

“Poor, you didn’t see that all the spirit swords of the Foundation Building period sword formation cultivator are standard.”

“And it’s still a system. When you think about your Foundation Building period, the poor one is you.” Lao Jian mocked in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.


At this time, the disciple of the Jianyu Sect in the picture said: “You are very good, you are a qualified opponent.”

The boy’s voice is very cold, and the expression on his face is very weak.

“Go on, don’t talk nonsense,”

At this time, the fighting spirit in Xiang Yun’s eyes had reached its peak.

The green wood spirit sword and the water blue water spirit sword began to change, a layer of water mist filled the entire battlefield, and countless Xiang Yun holding the water cold spirit sword rushed towards the disciples of Jian Yuzong.

“Useless work.” Jian Yuzong disciple said Leng Ran.

Xiang Yun who rushed over was easily solved by Jian Yuzong disciples.

“You lost.” Jian Yuzong’s disciple looked at Xiang Yun and said lightly.

“Did I lose, no!”

With a wave of his hand, Xiang Yun took back all the spirit swords, took out a set of Five Elements spirit swords, and started fighting with the disciples of Jian Yuzong.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoyao, who was watching the game, felt a bit of sorrow and sorrow in his heart.

“He actually has two sets of spirit swords.” Ye Xiaoyao was a little envious of Xiang Yun’s configuration.

“It’s just some second-order treasure weapon spirit swords, and there is not much money.” Old Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“I just envied him for having two sets of Flying Sword, no other meaning.” Ye Xiaoyao said.

As the battle progressed fiercely, Xiang Yun never defeated the Jian Yuzong disciple, was caught by a flaw and directly killed.

“Awesome!” Ye Xiaoyao said while looking at the dreamlike Movement Technique in the light curtain.

“It is indeed fierce, this level, even if it is put in the great world, it is also a top-notch Tianjiao.” Lao Jian said.

“If you were the immortal emperor, would you accept him as an apprentice?” Ye Xiaoyao asked.

“No, I generally don’t value talent too much when I accept disciples, character and luck are the directions I value.”

“You know what the first step is to become an emperor.” Old Jian asked in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“Fortune and chance?”

“Wrong, the first step is to live first, of course, this is also related to character and luck.” Lao Jian said with a smile.

“Bullshit.” Ye Xiaoyao said with a curled mouth.

Xu Fan, who was far away in the underground space of Yinling Island, also saw this battle. He actually didn’t care about Xiang Yun’s victory or defeat.

“The disciple of Jian Yuzong is amazing.” Xu Fan said while refining the weapon while looking at the light curtain.

“Has half the combat power of my Foundation Building period.” Xu Fan praised.

“Half of the combat power, I think it’s as good as a finger of Big Elder.” Sand Sculpture joked beside him.

“With a finger, you can beat it.”

Xu Fan didn’t think this was a joke.

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