Chapter 218

Xu Fan, who was sleeping on the bed, had a rare dream.

He dreamed that his daughter-in-law Zhang Weiyun, who hadn’t seen each other for a long time, came to him. The most important thing was that Zhang Weiyun had already advanced to the stage of transformation.

When Xu Fan’s mouth was smiling in his sleep, Li Xingci’s figure appeared in Xu Fan’s dream.

In the dream, Xu Fan looked at Own’s apprentice a little stunned. I just took it seriously.

Under a blue sea and blue sky beach, Xu Fan sighed and said, “Xing Ci, if it’s not an important thing, you can use the wheelchair at my door.”

With Xu Fan’s thoughts moving, the surrounding dreams turned into nothingness, and the two appeared in a white world.

“Xingci, let’s talk, what’s the matter.” Xu Fan said while looking at Li Xingci.

At this time, Li Xingci looked at Xu Fan’s expression and secretly said that it was not good. When he was forced to play a game last time, Master also had the same expression.

“Um, today is the final of the Tianjiao Fighting Force Competition. Big Brother, Xiong Li, and Lingtai are about to start fighting, so I want to inform the Master.” Li Xingci said cautiously, for fear of offending Xu Fan, let himself play the game. .

“I see.”


The dream world was shattered, and Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes on the bed.

The bedroom door opened, and the tool puppet came in pushing the wheelchair.

Xu Fan is still in a relatively weak state. Although he can’t sit in a wheelchair, why should he stand while sitting?

In the main peak dojo, most of Sect’s disciples watched the live broadcast of the Tianjiao Fighting Competition attentively.

Xu Fan asked the tool puppet to push him next to the apprentices.


“Xu Dage.”

“Xu Dage, what’s wrong with you.” Wang Yulun said while looking at the wheelchair Xu Fan was sitting on. Isn’t this the wheelchair Xu Gang was sitting on when he broke his leg some time ago.

“It’s okay, something went wrong during the refining process, just take a little training.” Xu Fan said, he couldn’t say that he had overfilled his head.

“It’s fine,” Wang Yulun nodded and said.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at the live broadcast light curtain, and now it is the final decisive battle in the Foundation Building period.

“This is the civil war of our Yinlingmen?” Xu Fan said as he looked at Xiong Li and Xu Lingtai in the light curtain.

“There was another Jian Xiu shortlisted who drew a tie with Xiong Li, and then the Jian Xiu drew a tie with Lingtai.”

“The Magic Tower has announced that the second place can be tied, and there is only one first place.”

“In this game, whoever wins is the first.” Xu Yuexian explained.

“The first place must be selected.” Xu Fan frowned as he looked at the light curtain.

“No matter how they fight, they will all end up together.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the invincible Xiong Li in the frantic bombing of Xu Lingtai.

“In fact, if you really want to fight to the end, Xiong Li still has a glimmer of hope for victory, but it is very slim.”

As his disciple, Xu Fan knew everything in his heart.

“But according to what I know about my Lingtai, this kid is about to surrender.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Yohoo, why did you snatch the words of Xingci?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Because the Dao Item rewarded for the first place this time is a pair of thunder hammers, which is very suitable for Xiong Li.”

“Lingtai is very likely to be an adult’s beauty.” Li Xingci said.

“I like this kid, isn’t it Dao Item? In the future, our outstanding disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect will have Dao Item.” Xu Fan said boldly.

After all the disciples in Sect have advanced to the Void Refining Stage, it is estimated that it will be at least the Nascent Soul Stage. If you find a way to speed up the time, it is likely to be the God Refining Stage. At that time, refining Dao Item will not be as difficult as it is now.”Xu Dage, don’t forget my share.” Wang Yulun said beside him.

I have forgotten that no one will forget you. When the time comes, you will be the key to take care of. As long as you can use Magic Treasures, all will be replaced by Dao Item for you. I am anxious with you for one less item. Xu Fan looks at Wang Yu Lun thought to himself.

“Haha, the first one is yours, don’t worry.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, the two people in the light curtain had used their most powerful magic assassins, but neither of them could do anything about it.

Xiong Li’s bronze battle body has turned golden yellow, and the Thousand Hands phantom behind Xu Lingtai has also turned into a Thousand Hands phantom with dual attributes of water and fire.

“Brother, let’s do it, the Dao Item rewarded during the Foundation Building period is a pair of thunder hammers, just right for you.”

Xu Lingtai revealed his true body from the ice formed by a magical power, and then said loudly to the sky: “I admit defeat.”

“Hidden Lingmen wins with strength.”

Electronic sounds sounded in the sky.

Xiong Li looked at Xu Lingtai who disappeared and said thank you.

The reward for the first place was that he only found out when he was in the finals. He originally thought that if it was a Dao Item suitable for Xu Lingtai, he would give in. He did not expect Xu Lingtai to have the same idea as himself.

Xu Gang, who was in another secret room preparing to fight, nodded with satisfaction after seeing his son admit defeat.

All the disciples who watched the game were cheering for Xiong Li and Xu Lingtai.


The second game was the final of the Gold Core period, which was very fierce. In the end, the Tianlianzong disciple won by virtue of his own refining function, Magic Treasures.

“This refining fellow is fine.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the Magic Treasures around the disciples of Refining Sect in the light curtain.

“Not as good as the Master.” Li Xingci took a rare shot.

“Haha.” Xu Fan said.

Hearing Master’s reply, Li Xingci knew that the matter was not over.

He looked at Xu Yuexian and Wang Xiangchi with faint eyes, and he decided not to accept this thankless job in the future.

The third round is the final battle of Nascent Soul.

Xu Gang played against the Tsing Yi boy, the one who easily defeated Chen Beihan Tianjiao. The magical powers and Magic Treasures he used were so unremarkable, but they were always able to perform miraculous effects to defeat the enemy.

The boy in Tsing Yi was not in a hurry to fight. He looked at Xu Fan and said with interest: “In the Nascent Soul period, you are the only variable that makes me the first.”

“I hope you don’t let me down.” The Tsing Yi boy smiled.

“Is it just a trace?” Xu Gang asked.

“Yes, it’s just a trace.” The Tsing Yi boy’s eyes slowly narrowed.

“Then start fighting, Yinlingmen Zhang Han.” Xu Gang said with cupped hands.

“Fairy Spirit Sect, left-handed.” The Tsing Yi boy said lightly.

“The battle begins” the electronic audio sounded, and a huge thousand-handed virtual image appeared behind Xu Gang.

“Supernatural Power: Polar Night”

In an instant, the area where Xu Gang was located began to become dark, and the temperature in the air began to drop rapidly, and the air seemed to be frozen.

“Supernatural Powers: The Ice Kingdom Comes”

This is Xu Gang’s most extensive magical power, covering half of the battlefield.

The land was frozen, and countless Demonic Beasts composed of ice awakened from the frozen land and began to patrol his own territory around Xu Gang.

After Xu Fan released his supernatural powers, he began to wait quietly at the core of the glacier, waiting for a left-handed attack.

As his biggest competitor, Xu Gang has carefully studied left-handed combat.

From this look, Xu Gang saw a trace of his Master’s shadow from him, as well as a faint sense of powerlessness.

He felt that if he took the initiative to attack. I’m sure I won’t get good fruits. Instead of doing this, it’s better to concentrate on defense and wait patiently to see who leaks the flaws first.

“Yes, now I know how to use my brain in fighting.” Xu Fan said with satisfaction.

“This way, at least there will be less leakage of broken tricks.”

At this time, the left-hander who was hiding outside of Xu Gang’s magical powers looked at Xu Gang’s defensive posture, which was a headache. Although he specializes in other people’s weaknesses, even Xu Gang, who can’t find his real body, has weaknesses. He has a way to seduce Xu Gang. Take the bait, revealing the real body.

But if a strong person concentrates on defense, he will be a bit blind.

His fighting style is to discover the enemy’s shortcomings in battle and use them to break through.

“It looks like it can only be hard steel.” Left-handed said with a solemn expression.

He had cultivated well in Sect, and he had no shortage of cultivation Sacred Land and Magic Treasures Spirit Stones.

He was a laid-back guy, but he was kicked out by Head Teacher some time ago inexplicably, and he was given the task of choosing one of two choices.

Either Tianjiao won the first place in the battle force competition, or he would not have cultivated immortality for 50 years.

As a person born with advanced cancer of the house, of course, he chose the first option. It’s meaningless to have a lot of experience in the world of cultivating immortals.

The space power surged behind him left-handed, and then disappeared in place.

At this moment, Xu Gang thought, and directly released his big move to freeze the surrounding space.

The left-handed rushed out of the turbulence of the space in an embarrassed manner.

“Where did you learn this magical power?”

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of the left-handed mouth. Just now, in order to escape the power of the frozen space in the turbulence of the space, the energy he used exceeded the upper limit.

“My Master, is there any problem?” Xu Gang said casually.

“Can you teach me?” Left-handed said jokingly.

“My Master does not accept apprentices over 15 years old.” Xu Gang said.

Then let the Thousand-Hand Virtual Image behind him cast a thunder cannon, and was easily avoided by left-handed.

Seeing the skillful movement of the left-handed position, Xu Gang thought of the little beast he had sought to practice the accuracy of his spells.

Behind him, the thousand-handed virtual image six hands were activated, and instantly three thunder cannons sealed all the space left-handed from different directions.

A faintly blue shield appeared in front of the left-handed body, blocking the unavoidable thunder cannon.

“Have you practiced?”

Xu Gang didn’t speak, and used three shots of ice spears again.


Another shot of ice spear hit the left-handed blue giant shield.

“Continue.” Left-handed said in a somewhat unbelief, he was confident in his own position, and he had specially practiced with those Demonic Beasts who had fireball and ice hockey skills.

Xu Gang directly shot three explosive shit bullets. This was what he learned when he was bored with his fifth junior brother.

It is not very lethal and extremely insulting.



The three-shot dung bombing technique exploded directly next to the left-hand side, and the left-hand side was covered, and the smell of the light curtain instantly disgusted everyone in Xu Fan.

Xu Fan, Xu Yuexian and others frowned and looked at Zhou Kailing, who was harmless to humans and animals.

“Master, senior sisters and brothers, you don’t want you to underestimate this trick, don’t look at it because it is just disgusting in taste, this spell has a back hand.” Zhou Kailing said with a smile.

“This smell can penetrate the enemy’s spiritual surface, and the strong five grains smell can last during the day.”

“There are even more powerful fly cloud skills behind, which can always look for attacks and disgusting enemies.”

“The Fly Cloud technique emits a stronger stench.”

“Big brother just knows these two spells.”In the light curtain, Xu Gang released a large number of fly clouds.

“What kind of supernatural powers are you!!!”

“It’s so disgusting!!!”

At this time, the left hand feels like he is about to explode, and this strong smell of shit has been stimulating his nerves.

Afterwards, the left-handed smelled a more disgusting smell, and countless flies were spinning around the left-handed side, unable to kill anything or drive away.

“Xu Gang is getting revenge.” Xu Fan said.

The people next to him nodded in agreement, and unconsciously moved away from Zhou Kailing.

“Hidden Spirit Gate Zhang Han, we are not finished!” Left-handed instantly exploded in his heart, falling into a state of anger.

Seeing the left-handed state, Xu Gang’s eyes lit up instantly.

The Master said that when an enemy can’t keep calm, the battle is about to end.

Sure enough, Xu Gang subsequently suffered an extremely powerful attack, but even if the phantom was killed, it could not harm Xu Gang’s body.

“I know where you are!!”

A Sword Ray soared into the sky, directly stabbing another phantom Xu Gang hidden in the sky.

“I’m sorry, you guessed wrong.”

Another phantom appeared in front of left-handed.

Left-handed enduring the stench, his heart finally broke down.

“Zhang Han, our hatred is forged.” Left-handed said with gritted teeth.

Afterwards, left-handed shouted at the sky: “I admit defeat.”

“The battle is over, and Zhang Han, Yinlingmen, wins.”

Then the battlefield disappeared, and each returned to their own secret room.

In this scene, the people who watched the appearance of the Tower of Illusionary Tower were so insightful, and some cultivators even had a strange look in their eyes.

Then a new genre in the world of cultivating immortals was born, which became a nightmare for countless female cultivators in the future.

“I haven’t helped him eliminate the odor on the spiritual level, nor have I given me a chance to speak.” Xu Gang said.

At this moment, the left-hander who returned to the secret room smelled of the stench on his body and collapsed.

“Zhang Han!!!”

The sound went straight into the sky.

When Xu Gang got the reward and came out of the Tower of Illusion, he encountered a frosty left-handed face.

Xu Gang didn’t speak, but directly used a fragrance technique to wipe away the bad smell attached to the spirit.

“Excuse me, the game just now was just an unintentional move.”

“Please don’t be offended by the fellow daoist on the left.” Xu Gang said sincerely.

At this time, as the stench disappeared, the left-hander, who had exploded in his mentality, calmed down.

“The game is based on its own ability. If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say.”

“Thank you also for helping me to wipe out the stench.” Zuo Chuan said calmly.

“It should be,” Xu Gang said hastily, but a fierce face, coupled with such sincere words, is a bit of a violation.

Xu Lingtai, who was waiting for Xu Gang to come out in the distance, looked at Xu Gang’s expression and said, “Actually, I feel that the honest face suits my dad. This looks unnatural.”

The three people nearby nodded in agreement.

“Zhang fellow daoist, I want to know who created your disgusting supernatural power. I want to learn it.” Zuo Chuan asked suddenly to please.

“The spell created by my junior brother, the left fellow daoist may not be able to learn it.” Xu Gang shook his head and said.

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