Chapter 226 Jian Wuji Han Feiyu

Wang Xiangchi turned and looked at the little boy.

“Senior, if you believe in me, go to the Heavenly Sword Academy, the Xuan-level B-character class, and become a teacher.”

“The second class has my neighbor’s Big Brother. He has been a genius in kendo since he was a child. He entered the Heavenly Sword Academy just to learn that free kendo supernatural power.”

“My next-door Big Brother’s skills have never been shown in the Heavenly Sword Academy, so many people don’t know it.”

“If the senior concentrates on teaching, he will definitely be the first in the student competition a year later,” the child said.

“Since I am a genius in swordsmanship, why not join the Sect school.” Wang Xiangchi asked.

“My neighbor, Big Brother, has a disabled mother who has a strange disease and hasn’t lived for a few years.”

“So Big Brother, want to accompany his mother. Through the last period of time.”

Then the little boy said: “I know what the senior wants to ask. My neighbor, Big Brother’s mother, has been asked senior senior to see the illness. There is no cure for magical powers and medicine.”

“Okay, Heavenly Sword Academy, the Xuan-level second-character class, I remember it.” Wang Xiangchi said.

When he originally left, he wanted to find the monster clan outside Xiancheng, but after listening to the little boy, he suddenly became interested in being a teacher.

Xu Fan often told him in the past that kendo is not only on the sword, but also in the rules of this world.

Maybe being a teacher is also a good choice, Wang Xiangchi said in his heart.

“If senior becomes the teacher of the Big Brother next door, I will provide free news in the future.” The little boy shouted to Wang Xiangchi’s back.

“By the way, senior, the name of the Big Brother next door is Jian Wuji.”

Wang Xiangchi just waved his hand to indicate that he heard it.

An hour later, Wang Xiangchi came to the Heavenly Sword Academy with the certificate issued by the mission center.

The entire Heavenly Sword Academy is located in the corner of the Heavenly Sword Fairy City, equivalent to one-tenth the size of the Yinling Island, with a protective formation outside. After entering, it is like entering another world.

Following the prompts, Wang Xiangchi came to the office of Tianjian Academy.

“I’ll be a college teacher.” Wang Xiangchi said to the supervisor inside.

“The kendo cultivator faction, what strength, that sect.” The director of Gold Core stage asked respectfully, he couldn’t see Wang Xiangchi’s strength.

“Heart sword together, strength Nascent Soul period.”

“Sect, hidden spirit door.” Wang Xiangchi said.

“Is it the hidden spirit gate that won the Tianjiao battle strength match?” The foreign affairs director of Tianjian Academy said in surprise.

“Yes.” Wang Xiangchi nodded and said, the foundation building stage and the Nascent Soul stage Tianjiao had the best combat power, and the hidden spirit gate completely showed its face in the world of cultivating immortals.

If the Yinlingmen were not for the hidden world Sect, Elder would keep its address secret, and now the gates of the Yinlingmen would be broken.

“Wait, I’ll call Elder from our academy over.” Gold Core’s phase supervisor said, took out the communication Magic Treasures and operated it.

Then Wang Xiangchi was invited to a tea room to wait.

“Senior, please wait a moment.” The supervisor said after arriving at a cup of tea for Wang Xiangchi.

It didn’t take long for a sword repairman to come to the teahouse for lunch, and when he saw Wang Xiangchi at first glance, he said something good.

“It’s worthy of being the No. 1 in the hidden spirit gate, you, the Sword intent of the whole body, there is almost no bottleneck when you enter the transformation stage.” Sword repair in the refining stage sat down and said.

“Senior praised.” Wang Xiangchi said modestly, feeling very bitter. Although the bottleneck for the promotion to the gods is gone, there is still a challenge puppet in the Nascent Soul period in front of him, and now he has no signs of defeating the puppet.”It stands to reason that we welcome a famous school like you to come to be a teacher.”

“At that time, we also knew the purpose of your coming here as a teacher.”

“If you want to come to be a teacher, you must sign a three-year contract, that is, you must teach a class of members before you can leave.”

“I hope you know about this.” Jianxiu said during the refining period.

“Three years, yes.” Wang Xiangchi thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement, because he suddenly wanted to feel the feeling of his Master back then.

When he was young, he felt that the Master was like a fairy, omnipotent and omnipotent. Thinking of this, he unexpectedly had a little expectation.

“Okay, we sign a contract.”

“You want to teach that class.” Jianxiu asked during the Lianxu period.

“Xuan-level second-character class.”

Inside the Heaven Sword Academy, a class of 50 students are feeling the sword intent in a field.

Most of the 50 students are between 10 and 13 years old.

An assistant teacher in the Foundation Building period looked at the group of children in the Qi training period and said loudly, “Simulate the sword force with your heart. This is the basis for you to enter the sword.”

“It’s also the key to whether you can be picked up by Kendo Sect in the future.”

“Only when you have a good foundation, can you get an excellent result in the later assessment.”

“In this way, you can win the favor of your sword repair teacher.”

“Forget the exhaustion of the body, and feel it with your heart. Only by achieving selfless Realm can you get ahead.”

The basic teaching assistant repeats the once-a-year speech technique, and suddenly feels very sad. The best result of coming to the Heavenly Sword Academy is to be picked away by those sword repair Sects.

But those who were picked away were all the geniuses of the earth and sky levels, like this kind of profound level class, only a few geniuses who had not been excavated before were picked away.

Most of the rest will be “graduated” and go out to make a living on their own. In the future, they may save enough Spirit Stones to buy a Foundation Building Dan to advance to the Foundation Building period. Life may also have a better life than those immortals in the Qi refining period.

This is the experience of most members below the prefecture level, and it is also his own experience.

At this time, the teaching assistant’s communication Magical Item sounded.

The assistant teacher took a look, and then excitedly said to the students practicing swordsmanship on the dojo: “I just received the news that there will be a Nascent Soul sword repair master in your class to teach you. It is said that the background is not small.”

“At this time, you have the opportunity, take it well.”

The assistant teacher of basic kendo looked at these lucky children with a slight envy in his heart.

When I was a student here, the one who taught me Kendo was a Rogue Cultivator who couldn’t get rid of the Gold Core stage. I wanted to come here to take care of the old, and I could teach whatever I wanted.

Upon hearing the teaching assistant’s words, the group of students instantly became energetic, with excitement in their eyes.

Most of the children of their age already understand their future destiny. Apart from the chance to get along with the nobles, they can almost see the end in their entire life.

“Take a break, and you have to face your teacher in your best state for a while.”

The assistant teacher didn’t say much about the extra words, and he understood everything, and there was no need to say if he didn’t understand.

The child who was maintaining the sword position suddenly slumped on the ground, and then began to meditate and run Cultivation Technique to recover his strength and spirit.

Seeing the students recovering from meditation, the assistant teacher felt very relieved. Although the students in this class were not very qualified, there was not a naive fool.

After the students rested for a while, a Sword Ray was drawn in the distance, and Wang Xiangchi’s figure appeared in front of the students.

Suddenly, all the students looked at Wang Xiangchi.

The assistant teacher ran all the way to Wang Xiangchi’s side and asked respectfully: “Are you Wang senior? I will be your assistant teacher in the future. Just tell me if I have something to do in the future.”

Wang Xiangchi glanced at the teaching assistant, nodded and asked, “Are these 50 children the students in my future?”


The assistant nodded, and then said to the students: “I just came to visit your teacher.”

Just as the students were about to meet in a prostration, a gentle force directly supported them.

“Don’t call a teacher yet, because you haven’t got my approval yet.”

Afterwards, a group of students held a strange sword posture with their swords under the action of a gentle force.

“Holding this position for an hour is qualified to call me a teacher.”

“The students who persist to the end will get a small gift.”

A fine spirit sword of the Magical Item level appeared in Wang Xiangchi’s hands. This was the spirit sword that Xu Fan casually refined for him back then. He still has more than a dozen such spirit swords, and now he is going to give it away.

“This is the spirit sword that I used during the qi refining period, and the student who can persist to the end, this spirit sword belongs to him.”

“Not only that, I will also teach a kind of kendo supernatural power in the future.” Wang Xiangchi said.

Hearing the reward for sticking to the last one, all the students who maintained their swordsmanship, the fighting spirit in their eyes instantly ignited.

In Wang Xiangchi’s perception, the mental state of these children reached a peak in an instant.

“Is this the amount of mental energy that the Master said.” Looking at the students with aloof fighting spirit, Wang Xiangchi remembered what the Master said.

For some reason, watching these hard-working children, Wang Xiangchi suddenly wanted to play a BGM to help.

Negligence has found a little joy in being a teacher. Whenever someone can’t hold on, Wang Xiangchi will always appear next to the student and give a soft encouragement.

An hour has passed, and some students with poor physique have reached their limit, and they are all using their will to persevere.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xiangchi remembered the scene of his first meeting with the Master.

“Don’t be called Master. I will recognize you as an apprentice when this sword is maintained for three hours.” At that time, Xu Fan said with a relaxed and comfortable expression, and there were senior brothers and second senior sisters beside him encouraging him.

Unknowingly, an hour has passed, Wang Xiangchi put away his memories, and said to the students: “Yes, an hour has come, you are all very good, you are qualified to call me a teacher.”

“The next step is to see who can stick to the end.” Wang Xiangchi said with a smile.

At this time, the sky was approaching dusk, and the sunset reflected in the dojo, which was extremely poetic.

The assistant teacher looked enviously at the group of students who maintained their swordsmanship. He knew that the appearance of the master swordsman had given this group of students a chance to change their own destiny.

As time went by, when the shadow of the sun set over all the students, the first student who could not hold on appeared, a ten-year-old girl.

The little girl who collapsed on the ground was a little confused at this time.

“Sorry, teacher, I didn’t hold on to the end.” The little girl said unwillingly, and then fainted.

Wang Xiangchi then threw out Magic Treasures next to his palace.

A three-story building appeared.

“Assistant, help her upstairs to rest.” Wang Xiangchi said.


The assistant teacher quickly hugged the little girl into the small building.

Wang Xiangchi looked at this group of students who had reached their limits and said: “Now persisting or giving up will not affect the teacher’s view of you.””There is only one reward. If you feel you can’t do it, it doesn’t matter if you give up.”

After Wang Xiangchi finished speaking, looking at the unshakable group of students, he felt that the reward he had given out was greater than he expected.

As time passed, more and more students fell, and in the end only two students remained.

One of them has the protagonist’s face that Xu Fan said, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a handsome posture. He has a face that can get a 10% off wedding gift, which proves that this child is not easy.

Another student was ordinary-looking, and his parents couldn’t find a public face in the crowd.

“Tell me, your names.” Wang Xiangchi walked to the two and said.

“Jian Wuji” said the student with the protagonist’s face.

“Han Feiyu” the ordinary student said.

“Can you still hold on?” Wang Xiangchi said with interest.

At this time, I’m almost close to myself at that time, no, I’m almost done. I was six years old at that time, and now these two students are both in their early ten years old.

“En” X2

“Then continue.”

Wang Xiangchi stood beside them and looked at them with admiration. He didn’t expect that in an ordinary Xuan-level class, the two talents of Wolong and Phoenix would appear at the same time.

The sword they maintained was created by Xu Fan to test Wang Xiangchi.

This sword force consumes a lot of human spirit and body, but if you have an understanding of the sword in your hand and the sword force, it will be easier.

“The name of this sword is called’tenacity.’ This sword contains a kind of Sword intent.”

“A Sword intent that is persevering and still alive.”

“If you can comprehend it, future achievements will at least reach the Gold Core period.”

“You can feel the Sword intent in this sword force with your heart.” Wang Xiangchi encouraged, and gave them a hand of BGM by the way.

When the music sounded, under the guidance of the BGM of the two students who maintained their swordsmanship, they entered the epiphany mode.

Looking at these two students, Wang Xiangchi looked in the direction of Yinling Island and said, “Do you want to introduce them to Yinlingmen?”

At this time, Xu Fan, who was refining in the underground space, received a message from Wang Xiangchi.

“Yeah, this stinky boy has gone to be a teacher, so he has an idea.”

Then Xu Fan saw Wang Xiangchi’s photo of the two students falling into enlightenment, and asked him if he wanted to lead them into Sect.

“Jian Wuji, Han Feiyu.”

“You can’t keep the name at first sight, let it go.”

Then Xu Fan asked Grape to return a message to Wang Xiangchi.

“To make a good destiny, there is no need to introduce Sect, just follow the destiny.”

Seeing Xu Fan’s news, Wang Xiangchi was stunned. The criteria for accepting disciples by his Master or Sect has always been a mystery.

When he and Li Xingci went out to accept as an apprentice, they also met a heaven-defying child, but in the end they all failed the Master’s test.

Once he curiously asked Li Xingci what Sect’s criteria for accepting disciples were.

Li Xingci thought for a while and said, “The Master recruits not disciples, but family members.”

Li Xingci still doesn’t understand this sentence very well, but has a vague concept.

At this moment, two indomitable Sword intents started from the two students ascending, and then the two of them collapsed on the ground like frustrated balls.

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