Chapter 231 Venerable

In the Territory of Extreme Sky, the top combat force lineups of the two realms are facing each other across the fusion channel of the two realms.

The merging channel of the two worlds has reached the size of the starship fleet.

The rear of the Terran Starship Fleet is a planet the size of the Earth.

At a high tower above the planet, the Star Eyed Boy looked at the place where the two worlds merged, and said lightly: “The Heavenly Dao will of the two worlds has begun to merge.”

An old man next to the star pupil asked curiously: “Your honor, after the two worlds Heavenly Dao’s will merge, will the two worlds merge faster?”

“Yes, after the Heavenly Dao will of the two realms merge, it only takes ten years before the two realms can be completely merged.”

“That was the real battle at that time, and the silly bird on the other side was probably also waiting for that day,” said the young star with a smile.

“My dear, can our plan be implemented?” the white-haired old man asked.

“It’s still early. Although the blood phoenix game has been set, there are still some minor details that need to be improved.”

“Although I screamed stupidly all day long, that guy is not really stupid.”

“If it wasn’t for the silly bird to be too arrogant, I would really not be able to calculate it.” Xing Miao said with a smile, he looked at the fusion channel of the two worlds, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, an extremely domineering voice came.

“Xingling, you and I are here to stay here, it’s boring, do you want to have some fun?”

“How about the battleship duel? Ten battleships were dispatched.”

“Whoever loses, give the other party a fairy weapon.”

The domineering voice spread throughout the extremely empty realm.

“If you want to fight, you will fight. Our human race has few immortal weapons, so we won’t bet against you.”

The faint voice of the starry young man resounded in the domain of extreme sky.

With a wave of Golden-winged Great Peng, ten monster warships of the monster race sailed towards the fusion channel of the two worlds.

“Send ten star boats to fight, so that the demon race will not say that our human race is bullying the less.”

The young star star said to the old man beside him.


After a while, ten star boats came out of the Terran fleet and flew toward the fusion channel of the two worlds.

Then the two clans consciously gave up a large area for the two fleets for the two fleets to fight.

In the Star Boat of Human Race, Yujun Venerable looked excitedly at the cultivator in the master position.

“Left Dage, you must blow up that monster fleet.” Jade Lord Venerable said through stargazing, looking at the area ahead.

“Why are you more excited than I am, I said you don’t need to come over.”

“In case my starship is destroyed behind, neither of us can escape.”

The Venerable in the main control position looked helplessly at the Yujun Venerable next to him. I despise you so much, so don’t follow.

The Mahayana Venerable, who was unparalleled in combat, prefers to control starships to fight, and his level is average and addictive. Since he likes to control starships, this one has destroyed three starships, all of which were easily destroyed by the hostile forces of the Elder Society. It’s like being brushed by wild monsters in the game.

“Left Dage, if the Xingzhou is destroyed and I am there, will the disciples on the Xingzhou have a better chance of surviving?” Yujun Venerable said with a smile.

The two were talking, and ten human starships had already sailed into the war zone.

The monster warship on the opposite side of the monster race has already rushed towards the human warship at full force.

The battleships of the two races in the polar airspace have different focuses. The monster warships of the monster race pay more attention to close combat. Once the starship of the human race is close, it will not escape the fate of being torn apart.

With powerful defense and melee capabilities, the Human Race Starship warships can only fight with them at long distances.In this case, the Terran cultivator with accurate cannons is even more commendable.

At this time, the monster warship of the monster race has rushed past the fusion of the two worlds, and rushed towards the ten star boats of the human race.

The behemoth warship is like a tiger pounced on its food, swiftly galloping through the sky.

The behemoth of tens of thousands of meters appears extremely oppressive in the human astrology projection.

“Left Dage, when shall we fire?” Yujun Venerable next to the master position said nervously.

“It’s not yet time.” Venerable on the main control controlled Xingzhou to hide in a small Planet belt.

“The monster warships on the opposite side of this distance can react and control the monster races of those giant beast warships. All of them are good players who can move.”

At this time, the monster battleships on the opposite side seemed to have their own goals, flying towards their own prey.


Hidden Spirit Island.

Xu Fan, who was in Insight Xianwen, opened his eyes and looked at the sky suspiciously.

“Is this an air crash.”

In the light curtain in front of Xu Fan, a starship warship that lost its gravity turned into a ball of fire, smashing into the ground, and the landing position was calculated by grapes, and it happened to be not far from the hidden island.

Looking at the landing point, Xu Fan immediately summoned one hundred thousand Nascent Soul gold and one hundred puppets, which appeared in the expected landing point area.

“Luoshui Great Formation, get up!”

Tens of thousands of puppets quickly formed a large array of Luoshui under the control of Grape.

A water column with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters rose slowly under the control of the Luoshui large array.

“Now the Sect array is in a state of upgrading and cannot accept such a severe impact.” Xu Fan said, looking at the slowly rising giant water column.

I don’t know why, Xu Fan thought of the second clone of Sect, which was being upgraded, and it seemed that he hadn’t seen him for a long time.

Next time I saw the second clone, Xu Fan decided to give the second half of the animation to the second half of the animation.

As the flaming starship in the sky got closer and closer to the surface of the lake, a trace of thought flashed in Xu Fan’s eyes.

In the Territory of the Sky, the human race and the monster race will not be fighting.

In the starship transformed into meteors, two Mahayana Venerables are looking at each other.

The two Mahayana Venerables both showed helpless expressions.

“Left Dage, I didn’t mean it. I paid my own money to accompany this star boat, how about it?” Yujun Venerable said timidly, carefully watching Mahayana Venerable sitting in the main control position.

“I don’t understand why you mess up my rhythm every critical moment.”

“You’re still riding a horse with the sound of the shocking soul.” Mahayana Venerable, known as Zuo Dage, said a little angrily.

“Left Dage, at that critical moment, only the method I said can save the result of the destruction of this Starship warship.” Yujun Venerable said.

“You don’t even think about my strength. I can control the huge computing power required for that kind of operation.”

“Left Dage, you have to believe in yourself and believe in miracles.” Yujun Venerable said.

“The Xingzhou battleships are all destroyed, I believe in a fart. But anyhow the disciples on the Xingzhou are fine, or else they will lose a lot this time.”

“The bow of the Xingzhou battleship was destroyed, and it should be repaired after being thrown into the Tianlianzong. The loss is not too great.” Mahayana Venerable in the main control position said with a sigh.

“It’s just that we were destroyed in front of the nobleman, it seems that we are very incompetent.”

“Left Dage, don’t worry, I will help you find your Face.” Mahayana Venerable assured.

Get back a fart Face, you’re going to give someone a head again.

At this time, from the star boat, one could already vaguely see the outline of the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

“The landing point is a huge lake. If there is no one around, just don’t care.” Mahayana Venerable in the main control position said.

At this time, Yujun Venerable, who was reminiscing about the battle just now, suddenly felt like being peeped.

“Hey, this area is under control.”

Immediately, a purple light flashed in Venerable’s eyes, a large purple eye appeared in the sky, and the Zhen Yaoxing star in the distance showed its original shape directly.

“It turned out to be a Dao Item, is it interesting?”

“It seems that there is a Sect under this piece of airspace.”

“Left Dage, you said I guessed it right.” Mahayana Venerable smiled and said to Venerable in the master position.

“It’s still a guess, you will know by looking at the bottom.”

At this time, the Luoshui large formation composed of one hundred thousand puppets has been printed in front of the two Venerables.

“The big array of puppets, who is controlling so many puppets, so powerful.” Yujun Venerable exclaimed.

“It seems that we don’t need to act, someone will save us.”

At this time, Xu Fan looked at the star boat in the sky and formed the seal with his hands. Suddenly the entire Luoshui formation began to change.

A huge jade hand composed of lake water slowly lifted to the sky, the location just where the star boat was about to land.

During the exploration of Grape, the entire starship showed no signs of life or Spirit Power.

“If there is no one on this star boat, do you want to accept it?” Xu Fan then shook his head again and said, “I want to eat, and Elder will definitely notice such a big movement.”

“It’s not just a discovery, the landing position has been notified to us.” Ning Dao appeared beside Xu Fan and said with a smile.

“Well, I think too much.” Xu Fan said, touching his nose. ,

“There are also two Mahayana Venerables on the Xingzhou, both of them are Elders without serial numbers, one is Zuoshi Venerable, and the other is Yujun Venerable.” Ning Dao introduced Xu Fan.

At this time, under a magical gravitational force, the speed of the star boat in the sky was getting slower and slower, and finally, like a feather, gently landed on the jade hand composed of lake water.

Subsequently, under Xu Fan’s control, the Xingzhou was slowly placed on the satellite island.

The pangolin and three five-linged monkeys on the satellite island are watching the star boat curiously.

“This should be the warship of the human race, the warship that roams in the extreme sky, this is the master’s trophy.” The pangolin said.

“The master is supernatural, this must be the master’s spoils.”

“The master is the most wise. It’s nothing to destroy a few warships.”

“Master is amazing~”

Under the training of the pangolins, the three five-linged monkeys have slowly turned into flattering monkeys. Although Xu Fan has not dealt with these three five-linged monkeys, they must not affect the training of the pangolins.

“Well, you are right.” The pangolin looked at the three five-spirited monkeys with relief. It is not easy for our monster clan to survive in The Mortal Realm. If we don’t please the owner, how can we live comfortably.

At this moment, a huge momentum instantly locked the four monster races.

Two figures appeared in front of the four monster races.

“This Sect also has the habit of raising monsters.” Yunjun Venerable said while looking at the four monsters.

The pangolin, who was crushed on the ground by the aura, mustered up great courage, and knelt in front of the two Venerables, trying to straighten his direction.

“Hidden Lingmen Lake Patrolling Slaves have seen two Venerables.” The pangolin felt like he was walking in front of the ghost gate for a while.

After feeling the Mahayana Venerable aura, the pangolin instantly became cold, and a feeling of Death was wrapped around its demon spirit.

The pangolin swept the three five-spirited monkeys with his left light. Don’t be scared to death.

As a result, when I thought about it, I was half dead.

There were four streamers in the sky, Xu Fan, Xu Gang, Ning Dao, and Su Rantian fell not far from the two Venerables.

“Elder will be the guardian of the Senxian Town, Ning Dao, Su Rantian, and have seen Zuo Shi Venerable and Yujun Venerable.””Hidden Spirit Gate, Xu Fan and Xu Gang have seen Venerable.”

Four people salute.


“Sect is finally stationed in the Hundred Thousand Miles Giant Lake. It’s hard work for you to build Sect in the barren area.” Zuo Shi Venerable said. He was born in Linsen Xiancheng, so he knows this area very well.

“Venerable joked, this huge lake of 100,000 miles is a treasure for us.” Xu Fan said with a smile, thinking that he still wanted to keep a low profile.

“Being able to develop here has proven that Sect is not easy.” Zuo Shi Venerable praised.

“Ning Dao, Rantian, thank you Yinlingmen, Yinlingmen can help you work.” Yujun Venerable said, smiling at the puppets who were retreating in the distance.

“That is inevitable.”

At this time, Zuo Shi Venerable waved his hand to put away the star boat behind him, and then released hundreds of cultivators above the Void Refining Period. These were all crew members on the star boat.

“Well, I’m going to meet the Elder Club headquarters, Yujun, will you leave me alone?” Zuo Shi Venerable asked.

“Left Dage, let’s go first. I will discuss the way of puppets with this hidden spirit gate Elder.” Yujun Venerable said.


Zuo Shi Venerable flew towards Linsen Xiancheng with more than a hundred crew members.

Xu Fan looked at Yujun Venerable, who was curiously looking at the puppet in the distance.

You are leaving, wondering if you are a Mahayana Venerable.

“What are your two names?” Yujun Venerable asked.

“Junior Xu Fan.”

“Junior Xu Gang.”

“Are you brothers?” Yujun Venerable asked curiously.

“No, we are a teacher-student relationship.” Xu Fan said.

“Are you a disciple?”

“No, I am the Master.”


Yinlingmen main peak welcoming hall.

Xu Fan looked at Yujun Venerable with pain in his heart. What are you curious about?

“Did you refine the ball-shaped Dao Item in the sky?” Yujun Venerable asked.

“Right.” Xu Fan nodded.

“Puppets too.”


“Did you master the method of puppet refinement with puppet?” Yujun Venerable mysterious said.


“Then do you have a tool with huge computing power.”

“No, what Venerable wants to ask, you can ask directly, Junior will not hide it.” Xu Fan said.

“You are the Great Master, can you refine a puppet that can control the battle of the star boat, the one with huge computing power in the end.” Yujun Venerable asked the ultimate goal.

This is his habit. Whenever he meets the Great Master, which he thinks is a more powerful refiner, he asks this question again.

This is also an obsession with color pens. It’s a game to play, so I want to use auxiliary devices or open monsters.

After listening to Yujun Venerable’s words, Xu Fan tightened, isn’t this what the grape clone is doing.

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