Chapter 227 Calabash

Wang Xiangchi looked at the unconscious two people and waved out two puppets.

“Take these two students to the Magic Treasures palace to rest.” Wang Xiangchi ordered. Because the Heavenly Sword City has signal coverage, Grape can remotely control these puppets.

“Yes.” The electronic sound played.

At this time, after sending the students back to the dormitory, the assistant returned to Wang Xiangchi.

Looking at the two students supported by the puppets, the assistant teacher hurriedly said, “Senior, let me send them back to the dormitory.”

“Jian Wuji, he has to be sent home.”

“Does Jian Wuji go home every night?” Wang Xiangchi asked.

“Yes, he has to go back to take care of his mother.” said the assistant.

“Tell me about his situation.”

“Jian Wuji is actually the most gifted student in the class. He could have entered the Tianji class and the tuition was free, but it was because he wanted to accompany his mother through the past few years.”

“The past few years have happened to be the most critical years. He couldn’t concentrate on learning kendo, so he lost the value of training, so he finally entered the Xuan-level class.”

“What disease did his mother get?” Wang Xiangchi asked.

“It’s a strange disease that has passed away. The vice-president of the conjugation period has been to see it, but the reason is still not found.”

After listening to the teaching assistant, Wang Xiangchi took out a liquid-filled Calabash Magical Item and handed it to the assistant.

“This kid won first place today. My teacher can’t help but say that here is a small jar of moon dew water that can restore a small amount of vitality. You can give it to Jian Wuji’s mother.”

“It can alleviate some illnesses, and one bowl a day is enough.” Wang Xiangchi ordered.

“Understood.” The teaching assistant said with Calabash filled with moon-dew water, and at the same time sighed Jian Wuji’s good luck.

The assistant teacher held Jian Wuji, and Yu Jian flew towards the distance.

“Getting a good relationship, this thing couldn’t be simpler.” Wang Xiangchi said with a smile looking at the sky.

At this moment, Wang Xiangchi received another message from Xu Fan.

“Look for Han Feiyu’s small jade bottles, small Calabash, small coins, etc., which are invisible to him.” Wang Xiangchi said puzzledly.

Following Wang Xiangchi’s instructions, within a short while, a puppet came to Wang Xiangchi with a small jasper Calabash.

At this time, Wang Xiangchi entered the room in the palace. Send a call request to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan, who was in the process of refining, quickly connected Wang Xiangchi’s call request.

“Have you found it?” Xu Fan asked excitedly.

“Master, I found it. It’s a little Calabash in Jasper. I can’t see the calendar.” Wang Xiangchi said.

At this time, a light curtain appeared next to Xu Fan, and it was the Jade Calabash displayed above.

Xu Fan became excited for a moment, and this thing was at least a fairy weapon based on the configuration of pig’s feet.

“okay, I get it.”

“Put this thing back, this Han Feiyu is the key support object.”

“Satisfy all the needs of this kid.” Xu Fan said.

“Understand, the disciple is curious, why didn’t you take him to the Yinling Sect.” Wang Xiangchi asked curiously.

“You don’t understand what you said, you just do it”

“Understood Master.” Wang Xiangchi said.

After turning off the call, Xu Fan continued to refine.

“I found that all the local pig’s feet I encountered were Li Xiaoyao, Feng Changning, Han Feiyu…””I don’t know if there is any fellow from the past life, come over and chat with me.”

“How is the world over there? I have been waiting for the updated novel to end.”

“Has the chip country been made yet?”

Xu Fan didn’t know where he was floating as he spoke.

Early in the morning, Han Feiyu woke up from a soft big bed. Thanks to Xu Fan, he was upgraded from a single room to a presidential suite.

Han Feiyu was awakened in an instant, and suddenly stood up and looked around vigilantly.

After seeing that his clothes had been changed, Han Feiyu’s face instantly paled, and a dangerous thought appeared in his mind.

Although he is a cultivator who just started cultivating immortals, he also understands the value of the treasure he owns.

Just as Han Feiyu was thinking about it, two puppets walked into the room with their plates.

There are sundries on a plate. On the other plate is Han Feiyu’s daily sundries, and the Jasper Calabash he cares most about is in it.

“This is the master’s palace. You fainted yesterday, and the master asked me to take care of you.”

“This is your clothes. It has been washed. There are also these items. You can see a lot less.” The puppet’s unique electronic voice said.

“Thank you,” Han Feiyu said, looking at the clean clothes, his heart warmed slightly, except for his parents, no one has treated him so well.

At the same time, I made a secret decision in my heart, never fainting at will in the future.

At this time, another puppet came in with breakfast.

“Master said, this is your number one treatment.” The puppet was placed on the table beside the bed.


Looking at the breakfast on the table, Han Feiyu swallowed quietly. A bowl of ling rice and minced meat porridge, plus three steamed buns, this is the breakfast accessory he always wanted.

In the morning, on the dojo dedicated to the Xuan-level second-character class, all fifty students arrived in order, neatly arranged in front of Wang Xiangchi.

“Hello teacher!” Fifty students looked at Wang Xiangchi with respect and bowed in unison.

“Good.” Wang Xiangchi said with a smile, with a strange feeling in his heart, and it feels good to be a teacher.

“I was very satisfied with your performance yesterday, and you will all be my students in the future.”

“Now I will honor what I said yesterday.”

“Han Feiyu, Jian Wuji, come up,” Wang Xiangchi said.


Jian Wuji looked at Wang Xiangchi excitedly, his eyes full of gratitude.

This morning, he actually ate the breakfast his mother made for himself. You must know that in the morning, his mother was usually asleep.

After learning the reason, Wang Xiangchi entered the ranks of Jian Wuji’s benefactor.

“You fainted together yesterday, so even tied for first place.”

Two spirit swords appeared in Wang Xiangchi’s hands, both of which were accessories used during his refining period, and they were of the same quality.

“I will work hard in the future to help the teacher get the first place among the students.” Wang Xiangchi smiled.

“It will live up to the teacher’s expectations.” The two bowed together.


Hidden Spirit Island, underground space, Xu Fan played a game of exploring the demon world while refining weapons.

“Subject, can you be more serious,” Clone No.1 vomited.

“I don’t portray rune, what’s serious or not?” Xu Fan said nonchalantly.

While playing, he still murmured. During this period of bad luck, no spirit mine was found.

At this time, the grape next to him suddenly reported.

“Master, the thick armored badger clan of the demon spirit world sent a bunch of materials about the ancient times of the demon spirit world, and one of the messages should be more interesting to the owner,” said Grape.

“Who learned the fault of this half-sentence, if you have something to say, hurry up,” Xu Fan said.

“In ancient times, when the demon spirit world was ruled by the dragon clan, there was a kind of demon called the Heavenly Pregnancy Beast, whose god was shaped like a White Tiger.”

Hearing Grape’s words, Xu Fan instantly thought of the giant beast found underground in the demon spirit world. Isn’t that just like White Tiger?

“Go on.” Xu Fan said with interest.

“In ancient times, the Heavenly Pregnancy Beast was the royal beast of the Dragon Clan, and it was a divine beast that conceived and raised offspring for the Dragon Clan.”

“Pregnant and raise offspring?”

“Yes, the talent of the Heavenly Pregnancy Beast is to purify the blood of the beast, it can conceive all the children of the beast, and the blood of the child born is purer than that of the parent.” Grape said.

“Damn, isn’t this just a…” Xu Fan said in shock. He didn’t expect to have such a talented beast.

At this moment, Xu Fan was taken aback, and a thought came to his mind: Isn’t that pregnant beast has a child in its belly?

“Grape, did you check the belly of the pregnant beast that day.” Xu Fan said, and the Five Elements spirit fire that refining the spirit mine in his hand began to dim, as if it was going to be extinguished.

“Subject, fire!” Clone One reminded.

“I know.” Xu Fan recovered for a while, and the Five Elements Spirit Fire returned to its original level.

“After you came out, Master, the pregnant beast was in a closed state that day.” Grape said.

“Then what are you waiting for? Send the puppets to find them.” Xu Fan said.


After the grape’s voice disappeared, Xu Fan controlled the underground digging puppet in the demon spirit world to dig in the direction of the celestial pregnant beast.

A month later, Xu Fan was a little surprised at the one-person egg delivered by the puppet.

Looking at the dark blue stripes on the egg, Xu Fan said with emotion: “The dragon egg is from the dragon egg, and the spiritual path of the rune above is of the immortal level.”

Xu Fan looked at this egg for a long time.

“There is no breath of life, Divine Sense can’t detect it. I guess this dragon egg was sealed by someone else, and it’s still a quasi-celestial seal.”

“Unfortunately, the plan to raise a dragon was shattered.” Xu Fan said depressedly.

“Let it go first, maybe one day, this egg will hatch.”

Xu Fan said and waved his hand, leaving a mark of own spirit on the dragon egg.

“Grape, find a secret and safe place where Spiritual Qi is sufficient to put this egg.” Xu Fan ordered.


Within a short time, a team of heavy armored puppets came to the stage of transformation, and the protector Dragon Egg entered the depths of the underground space, which was also the underground of Lingye Lake.

Two months later, with the three magical fluctuations in the underground space, the Chentie Dao Item spirit sword refined by the first clone has been trained.

Looking at the three Dao Item spirit swords that had been refined, Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

“Yes, the feedback for refining Dao Item this time is normal.”

“If this time is the same as last time, who can stand it.”

“Okay, tell Ning Elder to take the Dao Item spirit sword.”

“This will Ning Elder estimates that he is looking forward to the completion of his Dao Item spirit sword refining every day.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“As for the remaining two, wait until my good brother reaches the stage of transformation.”


A tool puppet took away the Dao Item spirit sword in the hands of clone number one.At this time, Ning Dao, who was guarding the Linsen fairy town, received the news that his Dao Item spirit sword was successfully refined.

At this moment, all the immortal cultivators in Linsen Xiancheng seemed to have some sense, and looked up to the sky.

I saw a Sword Ray across the entire Linsen Fairy City, and the sword marks that Sword Ray left in the air could not dissipate for a long time.

“What’s wrong with the guardian today? Seeing that the speed is a bit wrong, whether there is an invasion by the demon clan, is there any urgent matter that can make the guardian’s master so fast.”

Members of the Elder Society who knew Ningdao talked.

At this time, the protection of the mountains of Yinlingdao still had time to speak for Ningdao in the future. It was crossed by a Sword Ray.

Xu Fan, who was in the process of refining, raised his head and glanced in response.

“Fortunately, my guardian formation has an automatic recognition function, otherwise my big formation will be useless.”

“No, the plan to upgrade the Sect array has to be advanced.” Xu Fan said with a frown.

At the door of Wanbaofeng treasure house, an impatient figure appeared at the door of the treasure house.

“My sword,” Ning Dao said excitedly.

The guard puppet of the treasure house that had already been prepared took out a long white jade box and handed it to Ning Dao.

Ning Dao quickly returned to the own courtyard.

Excited, shaking hands.

At this time, Ning Dao’s mood was the same as that of his first dual cultivation with his wife.

He no longer remembers how he felt when he got the first Dao Item spirit sword. At that time, he thought it was only his first Dao Item spirit sword, but it would definitely not be the last one.

He had the same idea when he got the second Dao Item spirit sword.

Then he experienced the darkest moment of his life, until now.

Ning Dao gently placed a hand on the long white jade box, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “After 280 years, I finally have a second Dao Item spirit sword again.”

“This time, I want to let the entire world of cultivation know how powerful my double sword genre is.”

Gently opened the white jade long box, a pure silver long sword, with a blade like autumn frost, breathtaking.

Ning Dao picked up the spirit sword and placed it on the center of his forehead, carefully perceiving the aura emanating from this silver long sword.

“From now on, you will be called Qiushuang.”

At this time, another red Dao Item spirit sword appeared beside Ning Dao.

“Ruhuo, Qiushuang, I will treat you well,” Ning Dao said softly.

The sound of a sword sounded, no less than the sound of heaven in Ning Dao’s ears, he knew that this spirit sword had recognized himself.

One day later, Ning Dao thoroughly refined Qiushuang to become his own spirit sword.

Looking at the spirit swords flying happily in the sky, Ning Dao just wanted to try it out with a demon in the fit stage, and wanted to see if his dual swords were unfamiliar with their supernatural powers.

At this time, Ning Dao, who was unwilling to be nosy before, took out the communication Magic Treasures and dialed a guardian who was asking for help.

“Xinyuan fellow daoist, I heard that your demons are a bit fierce, do you need assistance.” Ning Dao first felt that it was not a bad thing to support other immortal cities.


In the offshore area of ​​the Endless Sea, Feng Changning has been in a giant island for a long time.

“This island is hundreds of times the size of the capital of the country I used to rule.”

“There is no fairy city here, and even the cultivator is pitiful.”

“This place has been attacked by sea beasts for years. Although the strength is not strong, it is enough to make those civilians unable to survive in the seaside area.”

“The only good thing is that there are enough mortals in the interior of this island. They are my greatest resource.”

Feng Changning hid in the clouds and said, looking at the city-state town below.

Now she has a clear plan in her mind. She wants to build an empire where mortals and cultivators coexist.

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