Chapter 228 Golden Horn Bull Whale Skeleton

In the area of ​​the Moon Shadow Fairy City, Qiu Shuang pierced through the body of the Yan Niu demon clan in the fit stage, and pierced the demon spirit cleanly.

The body of the Yanniu Demon Race is complete, with only a small hole in the chest.

Compared to Yan Niu’s huge body, it seemed a little insignificant.

Ning Dao looked at own masterpiece with satisfaction.

“Yes, after so many years, the craftsmanship still hasn’t fallen behind.” Ning Dao said, looking at Xinyuan who was falling into a fierce battle in the distance.

“Xinyuan fellow daoist, why is it so hard to kill Yan Niu.”

Xinyuan, who was fighting against the Yanniu during the fit period, rolled his eyes.

At the beginning, he was a little wondering why he would rather come over to help him this time instead of being nosy at ordinary times.

When Ning Dao took out two Dao Item spirit swords during the battle, Xinyuan understood them all.

Feelings, you are showing off the new Dao Item spirit sword.

“A general fit cultivator like me, dare to compare with the dual sword style of the fellow daoist.”

“Ning fellow daoist is coming, I can’t stand it anymore,” Xin Yuan said.

“Xinyuan fellow daoist can’t even handle this Yan Niu.” Ning Dao asked, showing off and satisfying his own vanity, but not really helping.

“I just want to appreciate the power of Ning fellow daoist double sword flow more clearly.”

Old Man Sao, Xinyuan complained in his heart.

Ning Dao’s expression was taken aback, and there was a hint of joy in his heart.


Ruhuo, Qiu Shuang, two Dao Item spirit swords came out, quickly ending the battle.

Ning Dao returned to Linsen Xiancheng with satisfaction with the two corpses of the Yan Niu of the fit stage.

At this time Xu Fan was still refining the vessel.

“I hope this Dao Item will not trigger the same effect last time.” Xu Fan said with a guilty conscience.

Strictly speaking, the demonic star of the last time has fallen out of the scope of the low-level Dao Item.

This weakened version of grapes, logically speaking, should belong to the junior Dao Item. At that time, Xu Fan was a little uncertain.

“Yes, something was done during refining.”

Xu Fan has one mind and two purposes, deducing how to solve Dao Item’s feedback while refining tools.


Three months later, in the dojo of the Xuan-level B-character class of the Heavenly Sword Academy.

Wang Xiangchi nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the fifty people in cultivation.

Although most of the aptitudes are not good, they are all good kids who know hard work.

At this time, the temperament of the students in the Xuan-level B-character class has changed drastically, and every student is like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

At dusk.

“Okay, everyone performed well, and you have mastered the most basic swordsmanship.”

“Tomorrow, I will show you some exciting games.”

“Everyone get ready.” Wang Xiangchi said with a smile.

“Teacher, what game to play tomorrow.”

“Are there any rewards for tomorrow’s game.”

“Will the teacher take out a spirit sword to reward us again.”

50 students chirping.

“Quiet! Listen to the teacher.” The assistant teacher said next to him.

“It’s all gone, just take a good rest today.” Wang Xiangchi waved his hand, which means today’s class has been completed.”Senior, what game is tomorrow.” The assistant teacher also asked curiously.

“You will know tomorrow, very exciting game.” Wang Xiangchi smiled.

At this time, Jian Wuxi, who was supposed to leave school, returned with a food box.

“Teacher, this is my mother’s dinner for you.”

Jian Wujifeng put down the food box and ran towards the entrance of the Heavenly Sword Academy, for fear that Wang Xiangchi would call him back.

“This stinky boy.” Wang Xiangchi looked at the food box and cursed with a smile.

Since Jian Wuji’s mother had the moon dew water to regain his vitality, she brought a few small dishes to Wanxiang Chi every day.

Although the meat dishes used in the dishes are mortal, after being fried by Jian Wuji Niang’s hands, they are extremely delicious.

Later, I learned that before Mother Jian Wuji fell ill, she was a famous chef in Tianjian City.

“You go back, you have worked hard during this time.” Wang Xiangchi said to the teaching assistant.

“These are what I should do.” The assistant teacher said, and his heart began to get excited. If he will perform well in the future, will he become a senior’s domestic slave?

The assistant teacher left after speaking, staying by Wang Xiangchi’s side not excessively.

At this time, Han Feiyu turned back again, holding a high-quality sword stone in his hand, and ran over to Wang Xiangchi and said, “Teacher, I found a stone at the market yesterday. I smashed it open to see that it turned out to be a top-grade stone. The sword stone.”

“I can’t use it, I came here to honor the teacher.” Han Feiyu said hehe.

“You save it for later use. Don’t take good things and spread it around.”

Speaking of this, Wang Xiangchi suddenly thought of something and took out an empty storage bag. It was thrown to Han Feiyu.

“You can’t use my Interspatial Ring. You can use it first, and then buy the Interspatial Ring if there are Spirit Stones.”

“As for the sword stone, you still keep it for yourself, the teacher doesn’t like these things.” Wang Xiangchi waved his hand and said.

A sword stone containing Sword intent may be a good thing for a general cultivator, but for him, it is obviously a tasteless one. With the Master, you can watch the live version of any Sword intent.

Han Feiyu who received the storage bag looked at Wang Xiangchi and said, “Teacher, why are you so good to me.”

Looking at the world in the cold from a young age, he knew from a young age that there is no free lunch in this world, let alone love for no reason.

“First, the teacher wants you to be the first among the members.”

“Second, this sword stone may be of some use to others, but for your teacher, it is no different from a stone.”

“The teacher exchanged him for Spirit Stones and didn’t bother to exchange it.” Wang Xiangchi said indifferently.

“I see, teacher.” Han Feiyu said disappointedly. It seems that this teacher has to repay her kindness from other places.

Seeing Han Feiyu’s departure, Wang Xiangchi murmured, “What a lucky kid.”

The function of the Jasper Calabash has been analyzed by Xu Fan, and the Jasper Lake has the quality of Ascension.

Just like putting a low-grade Spirit Stones into it, it will become medium-grade Spirit Stones, top-grade Spirit Stones, even top-grade Spirit Stones, and so on.

“Master, don’t you like such Magic Treasures?” Wang Xiangchi asked at that time.

For him, this Jasper Calabash is simply within reach.

“You have greed.” Xu Fan frowned and said while looking at Wang Xiangchi.

“There is no trace of greed, the disciple is just curious.”

“Curious ass, why do you disdain things Master want to be greedy.”

Xu Fan then hung up the call.


Han Feiyu’s single dormitory.

“Isn’t the Master dissatisfied with this sword stone? Do you want to give top-grade Spirit Stones?” Han Feiyu said with Jasper Calabash in his hand.

“Forget it, the teacher has a mysterious background. The teacher probably doesn’t like the things I have made now, so I can only talk about it later.”

Han Feiyu said, took out a fine-quality pill of cultivation, ate it, and began to cultivate.

In the B-character class, he and Jian Wuji ranked first in the class, all relying on the support of these best-quality elixirs-free spirit pills.

In the evening, Tianjian Academy built a small courtyard specially for Wang Xiangchi.

Li Xingci and Wang Xiangchi had a drink.

Looking at Wang Xiangchi, who looked like a teacher, Li Xingci smiled and said: “I thought that after Sect, the third senior brother would become a ruthless swordsman who slayed demons and demons.”

“It’s also possible that it’s the Happy Sword Fairy who wanders in the world of cultivating immortals.”

“I thought about everything, but I never thought that Brother San regretted becoming a teacher in the academy.”

“It’s very strange.”

Wang Xiangchi held up the wine glass and drank with Li Xingci.

“Haha, outside of reason, as expected.” Li Xingci said.

“I asked you to bring things, have you brought them?” Wang Xiangchi asked.

“How could I forget what the senior brother explained.”

Li Xingci took out the Illusion Art cabin and put it on the table.

“I have adjusted the difficulty of the illusion inside, so you really care about your students,” Li Xingci said.

“It’s all a group of children with poor qualifications. I just want to give them a glimmer of hope.”

He has a clearer view of the fate of his own group of students in the future.

“You are already a qualified teacher by doing this.”

“Brother, come on, try to hand over a few enchanting evildoers, like Master to prove that you are better than him as a Master.” Li Xingci said with a smile.

Ever since Xu Fan eliminated the sequelae of Baishi Samsara’s supernatural powers for Li Xingci, he has become more cheerful, and he usually makes more jokes for some close people.

“Haha, I still want to live longer. Besides, I don’t have the master’s heaven-defying ability.” Wang Xiangchi held up the wine glass again and drank with Li Xingci.

“Haha, too.”

“By the way, this is a gift from the teacher.” Li Xingci took out a spirit sword and handed it to Wang Xiangchi.

“Madam is back!” Wang Xiangchi said in surprise.

“After two days and left again, the Master was very melancholy and started to refine the equipment himself.” Li Xingci said.

“Well, I don’t know when the Master and Madam will be together.” Wang Xiangchi said.

He had heard of Xu Fan and Zhang Weiyun when he was a child.

At that time, Xu Fan and Zhang Weiyun had just become dao companions, and Zhang Weiyun was taken away by the Mahayana Venerable apprentice.

“It is said that Madam is still a virgin.” Li Xingci said in Eight Trigrams.

“Hey!” The two brothers sighed together.

At this time, Xu Fan was fortunate to be concentrating on refining tools. If he were to let him know the conversation between the two people, it would probably explode on the spot.


After Ning Dao suppressed a group of monsters, he returned to Yinlingmen.

“I want to talk to Elder.”

Back in his small courtyard, Ning Dao said to the tool puppet next to him.

“Ning Dage, what’s the matter?” Xu Fan’s voice came from the tool puppet.

“The monster you asked me to find, I found it for you.”

Ning Dao casually released the three sealed five-spirited monkeys, all of the strength of the Void Refining Period.

Xu Fan, who was in the process of refining, said in surprise after seeing these three five-linged monkeys: “This is a five-linged monkey!”

“Thank you Ning Elder.”

“Between us brothers, thank you,” Ning Dao said.

Since getting Xu Fan to refine the Dao Item spirit sword for him, Xu Fan has become Ning Dao’s brother.

“Seal it first and stock it on the satellite island.” Xu Fan said.


So the pangolin has three little brothers.

At this time, Ning Dao suddenly laughed embarrassedly.

“Ning Dage will just say if he wants to, don’t do this, I’m afraid.” Xu Fan said while controlling the tool puppet.Ning Dao took out another complete skeleton.

“This is the skeleton of the Demonic Beasts golden horned bull whale. I don’t know if Elder can help me refine a set of Magic Treasures.”

Recently, Ningdao’s combat power has risen sharply, and now the record among the guards of the Elder Society is among the best.

So he drifted a bit and began to think of the problem of the cards.

Xu Fan glanced at the golden horned bull whale’s skeleton and said lightly: “A golden horned bull whale in the Mahayana period can grow up to one kilometer. This skeleton is 1,130 meters long, which is the perfect strength of the Mahayana period.”

“It is not a problem to refining a Dao Item level car Magic Treasures. It is the turn to refining this Dao Item. Ning Dage has to wait at least 20 years, and Ning Dage can’t push me in the middle,” Xu Fan said.

“Haha, Elder joked, this kind of thing will never happen in the future.” Ning Dao said awkwardly. At that time, he did urge a bit harder, even some not wanting face.

“That’s fine, the horns of the golden horned bull whales will belong to me.” Xu Fan said.

“no problem.”

Ning Dao then pressed out the two Yanniu corpses, which were also counted as Xu Fan’s reward.

When the transaction was concluded, Xu Fan’s sight returned to the refiner.

“There are still two months left. After these two pieces of grapes are refined, I will rest for a month.” Xu Fan said through gritted teeth.

“For some things, it’s better to do it as a clone.”

The clone number one who was assisting Xu Fan’s refining device was stunned for a moment.

“Haha, I’m sorry, I didn’t stop talking for a while.”

“It’s not what you think.” Xu Fan forced an explanation.

“………” Clone one.

At this time, the voice of grapes sounded.

“Master, Outer Sect Elders wants to talk to you.”

“It’s not his fellow who is coming, right?” Xu Fan said.

“Take it over.”

“Outer Sect Elders have seen the big Elder.” The voice of the teacher exhibition sounded.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t it mean that the Outer Sect affairs were handed over to you to handle them?” Xu Fan said.

“It’s not an Outer Sect thing, but my old friend Feng Changning is visiting. She wants to see Elder.” Shi Zhan said.

“Okay, I see, you arrange her to live on Outer Sect Island first.”

“I will see her in a month.” Xu Fan said.

The large-scale empress entrepreneurship drama is about to begin. Xu Fan thought in his heart.


Then the call ends.

At this time, all the spirit mine treasures have been tempered, and the rest is to describe the rune array.


Hidden Spirit Gate, on the Outer Sect island.

At this time, the Outer Sect of the Hidden Spirit Gate has more than 10,000 members, and there are more than 6,000 permanent residents on the island, and the highest Cultivation Base reaches the Nascent Soul stage.

At this time, the teacher’s exhibition brought the wind Changming wandering on the island.

“Big Elder estimates that he will be in Closed Door Training, and I won’t see you until a month later.” Teacher Zhan said.

“It’s okay, just wait a month.” Feng Changning said with a smile. In this unfamiliar world of cultivating immortals, it is extremely happy to be with old friends.

The two strolled on a grassland, and there was a big river in the distance where wild horses were drinking.

“You have found a suitable place.” Shi Zhan said in silence for a long time.

“I found it, a giant island near the endless sea. There is enough time for me to develop for a hundred years.”

Speaking of his career, Feng Changning’s eyes lit up.

“Then you are asking for someone from Elder this time.” Shi Zhan said.

“The person who knows me best is indeed you.” Feng Changning showed a slightly admiring expression, and brought the teacher exhibition back to the era of war.

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