Chapter 230 Jade Calabash

When Xu Fan left the 100,000-mile giant lake, Ning Dao, who was in the Insight Swordsmanship at the small courtyard, raised his head and looked in the direction where Xu Fan was leaving.

“Puppet, how long has our Elder been out?” Ning Dao asked curiously.

“Since the establishment of Sect, the owner has not walked out of the 100,000-mile giant lake.”

“It’s been 31 years now,” said the puppet.

“Really able to stay.” Ning Dao sighed.


Linsen Xiancheng, some members of Outer Sect have been waiting here for a long time.

“Big Elder, please get in the car.” A Nascent Soul cultivator said respectfully.

In the Outer Sect of the hidden spirit gate, everyone wants to climb the relationship with Xu Fan, the great Elder of the hidden spirit gate.

“Trouble.” Xu Fan said kindly.

“It’s an honor for me to drive for Elder.” Nascent Soul cultivator said respectfully.

The driving cultivator was originally a cultivator who was lucky enough to cultivate to the Nascent Soul period. After being promoted to the Nascent Soul period, he found that he did not have the joy of the previous Gold Core period.

There is no Cultivation Technique, no corresponding magical powers, and no Spirit Stones. The original job of earning Spirit Stones, and wanting to buy the Magic Treasures magical powers of the Nascent Soul period, is far away. At that time, his combat power was not as good as some two. Senior disciple of the third-rate Sect Gold Core stage.

Originally thought that he could only spend his life in Xiancheng. One day when Life had a turn for the better, he was spotted by a Sect and asked him to be an Outer Sect disciple. At first he was a little skeptical, but after seeing Spirit Stones and Magic Treasures, his fate Also quietly changed.

Now he is in charge of intelligence collection in Linsen City. Such a life of 1,000 Contribution Points for a year, plus all other small tasks, will not take many years, his Cultivation Technique, magical powers, and Magic Treasures will all be available.

And all of this comes from Elder, the hidden spirit gate that is now his car.

The animal car was very fast, driven by the cultivator of the Nascent Soul period, very smooth, and it didn’t take long for it to reach the center of the teleportation array in Xiancheng.

“It’s been a long time since I did a teleportation array.”

After Xu Fan got out of the car, he looked at the center of the palace-like teleportation formation and said, after speaking, he walked in.

The member of Outer Sect, the hidden spirit gate on the beast car behind him, shook the communication Magical Item.

“I didn’t expect to get 100 Contribution Points for sending Elder, not bad.” The members of Outer Sect Nascent Soul period looked at the newsletter Magical Item and said with a smile.

Outside the Tianjian Xiancheng Teleportation Center, Wang Xiangchi received Xu Fan.

“Master, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have come out after the establishment of the Hidden Spirit Gate.”

“Is that child so important?” Wang Xiangchi said with a smile, knowing that his Master came for Han Feiyu.

“It seems that I haven’t come out seriously.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“I came here to open my eyes, nothing else.” Xu Fan said.

“Master is talking about Feiyu…”


“I will go back after reading it. I wanted to let the clone come, but I was afraid of missing the charm of this thing.” Xu Fan said while on the animal cart, looking at the streets on both sides.

Tianjian Academy, Xu Fan and Wang Xiangchi quietly stepped into Han Feiyu’s dormitory. At this time, Han Feiyu had passed out and fell asleep.

Xu Fan waved his hand gently, and the storage bag under Han Feiyu’s pillow appeared in Xu Fan’s hand.

“The teacher is doing a good job, and he knows to send students storage bags.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and he saw the marks on the storage bags.

“Master, didn’t you tell me to take care of it.” Wang Xiangchi said hehe.

Looking at the botched personal mark on the storage bag, Xu Fan easily bypassed Han Feiyu’s mark and opened the storage bag.

A small green Calabash appeared in Xu Fan’s hands.

“Is this the little Calabash that can strengthen everything? It seems to be more practical than that little jade bottle.”

At this time, Xu Fan Divine Sense entered Jasper Calabash.

At this time, Jasper Calabash suddenly lit up, and a message reached Xu Fan’s mind.

“The immortal weapon that has not yet recognized the Lord is really tempting.”

Looking at the jade bottle, Xu Fan did not look greedy in his eyes. Instead, he stared at the immortal text on Jasper Calabash, carefully observing it, and kept all the lines of the immortal text firmly in his heart.

“Time-type fairy texts, this time there is no waste of time.” Xu Fan continued to look at other fairy texts after speaking.

In Xu Fan’s perception, Jasper Calabash carried at least tens of thousands of immortal texts. The immortal array formed made Xu Fan’s scalp numb when he saw it. There were also some more subtle forms of immortal texts, based on Xu Fan’s current strength. can not see.

After one night, everything returned to its original state, and Xu Fan also returned to the Yin Lingmen.

“There are so many immortal texts, but unfortunately only those who really carry the will, and only one can be portrayed now.”

Xu Fan closed his eyes and started to insight into Xianwen.


In the morning, when Han Feiyu woke up, the first thing he did was to check the storage bag under his pillow.

Although he hadn’t had any accidents among the Heavenly Sword students for hundreds of years, he still felt insecure.

After he knew the usefulness of Jasper Calabash, he planned to start wandering among the fairy cities after graduating from the Heavenly Sword Academy, cultivating while hiding himself.

This goal changed after Wang Xiangchi came out. His current goal is to see if he can join the teacher’s Sect, and then roam the world of immortality.

After Han Feiyu’s storage bag, he saw that Jasper Calabash was still there and started a day of life.

Although Jasper Calabash is there, Han Feiyu always feels like being snooped, feeling that everything around him feels wrong.

This feeling remained until after seeing Wang Xiangchi.

At this time, it was not time for class. After the students greeted Wang Xiangchi, they returned to their positions.

Han Feiyu quietly came to Wang Xiangchi’s side.

“Teacher, I recently felt that the Sky Sword Academy was not safe. I woke up this morning and felt something was stolen.” Han Feiyu said quietly.

“Really, do you feel accurate.” A strange color flashed in Wang Xiangchi’s eyes.

“I have been very accurate since I was a child. There must be a thief in the Heavenly Sword Academy.” Han Feiyu said affirmatively.

“Then I have to take precautions recently.” Wang Xiangchi nodded and said, thinking that Master would not make such a mistake in his heart.

The next day, the treasure house of the Heavenly Sword Academy was stolen. It is said that when it was discovered that the treasure house was emptied, the scene was still filled with a stench, the kind that went deep into the soul.

Looking at the students caught in the illusion trial, Wang Xiangchi touched his chin and said, “So the feeling of flying rain is real.”

At this time, Wang Xiangchi suddenly thought about the stolen Interspatial Ring of his second elder sister, and then sent a message to Xu Yuexian.

After a while, Wang Xiangchi received a reply.

“wait for me.”

At this time, Xu Yuexian, who was looking for treasure in a Sect ruin, received the newsletter Magical Item and flew towards the nearest city of Xiancheng.

“Steal my storage ring, I must make you pay.” Xu Yuexian gritted his teeth and said.

Interspatial Ring was stolen, and now is her biggest shame.


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