Chapter 217 Demon Suppression Star

At this time, Xu Fan waved his hand to call up all the game screens of the Nascent Soul period, and scanned it roughly.

“If Xu Gang has all the means, he will be the top three, and the chance of getting the first place is a little bit smaller.” Xu Fan said, looking at the many light curtains in the sky.

Among the many light curtains in midair, one of them was magnified by Xu Fan.

In the light curtain, a boy in Tsing Yi battles Chen Beihan, the Qianling Sect.

The most common magical powers and treasures actually defeated this Qianlingzong Tianjiao level figure steadily.

Chen Beihan felt extremely uncomfortable every time the young man in Tsing Yi attacked with his magical powers and every time the treasure appeared.

It was as if at the critical output moment, Jill was suddenly pinched severely, and there was nowhere to release his energy.

Chen Beihan’s face with a huge face behind him became redder and red, his hands began to tremble with excitement, and his heart was extremely angry and suffocated.

It’s like being killed by human blood.

‘Supernatural Power: Xuan Bing’s One Finger’

Chen Beihan’s Spirit Power exhausted his whole body to display his most powerful magical power in his life.

A mysterious light passed through the center of the Tsing Yi boy’s eyebrows like a laser.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fan shook his head straight.

“If you feel upset, run quickly, or deal with it, aren’t you looking for death with hard steel like this.”

Sure enough, the shot of the boy in Tsing Yi began to dissipate and appeared behind Chen Beihan like a ghost.

It was just a simple profound ice sword technique that easily pierced Chen Beihan’s back.

The battle is over.

The sand sculpture, who was also watching by the side, frowned and said, “This boy is amazing.”

“Very powerful, at least Xu Gang is invincible.” Xu Fan said earnestly. The young man’s mind is almost equipped with a light brain, taking all the opponent’s data and all the external environment into account.

The current computing power of this kind of battle can reach the 5% level of the grape, which is the limit that the grape manipulation puppet can withstand.

“Grape, let you use the Nascent Soul puppet, can you beat him.” Xu Fan asked.

“If the Nascent Soul cultivator’s combat effectiveness has been maintained at this level, three days later, the puppet will be caught and defeated because of continuous fighting and damaged parts.”

“If you mobilize a team of Nascent Soul puppets, it will take a day for Grape to defeat him,”

There is a slight exclamation in the electronic sound of grapes.

“Not surprisingly, he is the first in the Nascent Soul period.” After Xu Fan finished speaking, he called up another light curtain, with the scene of Ye Xiaoyao fighting on the top.

The powerful sword formation quickly defeated the cultivator who was fighting against him, but Xu Fan shook his head straight after seeing this scene.

“It’s not that big for you to grow up with grandpa,” Xu Fan said.

“What grandpa?” Sand Sculpture asked curiously.

“It’s someone who can help him solve all his troubles and lead him to the Bright Avenue.” Xu Fan casually explained that even an old silver coin is an old silver coin for Ye Xiaoyao’s sake.

“Oh” Sha Sculpture didn’t ask much.

Xu Fan changed to another kind of spirit mine and continued to refine the next accessory.

“It doesn’t matter if you take a look at it, let’s continue refining Dao Item.”

Watching these games, Xu Fan has lost interest in Tianjiao Big Bi. In his eyes, anyone who can’t beat him in seconds is a scum.

The Tianjiao competition in Tianlian Xiancheng was going on day by day. Except for Xiang Yun, who was eliminated, the others didn’t meet strong opponents and were promoted smoothly.

Such a match a day takes more than two months.

On this day, in the underground space of the Hidden Spirit Gate, Xu Fan began to portray the last part of the rune for the Dao Item space-based weapon satellite.”Unfortunately, I have mastered two immortal texts, and only one of the most basic wind attribute immortal texts can be used.”

“Otherwise the power could be greater.” Xu Fan said while portraying rune formation.

“Don’t talk, focus on it. Once the rune formation makes a little mistake, the entire Dao Item will be destroyed.” Sand Sculpture said nervously next to it.

“Senior Brother Sha, what’s the nerve? Refining a Dao Item can still make mistakes.” Xu Fan said lightly. To be honest, it is very interesting to have someone who knows how to chat with him while refining the tool.

“…” Sha Sculpture rolled his eyes at Xu Fan’s behavior next to him.

My Master told myself that when I was promoted to the Great Master, he destroyed three Dao Item materials to succeed. This is already quite powerful.

At this moment, rune’s characterization has entered a critical moment, and the expression on Xu Fan’s face has begun to become serious.

Now Xu Fan has entered a state of extreme concentration, because when it comes to depicting the core position of the magic circle, once there is a slight difference, the power of the magic circle collapse and explode will destroy the entire underground space.

Although Xu Fan was confident, he also treated it with care.

The sand sculpture next to it has unfolded the five-layer aura shield of the defensive treasure, watching with caution Xu Fan portraying the magic circle.

With the passage of time, when Xu Fanfeng finished the last stroke of the immortal text, he took a deep breath.


The world resonated, and a ten-meter-diameter pillar of spiritual light rose into the sky.

Dao Item came out, and the inspiration came out.

A ghost of an ancient bronze cannon appeared in the sky, descending from the sky and slowly falling into the space-based weapon satellite.


The wave radiated when Dao Item was formed sweeps the entire underground space.

A strange force with rules began to feed back to Xu Fan.

Gold Core middle stage, Gold Core late stage, and Gold Core have a great success.

Just when this force was about to push Xu Fan’s Cultivation Base into the Nascent Soul stage, the problem appeared.

The power of the rules poured into Xu Fan’s body fiercely, and was about to push Xu Fan into the Nascent Soul stage.


Dzogchen Gold Core, Dzogchen Gold Core, Dzogchen Gold Core~~~

With this force pouring into Xu Fan’s body time and time again, Xu Fan’s Realm is at the level of the Great Perfection in the Gold Core period.

After that, this regular force seemed to be angry, and directly mobilized dozens of times the previous force and poured it into Xu Fan’s body.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was flushed as if he had made up his head, felt uncomfortable.

“Is this a BUG stuck?” A dangerous thought appeared in Xu Fan’s mind.

The strength has been continuously instilled, and Xu Fan has also been uncomfortable.

“When is this a head?”

If it’s just a normal Spirit Power power, Xu Fan can also introduce it to other places, but this power that contains rules Xu Fan tried many methods. He couldn’t guide it to other places and could only passively accept it, as if this power was born. Just belong to him.

“If you have to suffer this kind of sin every time you refine a Dao Item, then what to do in the future.”

Just as Xu Fan was worried, the regular force that had been instilled into Xu Fan’s body seemed to have changed direction and repaired the defects in Xu Fan’s body.

This force began to change direction, trying to repair the defects in Xu Fan’s body first, and then push Xu Fan into the Nascent Soul stage.

In this way, Xu Fan felt that his weak perception in the past was slowly beginning to become clear.

Even Xu Fan’s time attribute of not catching a cold with Xu Fan, Xu Fan slowly began to touch the margins.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly had a clever attack, and he realized that he had turned into the physique of a ten thousand immortal body.

After that, the familiar feeling came again, and the huge power ignited Xu Fan’s feelings, and once again fiercely poured in.


After an hour, this power finally disappeared unwillingly. Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly lay on the ground, looking exhausted.

“I seem to have found a hanger.” Xu Fan said while lying on the ground.

Sha Diao came to Xu Fan with a surprised expression.

“Big Elder, with such a big momentum, why are you still in the Gold Core stage?” Sha Diao said.

“How can I tell you that, there is a very good person who will not let me advance to the Nascent Soul stage.” Xu Fan lying on the ground said helplessly.

At this time, he was experiencing the feeling of ten thousand immortal bodies. He had an illusion that he seemed to be in control of all the avenues in the world.

But when Xu Fan hadn’t finished feeling the ten thousand immortal body, a huge black beam of light appeared in the sky, which directly penetrated the upper layer of the underground space and rushed to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan Wandao’s physique was sealed, and he returned to his original state.

“Hey, you are fast enough to fix BUG.”

Xu Fan tried his best to get up and stood up. There was a tool puppet behind him, pushing the wheelchair that Xu Gang didn’t use, and pushing him behind Xu Fan.


“I’m here~~”

“Authorize you to take over Dao Item…”

Xu Fan was about to say that the space-based weapon satellite stopped.

“Since it is Dao Item, it should have a mighty name.”

“This Dao Item, I named Zhen Yaoxing.” Xu Fan said.

“Received, Grape now begins to receive the town monster star.”

At this time, a spherical town monster star with an irregular diameter of 50 meters began to lift off.

“Start self-test,”

“The laser cannon module is operating normally.”

“The railgun module is operating normally.”

“Space-based conventional strike module is normal”

“The daily imaging exploration module is normal.”

“The life detection module is normal.”

“Spirit Power Explore……………”

Following Grape’s report, Xu Fan nodded in satisfaction.

“Yes, I haven’t been busy for so long, the rest is to find a chance to try the power.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this moment, Sand Sculpture looked at Zhen Yaoxing slowly ascending into the sky, and slowly felt a trace of sentiment in his heart.

“Big Elder. I have a feeling in my heart, I will go back to Closed Door Training Insight first.”

As the sand sculpture said, he flew out from the gap on the top.

“Just saw the Dao Item refining, and you have an insight?” Xu Fan said.

To be honest, according to Xu Fan’s view, watching his refining is the most boring thing, because Xu Fan uses the most common refining techniques, with the most subtle internal manipulations. People watching his refining simply look at it. Less than.

“I hope Senior Brother Sha can be promoted to the Great Master.”

At this time, in Su Rantian’s fairyland courtyard, she was looking in the direction where the aura appeared just now, as well as the Zhen Yaoxing who was slowly rising and threatening her strongly.

“The Dao Item refined by Xu Da Elder is not simple.” Su Rantian’s eyes flashed with interest.

Xu Fan was interrupted by Su Rantian just when he returned to the own courtyard and was about to have a good night’s sleep.

“Congratulations to Xu Da, Elder for successfully refining Dao Item.” Su Rantian said with a smile.

“Haha, it’s also a fluke that the refining was successful, thank you Su Elder for coming to thank you.” Xu Fan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said with a smile.”Xu Elder, I’m interested in the Dao Item that you just refined successfully. You can make a price.” Su Rantian said.

“Sue Elder doesn’t know what I refining and I want to buy it, is it a bit sloppy.”

Xu Fan didn’t dare to make a random price, what if the rich woman agreed.

“It doesn’t matter. I just took a look at the Dao Item refined by Xu Da Elder. It should be Magic Treasures like the Sky Surveyor.”

“There is no similar Dao Item Magic Treasures in my collection. I don’t recommend collecting one.” Su Rantian said lightly.

Listening to Su Rantian’s heroic words, Xu Fan said tentatively: “If I sell one trillion Spirit Stones, Su Elder will buy it too?”

“Isn’t it 100 million top-grade Spirit Stones, I buy them, and Elder sells them?” Su Ran said voluntarily.

“This is the Dao Item used to protect our Sect. Don’t say whether or not Su Elder can buy it.”

“As long as Su Elder is in the Linsen Xiancheng area, you can call this Dao Item at will.” Xu Fan said generously.

“If Sue Elder really wants to buy it, then wait another 10 years and I will refine one for Sue Elder.”

Before Xu Fan finished speaking, Su Rantian took out an Interspatial Ring and handed it to Xu Fan.

“This is a deposit, Elder has to remember what you said.”

After Su Rantian finished speaking, his figure changed into a flame and disappeared in place.

“Are the wealthy people in the world of cultivating immortals so arrogant?” Xu Fan said, looking at the Interspatial Ring in his hand.

Xu Fan used Mental Energy to detect the Interspatial Ring, and got half of the deposit.

“Could it be that my price of one trillion is less.” Xu Fan murmured.

Xu Fangang ordered the tool puppet behind him to push him back to the room, and Ning Dao found him again.

“Ning Dage, what are you?”

Don’t you all kill demons and demons, all of you are so idle, Xu Fan complained in his heart.

“Big Elder, this Dao Item is finished refining, is it time to refine my Dao Item spirit sword?” Ning Dao couldn’t wait to say.

Listening to your arrival, Xu Fan was a little dizzy. Am I in such a hurry?

“Ning Dage, don’t worry, didn’t you say, your Dao Item spirit sword will be five years later.”

“There are several Dao Items in front, I promised others in advance.” Xu Fan said embarrassedly.

“Hey, I used to be Shuangjianliu. I just sold one for my wife to heal me.”

“The combat power has also dropped a lot, and now I want to add another Dao Item spirit sword to revive the former glory.”

“With two Dao Item spirit swords, I cut the giant mountain ape, which is the effort of raising my hand.” Ning Dao said, his face was a little embarrassing, he didn’t want to mention the story of selling the sword.

Hearing what Ning Dao said, Xu Fan nodded and said, “Ning Dage, why didn’t you talk about this earlier.”

“I just don’t want to mention the history of selling swords.” The expression on Ning Dao’s face became faint.

“Ning Dage, go back and wait with peace of mind. After four months, come and get your Dao Item spirit sword.”

Xu Fan’s words instantly excited Ning Dao.


“Really.” Xu Fan said, just aggrieved.

“Big Elder, you are my best brother for life.”

After Ning Dao finished speaking, he bid farewell to Xu Fan and returned to the own courtyard to continue his cultivation.

Seeing the light in the air, Xu Fan curled his lips and said, “What is the difference between you and your parents saying that I must study hard in the future.”

After seeing this, Xu Fan finally had the opportunity to lie down on the bed and fall asleep deeply.

A small sign appeared in front of Xu Fan’s door.

“The master is asleep, I have a dream~~”

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